A man buried under a mountain of debt drags the family to death
- The wealthy class is also steeped in superstition - Occasional - An economically backward person can be identified, but one who is in debt and paying high interest cannot be identified. Even the die-hards are shaken when seven members of the same family commit suicide at the same time and make a pilgrimage to the cremation together. After the funeral procession leaves, the onlookers resume their work. The elders of the family commit suicide, but never think of shortening their lives by walking in front of young children and women. Those who commit suicide may be thinking that after our death, the life of these children will become very harsh, so they take them along with them. Authorities and social organizations make many plans to ensure that no one remains hungry, but only family and caste people can bring a way out of people trapped in the clutches of financial debt. When cases of suicides of indebted farmers came to light, many schemes were implemented to free them from debt....