A dog like a pitbull needs to be trained, otherwise it is dangerous

- Some dog lovers are shy at first

- Occasional

- We have a tradition of feeding the female dog that gives birth to puppies

The world of dog lovers is unique. People love their dog more than their children. Dog lovers don't have an answer when a pet pit bull bites someone and requires 35 stitches in its mouth. Even if pit bulls are tied, no one goes near them. Pitbull lovers are seen even though no one dares to touch his back. If a pet dog is cute, furry, long-eared, people like it more.

Now even on matrimonial websites, girls are choosing Douglaverse more. Many families are animal lovers. He appears to love everyone, cows, dogs, monkeys, crows. But no one likes stray cows, biting dogs etc.

MP Maneka Gandhi, who runs Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care in Delhi, has repeatedly written that people tie up pet dogs outside her center and then we have to take responsibility. No one is willing to touch dogs whose legs have been broken in an accident.

Some people leave newborn puppies there for some charitable dog lovers. Many people run dog care centers on a fee-for-service basis. The dog that is most loyal to mankind is also mentioned in the Mahabharata period and Lord Dattatrey accepted the dog as Guru. In our culture, the custom of cow-dog feeding has been going on for years. It is seen at town level and village level.

It is a tradition that we feed the female dog that gives birth to the cubs and the street boys also protect them so that the outside dogs do not kill the new-born cubs.

When domestic dogs bite it makes the news but when street dogs bite there is no notice. Neutering is an excellent way to prevent the overpopulation of street dogs. Maneka Gandhi writes that even a pet dog should be neutered and given a healthy life. People believe that owners are responsible for pet dog bites. This is a fact because the dog owner does not know how to train his dog.

Some dog breeds are not reliable. Sometimes problems arise when dogs used in the military are used in societies. In Europe and Canada, dogs are kept at home. There are some codes of conduct for keeping dogs. The most bitter thing for dog lovers in India is that in Europe, if a dog poops on the road or in the garden, its owner fills the potty in a plastic bag and throws it in the nearest dustbin. It is not known when such a sense will come to those who bring their domesticated dog on the riverfront in Ahmedabad for a morning walk, but the authorities need to give such dog lovers a plastic bag and fill their beloved dog's potty in it.

For this, if possible, a law should also be brought. People who come for morning walk often fall on such a potty which makes them feel sick. Everyone likes to keep a dog but no one is ready to take full responsibility of it.

Some dog lovers are shy at first. He brings home a large dog but throws it out even if it barks constantly and disturbs sleep or bites someone in the house. Such domesticated dogs are often injured by other street dogs. The poor thing wanders hungry and thirsty and then either meets with an accident on the road or dies of starvation.

Some people leave the pet dog on the highway and drive the car away when it returns. How can these people manage to leave their family dogs on the streets? When domesticated dogs bite, it makes news, but when street dogs bite, there is no notice.


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