Change or Revision? .

The political parties that have been in power in India till date have always been the ace of voter psychology. They talk big, but they have the skill to divert the flow of voters with a huge community in their pockets. This craft is the art of snatching from the hands of those who don't want to vote themselves, just like the way a crow snatched the entire fox with the help of gravity and euphoria! All politicians know that Indian voters vote with their hearts, not their minds.

Talks are done, leaders are listened to, but the standards regarding the suitability of candidates are not maintained, due to which in all our Lok Sabha till date only the leaders who have rotated for five years in Bagha Chhap mudra remain in the majority. Any half decent or incompetent person can rule this country unless there is a leader who represents the people. Today's statesmen stand four steps below even Lord Macaulay. Macaulay told the British Parliament about educating India that it would be easier and easier to rule the educated than to rule the illiterate. Compared to this, today's politicians sit down to evaluate their winning situation, keeping the intellectuals aside, they think that how many voters are illiterate in our constituency, i.e., who are strained by caste-caste tension?

In many constituencies of the country, the number of voters who are stressed under various types of stress is high. Due to this, the players adjust their game and take the stake in their own hands. It is not that the upcoming Gujarat assembly elections are historic. Were the other elections geographical? Every election has the same importance and every time the people have the same question whether to repeat or change? Each time the people themselves draw a new page of history that creates the future for the next five years. The era has changed so much that everyone knows everything. Lok Samast is also considered as a god. Lokdevatabhyo namah is said. So people also know some future by their own intuition.

However, it is the people's own test to have the ability to make decisions free from the influence of the false faces that the leaders are now acting like theater worshippers. Where is the talk of only politics? Good men are scarce in all sectors of the country. When the number of gentlemen is small, it is called kalikal pravartan. Election is in this sense the activity of finding diamonds from the coal heap and bringing them to the surface. It is not an easy exercise for the country's hundred crore adult voters to form a new Lok Sabha after two years.

Once television reached the Indian public life and serials like Ramayana and Mahabharata brought it home, it was believed that now the citizens of the country would know everything and they would think in multi-dimensions, so after evaluating each candidate properly, they would vote for the one who has maximum merit. will give But nothing happened. Caste-caste-religion slander of politicians has swallowed television, not only that, Indian leaders have now learned to swallow television channels whole. That's why some people have started saying that if India wants to save democracy, television should be stopped during elections, which is completely impossible! But the implication of saying this needs to point to the dangers of democracy.


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