Evergrande liquidated, beginning the collapse of China's economy

- The real estate sector contributes more than 30 percent to China's GDP. As the real estate sector collapses, the GDP will fall and unemployment will increase, thus the Chinese economy will be dealt a fatal blow. The sinking of Evergrande is the first in Pashera as China's second largest real estate company, Country Garden, is also on the verge of sinking. Another big blow to China will be that foreign investors will start running away from China as foreign investors have lost confidence in China's real sector.

The Hong Kong court ordered the liquidation of the debt-ridden Chinese real estate company Evergrande, causing an uproar around the world. China's real estate sector has been reeling for the past four years. Not only Evergrande, but all the top companies including Country Garden, Kaisa Group, Fantasia Holding, Suner, Scenic Holdings, Modern Land have come under fire. The goods are not sold so these large companies are left with no cash. Because of that, tomorrow if not today, these other companies will also be locked up and liquidated. Since Evergrande has started and other companies are also going to take their turn, it seems that the death knell of China's real estate sector has sounded.

Economic analysts are seeing the collapse of Evergrande as the beginning of the collapse not only of China's real estate sector but also of the Chinese economy as the real estate sector contributes more than 30 percent to China's GDP. As the real estate sector collapses, the GDP will fall and unemployment will increase, thus the Chinese economy will be dealt a fatal blow. The sinking of Evergrande is the first in Pashera as China's second largest real estate company, Country Garden, is also on the verge of sinking.

Country Garden has a debt of 192 billion dollars (about 16 lakh crore rupees). The company has more than 3100 projects all over China, but there is no cash to complete these projects, so the country garden is also about to sink.

In this way, one after another companies will sink, the Chinese economy will suffer such a death blow that the burden cannot be reduced and it will collapse. Currently, China's GDP is around 19 trillion dollars, it will decrease to less than 15 trillion dollars in a decade.

Another big blow to China after Evergrand liquidation is that foreign investors will start fleeing from China as foreign investors have lost confidence in China's real sector. Whether the Hong Kong court order will be enforced in mainland China is disputed, but it doesn't matter much. Evergrande's reputation has been tarnished by the Hong Kong court order, its shackles have been unleashed, so China is bound to suffer a blow.

Evergrand was considered the largest real estate company not only in China but also in the world, so foreign investors invested heavily in Evergrand. Evergrande issued bonds in US dollars. The company was considered strong, so the big banks of the world, including USB, bought bonds worth millions of dollars.

The company used the money to construct the flats, but the expected goods were not sold, so the matured bonds could not be paid. In November 2021, for the first time, it was admitted that the company could not pay the US dollar bond.

After that, the company tried to raise cash but failed to match. The company also made a restructuring plan to pay off the debt, but to no avail and the debt increased to 340 billion dollars (about Rs. 29 lakh crore). The company could not even pay the maturing bonds after that.

Naturally, its impact will be widespread. The whole world came to know that the oil is going to go out to get back the investment made in a big company like Evergrande, so there is no question of new investment coming in, but the old investment will also start withdrawing.

As the company goes into liquidation, now the court will undertake the process of paying the creditors by selling the company's assets, but these goods are not going to be sold overnight, so it is not certain when the foreign investors will get the money.

The first payment will be made to the small people from the proceeds from the sale of the company's assets. There are millions of ordinary people in China who have paid a lot of money to Evergrande but the company has not given them flats. Court appointed liquidator Alvarez & Marsal Asia will first give them the money or give them the flat. After that the Chinese companies will be paid and the foreign companies will be paid last, so the foreign companies will not have to enter the name of their investment. Which foreign investor would be willing to invest in a Chinese company after knowing that the investment made in China will have to be lost?

Evergrand liquidation is seen by real estate experts as a big opportunity for India. The rich countries of the world have plenty of money but no market, so they invest in countries including China. India can be its best alternative now due to China sinking but India does not have a massive organized real estate market like China so India cannot attract these foreign investors.

The real estate sector in India has a size of about 500 billion dollars, while in China, Evergrande and Country Garden have assets of more than 500 billion dollars.

Chinese companies could raise crores from the market by issuing dollar bonds, whereas India does not have such booming companies in the real estate sector.

According to real estate experts, India can take advantage of this situation by diverting foreign investment to the infrastructure sector. Infrastructure development in India is in the hands of the government. The government itself can attract foreign investors by issuing dollar bonds or awarding large contracts to Indian companies. China's loss may prove to be India's gain.

China's two-decade real estate boom has finally burst

With Evergrande liquidating, China's real estate boom that began in 2000 has begun to burst. Since 2000, China has started to urbanize rapidly after foreign companies started coming to China. Due to this, land prices in China tripled in ten years.

The Chinese government allowed large factories near middle-class cities along the river and brought people from rural areas to settle in these cities. The boom in China's real estate sector began as skyscrapers were allowed to be built to accommodate this population. Forty-forty-story buildings with small matchbox-like flats were erected, each tower housing thousands of people. China has urbanized to the extent that 66 percent of the total population of China lives in about 40 cities. The real estate companies felt that people will move to the cities, so they bought land randomly and built constructions. China has fallen out with countries including the US, production has fallen, factories have closed and there has been a recession.

India successfully weathered the 2018 IL&FS crisis

When the Infrastructure and Financial Services (IL&FS) crisis hit in India in 2018, the real estate sector faced a major threat. Even the real estate sector of India seemed to collapse but the real estate sector of India proved to be strong. The central government took immediate steps to mitigate the effects of the IL&FS crisis. In 2016, the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act or RERA was enacted. By strengthening it too, the future threat was averted so the crisis was averted. Foreign investment in Indian real estate is negligible so it has no impact on foreign investment.

It also had no impact on the Indian economy. This is because the real estate sector contributes only 7.3 percent to India's GDP. Even when India's real estate sector grows to 5.8 trillion in 2047, its contribution to the GDP will be 15.5 percent, so the possibility of a big blow to the Indian economy due to the real estate sector is unlikely.


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