
Showing posts from December, 2023

Congress was a mixed vegetable, BJP is the real culprit!

- Agdam Bagdam-Baba Adam - In BJP's Undhya, Shak, Ft, Khari Singh and Farsan are all mixed up Welcome to Tamasi Food Festival. Here you will find food that you can't even dream of. Seeing such an advertisement, two-four-foot bloggers entered the hall of the festival. 'Lya, first heard of Tamsi Food Festival.' Gentlemen, our Tamsi Food Festival has been running since 1947. But earlier it was called political food street. Since it was a simple name, it was a bit embarrassing to eat it. Now, as fancy names are in fashion, Tamasi Food Festival was named Rupala.' 'Any new variety in food?' Presenting old dishes in a new form is the development of our festival. Bridges, ration grains, school rooms, lakes, roads, all the stalls are the same, but the eating pattern has changed. For example, Brij stall used to have such strong dishes that it took time to eat. Get your hands on our recipe at the now bridge stall and get it right away. Let's get together an

Leader of Opposition Sasalabhai's New Campaign - Forest Funding

- You have eighteen bends-octagons - Leader of the Opposition Sasalabhai's account got empty after back-to-back defeats in the elections. He started receiving donations from the 'One-Sahayog' campaign, but one of Raja Singh's aides changed the game... 'Why do I lose?' Leader of Opposition Sasalabhai called all the leaders to consider. 'That's all we ask!' Langurbhai, Sasalabhai's Kahyagra leader, was speechless as he spoke, then immediately turned away: 'I mean, that's what we think.' 'Think. Give me reasons to lose!' Sasalabhai looked at all the leaders. 'Do more forest journeys.' Senior leader Batak Batakbola gave the idea thinking that it would be beneficial if Sasalabhai stayed away from the party proceedings. 'Rabbit has pain in his knee. Shouldn't be too hard.' The camel brother Utpatang flattered, offering haphazard political advice: 'I say let's get tired by going to some good destina

Case of media mogul Jimmy Lai: America paralyzed against China

- According to global affairs experts, Jimmy Lai's case is a concrete proof that the world is no longer bullied by America. Until now, America used to harass and isolate the countries that came in front of it, by imposing economic sanctions, but China is openly challenging it, but America cannot or will not spoil anything. Hong Kong is a small country with a population of 75 lakhs, but now the whole world is focused on Hong Kong because Hong Kong has become a new battle ground between the two superpowers of the world, China vs. America. Hong Kong is ruled by China. China believes in suppressing the voice against it, so in December 2020, China arrested Hong Kong media mogul Manata Jimmy Lai and put him in jail. Countries including America protested against China at that time, but China swallowed the protest. Now after three years, the case of treason has started against Lai and countries including America have again come into the fray. Along with America, Britain has demanded con

Talk of Delhi: Clash in 'India' meeting, Nitish's demand for captaincy

New Delhi: It is reported that there was a heated discussion on the issue of who will lead the front in the meeting of the anti-BJP front 'India' to be held on December 19. After the crushing defeat of the Congress in three states, most of the leaders have stressed on choosing a new captain, expressing the view that contesting under the leadership of the Congress would be detrimental. Congress is not ready for this so the future of 'India' is in limbo. Sources say that the JDU is adamant on making Nitish Kumar the candidate for the post of Prime Minister of India. JDU says that when BJP is playing the OBC card, Nitish should be fielded against it. Congress cannot defeat BJP in Hindi-speaking states, but if Nitish is the prime ministerial candidate, BJP will have a hard time. The JDU had raised this issue before the 'India' meeting. Shiv Sena also questioned against handing over the leadership of 'India' to Congress and raised the question of who will b

Faith in the Judiciary.

