Blast in Kerala, effect of Gulf War or act of Al Qaeda-IS?

- Three blasts among people gathered for morning prayers have shocked everyone, the dangerous intentions behind it are understandable.

- The Kerala bomb blasts took place at a Christian convention, so it is natural to point fingers at the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. Both Islamic State and Al Qaeda have networks in Kerala, modules of both are active in Kerala, it has been proven before. The modus operandi of the Islamic State and Al Qaeda is to target places that cause high casualties. With two thousand people gathered in the church in Kalamassery, it was a great opportunity for organizations like Islamic State and Al Qaeda to detonate and terrorize. Given these reasons, this bomb blast could be a terrorist act.

There is a tense atmosphere in Kerala due to the war between Hamas and Israel, where three bomb blasts on Sunday morning have shocked everyone. Only one person was killed in the 3 bomb blasts that went off in the morning in the convention center of Kalamassery, Kerala, but the fact that these blasts were carried out at a Christian prayer meeting reveals the dangerous intentions behind it.

Over two thousand people gathered for Sunday morning prayers at the convention center in Kalamassery, tens of kilometers away from Kochi. Sunday prayer is religiously important among Christians. Ordinary people do not go to church every day but they do go to Sunday morning prayers. The people who carried out the blast must have known this, so it is clear that their intention was to kill people on a large scale.

Anarchy and chaos are created when a bomb explodes anywhere. People run away due to fear. There is a stampede and many people die in it. Fortunately, nothing like that happened in the Kerala bomb blast incident. After the bomb blast, there was a lot of smoke everywhere, so there was a possibility that people ran away in fear, but fortunately, people did not run wisely, so there was no major accident. If a stampede happens, a large number of people die due to crushing or breathing problems.

The Central Government's National Investigative Agency (NIA) is working to investigate who carried out the Kerala bomb blasts. The reason behind handing over the investigation to the NIA is that prima facie it looks like an act of terrorism. Evidence of presence of terrorist organizations like Islamic State and Al Qaeda in Kerala has been found. Both Islamic State and Al Qaeda have networks in Kerala, modules of both are active in Kerala, it has been proven before.

Bomb blasts at religious places under normal circumstances are an act of fundamentalist organizations of other religions. The bomb blast took place at a Christian convention so it is natural to point the finger at the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. Terrorist organizations like the Islamic State and Al Qaeda want people regardless of their religion. Their modus operandi is to target high casualty locations. As two thousand people gathered in Kalamassery, it was a great opportunity for organizations like Islamic State and Al Qaeda to terrorize by blasting. Given these reasons, this bomb blast is a terrorist act

could be

Coincidentally, there is a war going on between Palestine and Israel right now. Due to this war, the world has been divided into two parts. Muslim nations are on the side of Hamas while Western nations including the US are siding with Israel. Christians are the majority in Western nations including America. Because of this, the Muslims have anger against the Christians and the possibility that the bombs were blasted as a reaction cannot be ruled out because the war between Hamas and Israel in Kerala has had a deep impact.

Programs are being held in Kerala in favor of the people of Palestine. Muslim organizations are holding meetings, rallies in Kerala to support the Muslims of Gaza Strip. Hamas leader Khalid Mashal was present in such a meeting held two days ago. Details of what Mashal said in his address have not been revealed, but it may not be a coincidence that the blasts took place immediately after Mashal's address.

Well, NIA is working to find the truth behind this blast so no speculation about it but the incident in Kerala is a matter of great concern for the country. Even if the incident is related to terrorism and blasted in the context of the Israel-Hamas war, it is extremely important for India.

is serious.

India has nothing to do directly with the war between Israel and Hamas. However, due to war between the two, an atmosphere of anarchy and unrest is created in India, if there are terrorist attacks, why should India make preparations to meet this situation from now on, because the war between Israel and Hamas is going to last for a long time.

If the ends of Kerala's blasts go to terrorist organizations like Islamic State and Al Qaeda, there is a more serious threat to India. Terrorism in India is now limited to Jammu and Kashmir. Sporadic incidents also occur in Jammu and Kashmir as Pakistan infiltrates terrorists into Kashmir. Kerala is the farthest state so Pakistan cannot even reach there. Even so, if there are incidents of terrorism in Kerala, we have to think more seriously who could be behind it. Investigation into who is helping terrorist organizations like Islamic State and Al Qaeda in Kerala

have to do

- Use of IEDs, secondary devices for blasts

Incidental devices and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have been used in the bomb blasts in Kerala. Both of these devices are used to start a fire immediately after the blast, so the blasters intended to cause most of the people present in the convention center to go up in flames.

In the accessory devices, napalm, thermite magnesium powder, chlorine trifluoride are used. When blasted, these highly flammable materials are thrown around and spread fire. Electrical and electronic devices are prone to fire, so if these devices come under the influence of accessory devices, they will be destroyed. IEDs also use lethal and incendiary chemicals. IEDs are mostly used to target vehicles. These vehicles catch fire quickly due to petrol-diesel.

Given that two thousand people were present in the convention center, if the fire had started, no one would have been able to get out and a large number of people would have been burnt. The smoke produced after a fire causes difficulty in breathing. If there is a closed space, suffocation starts and the heart stops because it does not get enough oxygen. The intention of the blasters in Kerala was the same, but that plan did not succeed.

- Kerala Political and

At the forefront of religious violence

Kerala and West Bengal are two of the most educated states in the country, but Kerala and West Bengal are at the forefront of religious and political violence. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are portrayed as having the highest level of criminalization of politics, but in reality Kerala and West Bengal have the highest number of political killings.

Labor unions are at the root of political violence in Kerala while religious violence is at the root of Muslim and Christian factions. Kerala is located along the coast so there are more ports. This led to the formation of trade unions. Unions are associated with political parties hence political violence is inevitable.

Hindus are the majority in Kerala, but Muslim and Christian populations are also significant. In Kerala, 55 percent are Hindus while 26 percent are Muslims and 18 percent are Christians. Sunnis are the majority among Muslims but there are also all other communities. Among Christians, Roman Catholics predominate but there are other Christian communities as well. Christians following the Jewish tradition and Christian communities originating in India also exist in Kerala. There is also constant friction between these communities, hence religious violence.


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