Leader of Opposition Sasalabhai's New Campaign - Forest Funding

- You have eighteen bends-octagons

- Leader of the Opposition Sasalabhai's account got empty after back-to-back defeats in the elections. He started receiving donations from the 'One-Sahayog' campaign, but one of Raja Singh's aides changed the game...

'Why do I lose?' Leader of Opposition Sasalabhai called all the leaders to consider.

'That's all we ask!' Langurbhai, Sasalabhai's Kahyagra leader, was speechless as he spoke, then immediately turned away: 'I mean, that's what we think.'

'Think. Give me reasons to lose!' Sasalabhai looked at all the leaders.

'Do more forest journeys.' Senior leader Batak Batakbola gave the idea thinking that it would be beneficial if Sasalabhai stayed away from the party proceedings.

'Rabbit has pain in his knee. Shouldn't be too hard.' The camel brother Utpatang flattered, offering haphazard political advice: 'I say let's get tired by going to some good destinations.'

'I think this is a great idea. I will come and start party work again. By then you should prepare for the journey to join the jungle again!' Sasalabhai liked the advice of Untbhai Utpatang.

'Yes, of course. Before that let us review the reasons for the defeat. It's not okay to hold you accountable again and again.' Batak Batakbola's statement led to a review meeting.

'...So Batakbhai wants to say how long will we blame you? The real reasons have to be found.' Langurbhai Lapalpiya glared at Batak Batakbola with displeasure.

'We don't have funds. Funds will be needed to face Maharaja Singh. Raja Singh, his political advisor Bearbhai has so much fund that before and after the election, the government becomes theirs anyway. All this is happening because of the fund...' Untbhai Utpatang spoke with a sigh.

'Quite true. This is the main reason behind our defeat!' Langurbhai Lapalpiya immediately agreed with the camel brother. Sasalabhai looked at all the leaders. As if 'sound proof in this!' Don't say that with your eyes!

Two or four leaders like Batak Batakbola did not agree with that logic. They mumbled something in their minds: 'More brainstorming is needed... Transparent review is needed... The trust of forest dwellers must be won... Efforts must be increased...' But most of the leaders there agree that they are 'losing their lives due to lack of funds'. had already happened. No further opinion was needed.

'What should be done to raise funds?' Sasalabhai asked the question and thought for a while and added: 'Businessmen like Gulamdas Gadhedo, Pappu Parrot give funds to Raja Singh. And the money of the forest government goes into the pockets of these businessmen. That's all I know. What if we get it from him?'

'Rabbit, we are ready to take it. Not ready to give it.' No one understood whether Batak Batakbola gave information or sarcasm.

'Then think of something else! My job is to travel to Jangaljodo, give speeches and make accusations against Raja Singh. It is your job to think.' Sasalbhai seemed quite relaxed since he learned the new reason for the defeat.

All the leaders got busy thinking. Rabbit got bored. He drew a bow, thinking that competition with the tortoise was out of the question now, so that the bow could be taken.

There suddenly flashed in Batak Batakbola's mind: 'Forest Funding.'

'Forest Funding?' A question peeked out from Sasalabhai's troubled eyes.

Langurbhai Lapalpiya, Untbhai Utpatang understood the idea of ​​batakbola. Langurbhai indicated to Batakbola to understand it. Batakbola explained: 'Forest funding means donations from forest dwellers. If we appeal, the jungle residents give funds through an online website. It is also called forest-aid.'

'very good. Now I will win and show!' Sasalabhai fell asleep in no time. He ordered Langurbhai: 'Start the campaign today. And...'

Batakbola interrupted Sasalabhai: 'We have to make a website for that. A little preparation...' Untbhai Utpatang, not listening to Batak Batakbola, said loudly: 'I am just arranging live videos on social media. I am also giving information to the media including Jungle News.'

After some time...

'My dear jungle dwellers! I don't have funds to fight Maharaja Singh. You do forest funding. Donate now to our website ForestFunding.Jungle and help me fight the elections!' After Sasalabhai's appeal, some of the forest dwellers took pity. Donations began to flow.

But the twist in the whole thing came when Maharaja Singh's cyber fraud advisor Frogbhai Fraud hacked the website and transferred all the funds to Raja Singh's account.

After checking the balance, Raja Singh patted Frogbhai's back and said: 'With this fund I will buy the rabbit leaders...'


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