Increasing thirst in cities.

Until today rural areas and scattered settlements like Bundelkhand were surviving without water while the cities looked proudly towards the villages and considered themselves safe RO. Blessedly drank the water purified by and Adyapi drank. But now the thirst of those rural areas has begun to expand and reach the cities, which have the potential to eclipse the cities in the coming decades. 40 percent of people in Chennai are suffering from water scarcity. The situation is the same in about 24 thousand villages of Maharashtra. Obviously, the public is facing the real problem of environmental destruction and climate change, but these problems have no place in the manifestos of our political parties, nor do the general public have any idea of ​​their magnitude. All of us still don't consider it a threat or maybe even ignorant after knowing.

Why is water such a problem? In fact, we are behaving like crazy in the rush of development. The problem is not development, it is blindly following the Western model of development. The development we are doing ignoring our local conditions is actually inviting destruction. It is the same with water. Governments and their representatives are responsible for the water problem as much as the people are responsible. Our forefathers developed a local and self-sustaining culture of abundant water and its moderate use according to India's diverse geographical conditions, under which conservation and enhancement of water resources is considered a state religion as well as a social religion. We have forgotten it.

In the rush to become modern, we have given up a lot. Earlier people believed in managing water for their own use, whereas today's man says it is not my job, I pay taxes to the government, so only the government knows how to manage. Earlier people were directly connected with nature and knew how to keep that nature perfectly happy, while the tragedy of today's man is that he has become a mere consumer, he has abandoned the religion of being the creator or guardian of nature. He has forgotten that the earth can satisfy everyone's needs, but no one's greed. We used to give the status of mother to the rivers. People of a country with a rich heritage of numerous wells, ponds, wavs and other types of water structures are today looking forward to the government's tap-chuckle schemes.

Earlier there was no such problem of water. Wells were made in every farm and ponds were made in every village, in which rain water was collected. They used to get enough water for drinking as well as for crops, but ever since tube wells came in India, we have destroyed the traditional sources of water, as a result of which the ground water level is decreasing day by day. It is gradually decreasing. Another reason is that farmers have started overusing chemical fertilizers in the pursuit of higher production. Due to the use of chemical fertilizers, the farm land of the farmers has become very infertile. In any case, climate-friendly agriculture was practiced in India. Crops were grown only where water was available. Now even farmers in areas that are traditionally dry and currently facing more water scarcity are planting paddy and sugarcane!

The easiest way to solve the water problem is that we have to adopt our old traditional methods. Wells and ponds in the fields will have to be rebuilt. If every farmer pledges to make a pond in 1/10th of his land, the water problem will not take such a big form. The first advantage of creating ponds is that the ground water table of the land does not decrease. Secondly, where the pond is formed, the surrounding area remains moist, due to which the need for water is also reduced. The third micro-organisms survive due to the moisture in the soil which makes the soil fertile. Now it has become necessary to do climate friendly natural farming.


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