It is often difficult for big leaders, especially MLAs and MPs, to get convicted in any crime case. Taking advantage of their position and power, such leaders not only suppress the voices raised against their crimes, but in some cases even escape from the clutches of the law. But the conviction of a BJP MLA from Uttar Pradesh's Dudhi constituency for rape clearly shows that no citizen is above the law. It may be noted that the Sonbhadra court has sentenced the MLA to 25 years under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act (POCSO) for raping a minor girl. Along with this, a fine of 10 lakh rupees has also been imposed on him. There are some judgments that increase public confidence in the judiciary. Twenty-five years in prison for the sitting MLA of Uttar Pradesh is one such verdict. The accused MLA finally surrendered to Yogi Aditya but the political monk Chief Minister refused to surrender him and said that I want if you have really committed the atrocity then you sho

Autocracy responsible for the Big Bang.. .

- at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, Soviet Union - Synopsis d. Bhatt - Part-1 - Negligence despite the fact that a number of flaws remain in the design of the RBMK reactor - An autocratic ruler keeps people in the dark with important information in the name of state secrets. It has been almost 1 year and 10 months since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, but the end of the war is still not in sight. But at the time of the nuclear disaster, different provinces of Russia were part of the Soviet Union; means to say; At that time Ukraine was not a separate country but a region or province of the USSR i.e. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The state-of-the-art Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine at the time was the glory of Russia; But on April 26, 1986, at 1.23 in the morning, an accident occurred during a safety test in Reactor No. 4 of this Atomic Energy Station. A massive fire broke out in the nuclear facility with a huge explosion and the heavy

India's youngest donor.

- The Inside Story One commonality between four Indians Azim Premji, Kiran Majmudar Shaw, Rohini Nandan Nilekani and Nikhil Kamath is that they are all Danveers and another commonality is that each is good at his own business. People welcomed 35-year-old Nikhil Kamath when he announced to donate half of his wealth. Even older people rarely think of donating their accumulated wealth, when a youngster like 35-year-old Nikhil Kamath asks to donate half of his wealth, it becomes a talking point. A chest of 56 inches is required to announce the donation of half of one's wealth. Everyone knows to come empty-handed and leave empty-handed yet clings to wealth to the end. In the corporate world, people store and pre-plan wealth for their heirs. But some rare ones win people's love by announcing to donate half of their wealth with their life. Nikhil Kamath, one of the founders of Zerodha, has taken a pledge to donate half of his wealth in the Danni Sarvani campaign (pledge to give) th

In old age it is necessary to maintain a balance between activity and retirement

- Man loses courage as he grows older - Occasional - With the advent of old age it is necessary to change lifestyle and mentality Today, as a man grows older, he loses courage. Becomes saddened by the world. Life seems worthless. The mind becomes heavy. But at such times the elderly need to change their lifestyle and mindset. Elders do not have to carry the burden of the entire household. The burden increases if you carry the bags of people, house and unnecessary tension on your head. There is no more need to carry unnecessary worries. Discarding the illusion of being the master of the whole village, he now needs to become his own master. In order to have a pleasant journey, the burden must be shed. Yes, after years of being the boss of the house, sixty-five years have passed, the walls of the rules and regulations you have built up begin to crumble. The new generation makes its new rules. Creates new arrangements. It is understandable that all this is really hard to bear. But if

Talk of Delhi: Anti-BJP 'India' allegation of collapsing

New Delhi: The meeting of the anti-BJP front 'India' on December 19 is also expected to be a fiasco. Nitish Kumar, Akhilesh Yadav and Mamata Banerjee are all expected to be absent and will send their representatives. Akhilesh his uncle Prof. Ramgopal Varma has also asked to be present in this meeting. Sources claim that Nitish and Mamata have not decided their representatives but it is decided that they themselves will not be present. Because of this, it seems that no one except the leaders of small parties will be present in the important meeting regarding the distribution of seats among the anti-BJP parties before the Lok Sabha elections. Congress leaders say that the Congress needs to bend a little to convince the leaders of the regional parties, who were angered by the arrogance shown by the Congress in the five state elections. Of course, given that the Congress has not shown any such preparation, there is no possibility that the anti-BJP front 'India' will be in

