
India-US relationship cycle

India-US relations have always been tumultuous and superficial. America is at the top in terms of civil life and diverse lifestyles with high standards. A capricious jerk like Trump can become president there is the limit of democracy. Today Joe Biden is in power, but he is more dangerous than he appears. India has properly protested against the US decision to give $450 million to Pakistan for the renovation of F-16 fighter jets. Remember, e. S. In 2018, the then US President Donald Trump suspended two billion dollars in security assistance to Pakistan. He said that Pakistani authorities have not been able to take effective action against terrorist groups such as the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network, and Pakistan has not been able to destroy terrorist safe havens. Interestingly, now the Biden administration is going to provide this aid to the same Pakistan with the aim of increasing their ability to control terrorism. Pakistan has been a stronghold of Jihadi terrorism. It shelt

Snore-touba, beware! There will be no noise in the train at night

- Mera Bharat Mahan - Akshay Antani AC in the train or non ac A sleeper reservation has been made and if someone has a habit of snoring loudly at night, it spoils the sleep of everyone else. Sometimes it happens that if all the passengers around protest, the passenger of the 'Naskore-Tauba' organization, who is struck by fear, spends the night sitting awake. Many tourists traveling in groups disturb others by playing cards or antkadi at night. When the noisemakers are in the majority, the protestors do not hesitate to thrash methipak. Apart from this, most of the torture now is mobile maniacs. Disturbance by talking loudly on the mobile phone throughout the night. As complaints are piling up every day, the Ministry of Railways has taken a serious note and issued an order that no noise can be made in the carriage after 10 pm. If a single passenger complains, the railway staff will immediately attend and take action. So, to put it mildly, the 'sleeper-cell' members of t

Talking about Delhi: Gehlot reached Kochi to convince Rahul

New Delhi: When the notification for the election of the Congress president is to be released on Thursday, now it seems that Ashok Gehlot will become the new Congress president instead of Rahul Gandhi. Ashok Gehlot has indicated that he will sit as the president in the meeting of Congress MLAs of Rajasthan. Ashok Gehlot said in the meeting of the Congress assembly party that I will meet Rahul for the last time and try to convince him. If Rahul does not agree, I will follow the orders of the high command. Sonia Gandhi wants to make Gehlot the national president under the circumstances, according to Rahul. From this meeting, Gehlot left for Delhi on Wednesday morning. In Delhi, Gehlot left for Kochi in the evening after holding meetings with senior leaders. In Kochi, Gehlot will try to convince Rahul Gandhi to sit as president and will also participate in the yatra. Congress sources say that Gehlot tried to convince Rahul to stand in the presidential election but Rahul did not agree.

The number of heart attacks increased sixfold in big cities

- Higher incidence of heart attacks in non-vegetarians - Occasional - Those who pretend to be multi-tasking suffer from the silent killer like hyper tension. High blood pressure, heart attack and brain stroke are among the list of silent killers. A working man who looks healthy on the outside does not know when high blood pressure rises. Irregular eaters, alcoholics and meat addicts will sooner or later hit the silent killer. Diabetes acts as a catalyst in all these. It's time to watch out for non-vegetarians. Carnivores are less able to withstand lethal attacks than herbivores. Among the elements that raise blood cholesterol, meat comes to the fore. Some meats cannot be digested by the body. A heart attack does not spare even those who are basking in prosperity. Even regular exercisers fall prey to this silent killer. A celebrity like Raju Srivatsav suddenly fell into the arms of a silent killer. Despite receiving the best treatment, his life was dying. His supporters say to

Russia's open threat, if anyone comes in our way, we will drop atomic bomb

- Russia wants to annex four provinces of Ukraine, Russia now on the final offensive: Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world - If Ukraine invades Russia, Putin's face will be shaken, everyone believes that an arrogant man like Putin can go to any extent to stop this situation and even launch a nuclear attack, so Putin's threat is being considered serious. Everyone believes that Putin would not hesitate to attack Ukraine with nuclear weapons saying 'I will die but I will kill you'. While people have forgotten the war between Russia and Ukraine, the whole world came to know that even after seven months, the war is still going on due to the threat given to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Ukraine has already objected to Russia's move to merge four areas of Ukraine into Russia, but countries including the United States have also objected and started a ruckus. Putin has threatened that he will not hesitate to launch a nuclear attack on any country t

