Online infidelity is the new contaminant in marriage

- With the increasing expansion of social networking sites and dating sites

- Summary- Vinod d. Bhatt

- Part-1

- Words like Swashista or Lakshmana Rekha are now confined to the dictionary only

- Online infidelity has dealt a major blow to the sacred institution of marriage in Hindu culture

Extramarital affairs are not a new topic. From time immemorial the problem of extra-marital affairs has pervaded the society in one form or the other. But the significant fact is that in earlier times the scope of extra-marital relations was limited. The tight bonds of society, what will society say? and the fear of social stigma—all these factors kept the institution of marriage or the bond of marriage relatively intact. The technology that has developed by leaps and bounds has shaken the bonds of society. No one is afraid of crossing social boundaries anymore. The word self-discipline is now almost forgotten. Words like Swashista or Lakshmana Rekha, especially in the context of marriage, are now confined to mere dictionaries.

Since the social bonds started to loosen, the foundations of the institution of marriage had started to shake to some extent. In today's age, the internet has done a great job. Due to the wide spread of the net, the institution of marriage, which is considered to be sacred in Hindu culture, has been dealt a major blow.

The internet has opened the door for anyone to easily form unethical relationships. The problem of online infidelity is expanding at such a rapid pace that in a few years this problem will take the form of a social crisis.

Even the so-called chasmist intellectuals are welcoming the extra-marital relationship, calling the institution of marriage, which is the best of our ancient civilization, unnecessary binding on the individual.

A number of books have been written about the cause and solution of this huge problem created by the Net, which indicates the seriousness of this problem.

This contamination caused by the misuse of the Internet is creating new problems in the society in the so-called developed countries of the West where the institution of marriage has remained only in name. Internet has made cheating with life partner very easy and natural. Betrayal in marriage is a very painful event for the spouse.

According to Indian tradition, marriage is a very sacred bond, an unbreakable relationship of not just one but seven generations, a relationship that smells of the sacrament of holiness. There are two strong foundations that sustain a marriage life - trust and honesty.

When the husband's trust in his wife and the wife's trust in her husband is broken, a crushing event like an earthquake occurs in the marriage life, and the great fissure created by it brings the sacred bond of marriage to the brink of breaking.

Sites like WhatsApp, Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin provide an easy, convenient and safe environment to develop extramarital relationships along with increasing social networking. In short, this so-called social networking site provides a smooth opportunity to keep in touch with your old girlfriend or boyfriend from your school or college life.

It doesn't stop there, the flourishing dating sites on the net provide you with an open ground to slip into.

One of the most notorious dating websites in Canada has the tagline Tha Naiki Aij Jarria, Lalchpi Chah Chakchai. It is said that there are 330 lakh users of this site across 46 countries in the world..!

Exchanging personal stories with old or new girlfriends or boyfriends, friends on social networking sites and moving beyond intimate discussions of each other's current married life, when the relationship crosses the line, one suddenly realizes that the relationship that started with innocent conversations online The streak has extended to a circle of betrayal. However, by the time such a flash of light occurs in the brain, it is already so late that it becomes difficult to turn back from that path. In some cases, if the husband or the wife is a bit too stubborn or too stubborn, when the spouse's online affair is caught with evidence, then there is a break in the happy married life.

Divorce cases are increasing not only in western countries, but also in our country due to the problem created by online infidelity.

Social networking sites not only provide old friends but also provide an easy platform to make new friends.

Anyone who has opened a Facebook account must have realized that in the first four-six weeks you are in a rush to make as many new friends as possible, at a later stage you start looking for your old girlfriend or boyfriend on these sites. It all proceeds very naturally. Sometimes you also get curious to find characters in Facebook or My Space who did not dare to say hello-hi to your favorite character in college days. Many cannot resist the temptation to find an old boyfriend or girlfriend on such sites. And then this kind of temptation works to put a spark in their currently happy married life.

At a time when you are well settled in both your professional and married life, you may find an old favorite character from your school life or college days on social networking sites or develop a close friendship with a new character, if you are not careful. Do not prevent the fabric of our tradition and high rites from loosening, then the sacred bond of your marriage is on the verge of breaking.

Initially a routine e-mail, followed by general information exchange on Facebook. That stage is sext meaning sexual message. Technology has opened new easy doors for infidelity and betrayal.



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