Talk of Delhi: Anti-BJP 'India' allegation of collapsing

New Delhi: The meeting of the anti-BJP front 'India' on December 19 is also expected to be a fiasco. Nitish Kumar, Akhilesh Yadav and Mamata Banerjee are all expected to be absent and will send their representatives. Akhilesh his uncle Prof. Ramgopal Varma has also asked to be present in this meeting. Sources claim that Nitish and Mamata have not decided their representatives but it is decided that they themselves will not be present. Because of this, it seems that no one except the leaders of small parties will be present in the important meeting regarding the distribution of seats among the anti-BJP parties before the Lok Sabha elections. Congress leaders say that the Congress needs to bend a little to convince the leaders of the regional parties, who were angered by the arrogance shown by the Congress in the five state elections. Of course, given that the Congress has not shown any such preparation, there is no possibility that the anti-BJP front 'India' will be in

Did Dawood really pass away or just social media?

- Dawood's discussion has also freshened the wound of one of our biggest failures. It has been 30 years since Dawood Ibrahim rocked Mumbai in 1993. It is a shame that even after three decades we have not been able to bend Dawood's hair. We have been hearing for years that Dawood Ibrahim lives in Karachi and runs his crime empire. - It is claimed that we have all the details of where Dawood lives in Karachi, the passport in his name, but we cannot reach Dawood. We have done tremendous operations to settle Dawood or bring India to India in Bollywood films, but our intelligence system could not bring even a new photo of Dawood in so many years. Underworld don and international terrorist Dawood Ibrahim has passed away? The discussion has been going on vigorously since Sunday night on social media and Dawood remained covered all day on Monday as well. It is being claimed by various sources on social media that Dawood Ibrahim has been admitted to the hospital in a critical condit

I am a single panth traveler... these young people don't have to get married

- Comma - In a country like India where marriage is so important for both men and women that if a family has an unmarried son or daughter it becomes a topic of discussion among friends, family and relatives. Marriage is considered as the pillar of the family but slowly this pillar is starting to crack. First joint families changed to nuclear families, then women and men started taking responsibility for children alone and now many young people do not want to move towards marriage and then a life with children. For them, marriage is no longer a sacred bond of seven births, but a lifelong punishment. The gravity of the situation can be gauged from the report released by the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. According to this report, the proportion of unmarried youth in India is increasing. Is. In 2011, the number of unmarried youth was 17.2 percent, which has reached 23 percent in 2019. At the same time, in 2011 there were 20.8 percent of men who did not want to get

America's cannibalism.

The recommendation of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (UCIRF) to designate India as a country of particular concern and impose sanctions on it raises serious questions about its intentions. However, Yusirf has said such things before. His latest recommendation is shocking even by his own standards. This is one of the many authorities that America has set up to rule the world, which sits at home and judges other countries. Everyone has been suffering from this slander of Jagatkaji and only some stubborn countries like Russia and China and some countries like North Korea and Qatar have been able to escape from its trap. This time Yusirf's recommendation is based on allegations that have not been confirmed anywhere. Allegations related to the Nijjar murder case and the alleged conspiracy to kill Pannu are being repeatedly raised by anti-India elements in the international media, but this is just a repetition of old stories. Based on these things, Yusirf wants to

I am a single panth traveler... these young people don't have to get married

- Comma - In a country like India where marriage is so important for both men and women that if a family has an unmarried son or daughter it becomes a topic of discussion among friends, family and relatives. Marriage is considered as the pillar of the family but slowly this pillar is starting to crack. First joint families changed to nuclear families, then women and men started taking responsibility for children alone and now many young people do not want to move towards marriage and then a life with children. For them, marriage is no longer a sacred bond of seven births, but a lifelong punishment. The gravity of the situation can be gauged from the report released by the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. According to this report, the proportion of unmarried youth in India is increasing. Is. In 2011, the number of unmarried youth was 17.2 percent, which has reached 23 percent in 2019. At the same time, in 2011 there were 20.8 percent of men who did not want to get