Talking about Delhi: Gehlot's demand, will not leave the post of Chief Minister

New Delhi: Ashok Gehlot has shown his readiness to sit as the president of the Congress, but Gehlot is not ready to leave the post of Chief Minister of Rajasthan. Gehlot himself has announced that even if I become the Congress President, I will continue as the Chief Minister of Rajasthan for some time. Gehlot made his offer after meeting Sonia Gandhi in Delhi. Gehlot says, I am ready to hold one, two or even three positions for the sake of the party. I have to serve Congress so I am ready to go wherever I can be used. Positions are not important to me. If I can, I will not hold any position and open a front against the fascist forces by taking to the streets with Rahul Gandhi. The high command is confused by Gehlot's words. Rahul Gandhi will discuss the issue with Sonia Gandhi after coming to Delhi on September 23 after taking a break from the Join India Yatra. Sonia Gandhi on September 20 General Secretary of the organization K.C. Venugopal was called from Kerala and discussed.

Heartfelt from Raju Srivastava's Jivanleela, a super parody of Amitabh Bachchan

- Comedy king Raju underwent angioplasty three times in 10 years, making people laugh out loud with comedy in the digital age. - Raju took comedy to a new height in India. Breaking the belief that comedy means parody of film actors, it created a new chill. Raju had a great ability to create laughter by observing Indian characters and characteristics of Indians. People would instantly connect with Raju because of his relatable characters. His characters, including Gajodhar Bhaiya, were considered one of their own. Comedian Raju Srivastava, who has been making people laugh for more than two decades, has finally passed away. On August 10, Raju Srivastava collapsed due to a heart attack while exercising in a hotel gym in Delhi. He was immediately taken to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) by his gym trainer, so he survived, but his condition was critical, so he was kept in the ICU. Angioplasty was also done on August 10 when Raju was in the ICU. Although he had to be

Talking about Delhi: Kejriwal's Hindu card, Sri Krishna in your core

New Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal has played the Hindu card by saying that the Aam Aadmi Party came into existence in 2012 only because of Lord Krishna. Kejriwal said that the Aam Aadmi Party is also killing big monsters like corruption, inflation and unemployment like Lord Krishna. Kejriwal said in AAP's first national convention that God had to intervene when political parties had no fault in insulting the freedom of the Constitution. God had formed the Aam Aadmi Party on 26 November 2012 to save the constitution. No political party has gone ahead of your pace. God has sown the seed of Aam Aadmi Party in every state for the development of this country. According to analysts, this is yet another proof that Kejriwal is politically mature. BJP destroyed the Muslim party on the Congress. This effort was also made for Kejriwal but on the contrary Kejriwal is strengthening his Hindu image. A fashion show in the temple angered Hindus The famous Salasar Balaji temple in Chhattisgarh's

Return looted goods including Tawai, Kohinoor to Britain?

- As the campaign to get back the looted items by the British has started in other countries including Egypt, South Africa, this issue is now being heard all over the world. - Just as Indians want the Kohinoor and South Africans want back the 'Great Star of Africa', Greece wants back the Elgin Marbles, a valuable sculpture looted by the British from the Acropolis of Athens. The Egyptians want the Rosetta Stone of old, the Nigerians the Benin bronzes. These are just a few examples, but the British have looted millions of things and are demanding to return them all. With the death of Queen Elizabeth of Britain, in many countries of the world, a campaign has started to recover the valuables that the British seized from other countries. Among these items is a valuable Kohinoor hero of India. Several celebrities in India requested the new ruler, King Charles, to return the Kohinoor immediately after the Queen's death. Similar campaigns have started in parallel in other countr

Talking about Delhi: Rahul vs. Tharoor Kari will break the circle in Kuldi

New Delhi: Two days are left for the release of the notification for the election of the Congress president, and the decision to make Rahul Gandhi the president has started. On the other hand, it is also reported that Sonia Gandhi has asked Shashi Tharoor to stand in the presidential election so as not to take it as a round broke in Kuldi. Sonia is said to have made this request when Tharoor and Sonia met recently. Ahead of the release of the notification for the election of the Congress President on September 23, the Congress Committees of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Mumbai and Tamil Nadu have passed resolutions to make Rahul Gandhi the President. Congress has not yet agreed on a name. Sources claim that Sonia also wants elections to be held to show that the party is fully democratic, so has requested Tharoor. It is not decided whether Rahul Gandhi will contest the election or not. Rahul has announced that I will talk about this later. I have made a decis

