I am a single panth traveler... these young people don't have to get married

- Comma

- In a country like India where marriage is so important for both men and women that if a family has an unmarried son or daughter it becomes a topic of discussion among friends, family and relatives.

Marriage is considered as the pillar of the family but slowly this pillar is starting to crack. First joint families changed to nuclear families, then women and men started taking responsibility for children alone and now many young people do not want to move towards marriage and then a life with children. For them, marriage is no longer a sacred bond of seven births, but a lifelong punishment. The gravity of the situation can be gauged from the report released by the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation.

According to this report, the proportion of unmarried youth in India is increasing. Is. In 2011, the number of unmarried youth was 17.2 percent, which has reached 23 percent in 2019. At the same time, in 2011 there were 20.8 percent of men who did not want to get married, but in 2019 the number of such men increased to 26.1 percent.

A similar trend has been observed in the case of the female community. In 2011, the number of women who thought never to marry was 13.5 percent, which has increased to 19.9 percent by 2019. In a way, one fourth of the young men and women of the country do not want to get married. It is also necessary to mention here that according to the National Youth Policy - 2014, people in the age group of 15 to 29 years have been classified as youth.

According to another government report (2019), Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi recorded the highest number of unmarried youth. At the same time Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh have the lowest number of unmarried youth.

In a country like India, where marriage is so important for both men and women, if a family has an unmarried son or daughter, it becomes a topic of discussion among friends, family and relatives. The situation is very alarming and its causes need to be investigated.

Nowadays, as the level of education of girls is increasing, they are becoming indifferent towards marriage. One of the main reasons is that after marriage their life changes completely. Everything from her clothes to the food she likes is subject to the wishes of her in-laws and husband. The mother-in-law wants the daughter-in-law to live according to her wishes, and to follow what the mother-in-law says. At the same time, some mothers-in-law adopt a dual behavior. On the advice of his son or thinking of the world, he allows his daughter-in-law to wear suits of her choice, etc., but also tells her, when there is a guest in the house, to stand in front of her in a saree and not go out to the gate.

There are many conflicts in the in-laws regarding the job of the daughter-in-law. The in-laws want the daughter-in-law to work but also take care of the house like other housewives. Amidst all this if daughter in law is doing private job, her salary is less and in laws are already financially strong, they start pushing what you need to earn? Nothing is missing in our house. You save the house and quit the job. At such a time, the financial viability of the daughter-in-law is also visible in their eyes.

Apart from this, the daughter-in-law is separately pressured to produce children after some time of marriage. 'No woman is complete without becoming a mother' is well imprinted in her mind. And when a child is born, the daughter-in-law is made to realize every moment that she is not only someone's daughter-in-law, wife or daughter, but also a mother, so leave your dreams behind and think about your child. First and similarly, a woman who wants to fly in the open sky gradually over time; She who used to dream big, who wanted to live her life in her own way, breaks the palace of her desires and becomes an ordinary housewife to live for her husband, mother-in-law, father-in-law and children.

On the other hand, if the daughter-in-law does not want children or cannot have children for some reason, she is subjected to mental torture. He is seen as a criminal. Many times husbands also leave their wives simply because she does not want to be a mother or is unable to be a mother.

Apart from this, the problem of dowry harassment is also at an extreme. Every year countless married people lose their lives due to dowry. Parineeta is forced to endure more torture from her in-laws, as the young daughters of the house are made to feel at the time of marriage that her in-laws are now everything.

After marriage, most of the couples have to face many kinds of problems. In such a situation, young women who are seeing daily deteriorating relationships in or around their family, have a negative image about marriage in their mind and do not want to go through that situation. Now he believes in education and taking his career to greater heights on his own terms. They no longer want to follow someone's instructions like a clockwork 24 hours a day.

Also, unemployment and low-paying jobs are among the many reasons for disillusionment with marriage among young people. Some of the young people, after knowing the society's deceitful and unfaithful married women, fear that I will be led astray by such a lying woman? In many cases of divorce, the root cause is a cheating spouse.

Divorce cases are now seen in our courts even for couples above the age of sixty. After the advent of mobile phones, neither men nor women can live without looking like each other. Character, however, is not a private thing. What's wrong with being a solo traveler instead of bumping into inferior coincidences that betray you? This ideology is spreading rapidly in the new generation.


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