People do not end their lives by asking or taking permission from anyone

- To the point-Ajit Parrot - On one hand the media informs people that more than five crore cases are pending in the country's courts, there is a shortage of skilled judges and on the other hand women judges are persecuted. Every day many people end their lives in this country. One's life is shortened due to failure in love, while one's life is shortened due to the torture of usurers. Life is shortened by despair following a long-term serious illness. While doing this, a person has already lost his mind, he has lost his life. In some cases the concerned person or his relatives apply for euthanasia (mercy killing). Such cases are understandable. But when the judge sitting in the court to weigh the justice writes a letter to the supreme justice of the country that give me leave to die, the thought goes up. The lady judge concerned has alleged that she has been physically abused. Uttar Pradesh is the largest state in the country in terms of size and population. Incidents o

People do not end their lives by asking or taking permission from anyone

- To the point-Ajit Parrot - On one hand the media informs people that more than five crore cases are pending in the country's courts, there is a shortage of skilled judges and on the other hand women judges are persecuted. Every day many people end their lives in this country. One's life is shortened due to failure in love, while one's life is shortened due to the torture of usurers. Life is shortened by despair following a long-term serious illness. While doing this, a person has already lost his mind, he has lost his life. In some cases the concerned person or his relatives apply for euthanasia (mercy killing). Such cases are understandable. But when the judge sitting in the court to weigh the justice writes a letter to the supreme justice of the country that give me leave to die, the thought goes up. The lady judge concerned has alleged that she has been physically abused. Uttar Pradesh is the largest state in the country in terms of size and population. Incidents o

Son-in-law's Big Bads: England's Royal Family on the Road to Reconciliation

- Senior daughter-in-law Catherine is tasked with persuading Prince Harry and Meghan - Prince Harry - Meghan Markle - Occasional - Prince Harry needs the Royal Family more than the Royal Family needs Prince Harry There is a renewed upheaval in the royal family of England. There is a possibility that Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, who are angry and angry, will become a part of the Royal Family again and the ghee will be added to the ghee. Ever since Prince Harry, the youngest son of King Charles of the United Kingdom and his late wife Diana, had not even married in 2018, everyone had sensed that Prince Harry's marriage was about to go sideways. Harry's role model Meghan Markle is still a Hollywood actress, but she's not entirely 'white', nor entirely black. Megan's father is white and her mother is black. Thus, it has 'mixed blood'. Megan's mother's ancestors were once slaves, treated like cattle. Either a descendant of a black &#

Bullying, hooliganism and backbiting in politics

- Unencumbered joy-inexhaustible antani In our country, the handicrafts of different provinces have become a distinctive feature of the area. However, when the elections are near, no one can match our leaders in the art of holding hands and letting go. Only a connoisseur of such craft and art can rise to the top. Like every year, this time too I had to go to the national exhibition of handicrafts held at the Big Cross Maidan in Mumbai. One look and one mistake read the handicrafts, but the prices were very high. The uncles who were together said, 'Are we being cheated by keeping such high prices? So this exhibition can be called a handi-craft exhibition instead of handicraft.' As we moved forward looking at everything, we saw a stall on the board of which was written: 'We will find all kinds of artistic spoons there.' My uncle and I walked in and were amazed at the variety of spoons. From two-inch wooden spoons to two-foot spoons, finely carved and carved spoons, d

Error in parliament security.

Opposition activity and opposition approach on security breach in Parliament in Delhi is disappointing. This issue is not being discussed in Parliament. There was no harmony in presenting the whole situation to the country. The ruling party was naturally at the forefront of arresting opposition MPs and handing them over to security forces. A healthy debate should be ensured within the Parliament. The attitude of the Opposition and the opposition is disappointing regarding the security lapse on December 13 during the winter session of Parliament. Although it is widely agreed that the kind of mistake that has been made is very serious, the fact that the parliament of the country is not able to discuss the various aspects related to this issue is a more dangerous fact than the attack that was made. This fact gives us an insight into the weakness of parliamentary democracy and the desire of the people to keep its authenticity dormant. The opposition is demanding that Mr. Shah, as Home Min