Attacks on Hindus in Britain, Pakistanis show themselves

- According to a section of the media, this is not a Hindu-Muslim riot but a clash between Pakistanis and Indians. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs live together with Indians of all religions in Leicester, which is 160 kilometers away from London, the capital of Britain. Pakistani goons have targeted Indians and attacked Muslims too. The attack on Indians by Pakistanis in Leicester, Britain has shocked everyone. Shockingly, these riots are primarily due to India's crushing loss to Pakistan in the Asia Cup match. It is understandable that there are riots in Ahmedabad or other cities after the India-Pakistan match, but it is a matter of shock for the whole world to have riots in a rich country like Britain because of the India-Pakistan match. Incidents of Pakistanis making mobs and attacking Hindu houses, shops and temples and running away were happening for the last three weeks, but two days ago there was outrage among Hindus as the video of the attack on Lord Shiva's temple was circul

A dog like a pitbull needs to be trained, otherwise it is dangerous

- Some dog lovers are shy at first - Occasional - We have a tradition of feeding the female dog that gives birth to puppies The world of dog lovers is unique. People love their dog more than their children. Dog lovers don't have an answer when a pet pit bull bites someone and requires 35 stitches in its mouth. Even if pit bulls are tied, no one goes near them. Pitbull lovers are seen even though no one dares to touch his back. If a pet dog is cute, furry, long-eared, people like it more. Now even on matrimonial websites, girls are choosing Douglaverse more. Many families are animal lovers. He appears to love everyone, cows, dogs, monkeys, crows. But no one likes stray cows, biting dogs etc. MP Maneka Gandhi, who runs Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care in Delhi, has repeatedly written that people tie up pet dogs outside her center and then we have to take responsibility. No one is willing to touch dogs whose legs have been broken in an accident. Some people leave newborn puppies there

Defuse the time bomb like Kashi-Mathura

- Each party is expressing its opinion - Inside Story-Virendra Kapoor History is repeating itself. This time the case of Gnanwapi Masjid-Temple has come to the surface. It is not an ongoing dispute like Ayodhya. 600 years ago, a mosque was built in place of the Shiva temple. In which there is talk of allowing worship in Shivandir. When the Babri demolition incident took place on 6 December 1992, when car sevaks demolished the controversial structure, it was believed that the Worship Act of 1991 would never be violated again. Even though the act said that the construction which existed on August 15, 1947 cannot be tampered with, the temple-mosque dispute of Mathura and Kashi was much discussed. In the controversy of the temples of Kashi and Mathura, it is the temple of Lord Shiva and Lord Lord Krishna. A few days ago, the verdict given by Varanasi District Judge AK Vishwesha regarding the claim of Jnanwapi Masjid has left the Hindu devotees in jail. According to the case filed by

Online infidelity is the new contaminant in marriage

- With the increasing expansion of social networking sites and dating sites - Summary- Vinod d. Bhatt - Part-1 - Words like Swashista or Lakshmana Rekha are now confined to the dictionary only - Online infidelity has dealt a major blow to the sacred institution of marriage in Hindu culture Extramarital affairs are not a new topic. From time immemorial the problem of extra-marital affairs has pervaded the society in one form or the other. But the significant fact is that in earlier times the scope of extra-marital relations was limited. The tight bonds of society, what will society say? and the fear of social stigma—all these factors kept the institution of marriage or the bond of marriage relatively intact. The technology that has developed by leaps and bounds has shaken the bonds of society. No one is afraid of crossing social boundaries anymore. The word self-discipline is now almost forgotten. Words like Swashista or Lakshmana Rekha, especially in the context of marriage, are

Change or Revision? .

The political parties that have been in power in India till date have always been the ace of voter psychology. They talk big, but they have the skill to divert the flow of voters with a huge community in their pockets. This craft is the art of snatching from the hands of those who don't want to vote themselves, just like the way a crow snatched the entire fox with the help of gravity and euphoria! All politicians know that Indian voters vote with their hearts, not their minds. Talks are done, leaders are listened to, but the standards regarding the suitability of candidates are not maintained, due to which in all our Lok Sabha till date only the leaders who have rotated for five years in Bagha Chhap mudra remain in the majority. Any half decent or incompetent person can rule this country unless there is a leader who represents the people. Today's statesmen stand four steps below even Lord Macaulay. Macaulay told the British Parliament about educating India that it would be ea