Imprisonment of stray dogs in Maharaja Singh's path

- You have eighteen bends-octagons

- Bearbhai handled the internal affairs of the forest. He gave special training to jackals and wolves and deployed them in Raja Singh's security and gave a clear message that there will be no compromise in Raja Singh's security...

'He who can protect himself and keep in mind the safety of others becomes a king. A king is not afraid of anyone. If there is danger, he should not be king.'

Such a belief was prevalent in the jungle for hundreds of years. Who else can protect the king? A lion is capable of protecting itself. So lions become the king by defeating all other animals. Or if one who is as strong as a lion becomes a king, he automatically gets the title of a lion.

But the forest was changing. In Jangalshahi, the king himself was responsible for the security of the king. The king who runs the government of the jungle. The same government should take care of the king's security. King Singh used to prefer superior animals to provide security. He was trained. To ensure that there is no disturbance in the protection of lions, the forest government spends heavily on training. Animals selected for training were fed a special type of food to make them stronger.

Bearbhai, who was Raja Singh's personal advisor and watched all the movements in the jungle, was also in charge of Singh's security department. He created a special troop of jackals and wolves. This team should reach any place where Maharaja Singh goes and check everything. Let the wolves put such awe in the path of Maharaja Singh that no one dares to approach. When Maharaja Singh arrives, winter will cover him. He sees everything around so cleverly that no one can escape from his sight. He was trained to alert the wolves immediately if he saw any danger in the safety of King Singh. Wolves ready to attack immediately break down. Just as a well-trained team of sheep would pounce on critics as soon as someone tarnished Maharaja Singh's image on social media, a team of wolves would act.

Bearbhai himself had ordered the team guarding Singh not to assign any other work so that he would be exempted from the VIP arrangement. This was his only one and there was nothing else to focus on. The jungle government used to send trained jackal-wolves from the same team to protect opposition leader Sasalabhai for years, but now that arrangement has been stopped after Bearbhai's orders. Bearbhai believed that even the cats of Babban Bilada's team can protect the rabbit, but it is not at all right to reduce the staff from the protection of the lion.

Being the king, Singh had to do many small and big tasks. If foreign forest kings came to visit, they had to go on tours to show them different places in the forest. Meals of rice and rice had to be taken. Hiccup had to swing. Had to make speeches. Singh loved simplicity but had to change clothes frequently. All this is true, but apart from that, the work of election campaigning often came up. Maharaja Singh used to take responsibility for campaigning by going to the parts of the forest where elections were held. When Raja Singh was going to another part of the forest with his security team of winter-wolves for one such election meeting, suddenly a pack of dogs descended. Ne went babbling very close to Raja Singh.

Raja Singh was horrified. Winter and the wolves were more shocked than that. This was an insult to Maharaja Singh, but it was a blow to the training he had received at the cost of crores. How can stray dogs come under the protection of fox-wolves despite having developed special skills? Bearbhai's nerves were bursting ever since he realized that the safety of the lion was endangered. He called the top forest officer Magar Mathabhar and ordered to take action against the dogs. Bearbhai said: 'If the dogs cross the lion's path like this, tomorrow all the other animals will also start doing the same thing. So there is no point in me giving special training. Imprison them all at once!'

On receiving the order, Magar Mathabare jailed 10 dogs of the Bhasabhas gang, including Dogbhai Dafhol, the mastermind of the incident of breaching the security of the lion. Not only this, a plan has also been started to get real-time information about stray dogs by attaching tags around their necks. This allowed the jungle government to collect important dog data, which Bearbhai anticipated would be of great use during the elections.


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