Lady Singham, at the sight of which the criminals were fluttering, was led astray by a fraudulent husband

- Trapped on a matrimonial site

- Occasional

- After getting married, I found out that the husband is a fraud. Divorced, a cautionary tale

Fraudsters have been using matrimonial sites. Young men who want a girl for marriage shows their resume as a gentleman who earns well and does not do any kind of addiction. The girl also portrays herself as a gentle lady.

It is understandable that a common man gets confused by looking at the bio data of a spouse on a matrimonial site, but a lady from Uttar Pradesh is an IPS officer. He was deceived by such an idol that in the end he had to part ways with him.

The woman Deputy Superintendent of Police of Uttar Pradesh was known as Lady Singham in her area of ​​duty. The gangsters of the area used to whisper his name. Lady DSP was looking for a life partner matching her rank on matrimonial site. He found an IRS officer of the Revenue Account.

Lady Singham fell into the trap of this young man on a matrimonial site as the idol pretended to be an IRS. The young man was roaming in the roof. He created such influence and drama that Lady Singham, holding the post of DSP, fell into the trap.

2012 batch IPS Shrestha Thakur tried to find a suitable character for marriage on a matrimonial site in 2018. IRS Rohit Raj of 2008 batch caught his eye.

His posting was as Deputy Commissioner in Ranchi, the resume said. Both met each other and later got married. Lady Singham was very intelligent and clever. He was clever enough to identify criminals from his shoes. But he was in a bit of a hurry for the marriage and considered the candidate who became an IRS to be God's blessing.

Getting idols according to one's studies and social status is truly God's grace. After the wedding, Lady Sigham discovers that the online husband she found is a huge fraud. An officer by that name was in Ranchi which led the lady to be trapped. But the officer known as Lady Singham was happy to realize that she had found an equivalent idol.

She continued her married life for fear of being disgraced by the society but later came to know that her fraud husband was extorting money from people by feigning fear of Lady Singham. Finally Lady Singham took up the loose ends with him. He was worried about what would happen if people found out. This case is included here because many people are cheated on matrimonial site.

Both parties often put out exaggerated resumes. In some cases, they become good couples, but marriage experts have come to believe that they should be wary of strangers and people living abroad.

Young people on the Metmionil site show themselves to be addicted and well-paid. It is also important here that even in a serious matter like marriage, if a high police officer is being cheated, then there is no room for doubt that common people would be exploited by fraudsters like Rohit Raj.

Reading this one would think that it is not possible to cross-check Murtia's profile and cross-checking with the general public so he gets trapped but the reason behind him getting trapped despite being a top police official may be due to negligence. There are crooks at every level in the online world. Cross checking of youth found on matrimonial sites is necessary. By making a big show, such people trap girls. After marriage, the character of such young people and their families shines. After marriage, the girl and her family become helpless.


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