Were there ever rules of war in human history?

- The two wars currently being fought between Israel and Hamas are a kind of brutal war

- Opinion - P. Chidambaram

- Israel was created on the instructions of the United Nations and the Jewish people have been living on this land since 1948. Today's Israel has become so strong that it can single-handedly defeat its neighboring enemies.

Not only do the current wars on Earth raise the question of whether the human race is really more intelligent and well-educated than other creatures, I fear we may not be back to being primitive. Primitives (Stone Age) fought wars with rules and today's countries are fighting without rules.

Were there ever rules of war in human history? A poem written by Nettimayar laid down the ground rules for war between the Tamil kings. A king intending to wage war would utter a warning.

In which it is said that cows, priests, women, the sick, those who do not have children to be cremated should hurry to a safe place because our arrows are reaching at a fast pace.

During the time of Mahabharata, soldiers fought on the battlefield from sunrise to sunset. The battle would stop after sunset and start again the next morning.

Massacre for land

Compared to today, wars of the past were considered civilized and fought with rules, which are not seen in today's era. The two wars currently being played between Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Hamas are a kind of brutal war. There is indiscriminate bombardment. Cities and towns in Ukraine and Gaza are turning into ruins. Hospitals and schools are being completely destroyed. Thousands of children, women, elderly and sick are dying. Homeless desperadoes are being sheltered without basic facilities. Thousands of people have been forced to migrate to neighboring countries. Water supply and electricity have been cut off. Even food is not enough. There is a shortage of medicines. Trucks carrying equipment are being intercepted to help.

What is this war for? The issue in the Russia-Ukraine war is dominance. Between 1922 and 1991, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. Thousands of ethnic Russians settled in areas of Ukraine and became a dominant group. After independence, Ukraine has become a stalemate for NATO countries and Russia. Russia fears that if Ukraine joins NATO, NATO troops will move up to its borders. So Russia wants Ukraine to remain a neutral country and wants to annex the part of the area inhabited by ethnic Russians. The present war is for a piece of land. A piece of land is to be joined.

Even in the Israel-Hamas war, the conflict is going on over the issue of land. All Palestinians, some of whom are represented by Hamas, believe that the Jews have usurped their land. This part of the land is known as Palestine and is occupied by Arabs, Jews and Christians. Israel was created on the instructions of the United Nations and the Jewish people have been living on this land since 1948. Today's Israel has become so strong that it can single-handedly defeat its neighboring enemies. It is the only country with nuclear capability in the region. The tide of history may be in favor of Palestine but the fact remains that Israel cannot be wiped off the face of the earth.

Unauthorized United Nations

The United Nations (UN) is a weak organization. It cannot enforce the norms for which the United Nations was created. "We the people of the United Nations are determined to save future generations from a terrible war, in which mankind has twice suffered untold loss, and to ensure that armed forces are not used... and...."

But the United Nations is failing in its mission to protect against the scourge of war and to ensure that armed forces are not used. Also, the type of warfare has changed. There is no direct human-human war. Hand-to-hand combat is a thing of the past. Now the masin wars against the masin. Drones and missiles collide. Fights missile-anti-missile.

If the world does not succeed in resolving land disputes, wars will continue. There is also a land dispute between India and Pakistan. Right-wing extremists are labeling the Indo-Pak conflict as Hindu India and Islamic Pakistan. However, this theory is nonsense. Both countries accepted partition and independence laws. There is a dispute over the land that Pakistan is coveting. There is also a land dispute between India and China, but it is somewhat complicated, as a large part of the border land is unmarked and claimed by both. For this, not war but dialogue is the only way. The Prime Minister has said that this is not an age of war.

Lack of tribunal

Pope Francis has repeatedly pleaded for peace with Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Hamas, but no one listens. Even one of his predecessors made many pleas for no more war, never again, but these have fallen on deaf ears and countless wars continue to be fought on earth.

More than 150 countries ratified the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The International Tribunal for the Enforcement of the Law on the Use of Marine Areas has resolved many disputes. Similarly, we expect an international tribunal to be formed to resolve land disputes. The lack of such a tribunal will continue to lead to wars resulting in countless deaths and destruction.


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