Corona says that I will come back...!

- Comma

- Corona virus has come with the preparation to increase its hierarchy. Its farewell bugle is misleading. If Corona itself becomes weak, then ten more will go by training the descendants!

The World Health Organization has just made a shocking announcement that millions more Chinese will succumb to Corona in the coming days, as China has run out of medicine. Little did the Chinese, fond of bat meat, realize that their hobby would cost the world decades to come. What is the original source of corona virus has now become an unsolved mystery and it will never be known. Even after half a century we are still in the dark about the origin of the HIV virus of AIDS! Even though the iron secrecy of the Chinese did not allow them to reach the root of the corona virus, the majority of scientists around the world are of the opinion that the corona virus is the gift of bats and the human being came in direct contact with it, so the human race came to the surface of the corona virus.

The Chinese people, who are accustomed to include in their food substances that are disgusting and inedible to us, have put the world in trouble that will continue not for years, but for decades. After the arrival of a new variant of the corona virus, there has been a feeling that even if this entire century is known as the epidemic century, it will not be surprising. One country has caused irreparable damage to the whole world. Recently, after the world media played the bugle of Corona's permanent farewell, it has been revealed again that Corona's permanent farewell is illusory.

In the early stages of the Corona epidemic, it seemed that this was a five-six-month game. Then the game started to get rough. The world took a break of one or two years. After the second wave and after many people received both doses of the vaccine, many people were under the illusion that the total duration of the corona period could be said to be five years. But in 2020, some experts have said that mankind will have to learn to live with Corona now. The tone that Corona is not going to be eradicated was an echo in the prophecy, but in parallel, the heads of those countries and the system were under the same illusion that after a few months, the threat of Corona will disappear. There came the new variant Omicron. Now the truth in plain sight became clear that this is not a game of months but of decades and that too a deadly game. But what is happening is that even after a decade or two, people will be living under the fear of Corona virus or its mutant forms and this epidemic will not be extinct till the end of twenty-first century.

New variants are just the beginning. Corona virus has come with the preparation to increase its hierarchy. If he himself becomes weak, he will train ten more descendants. It is only this characteristic of the organism and that characteristic that it has received from nature to enrich its mangoes. Our family has mangoes. If you look at the history of every family up to ten generations, it will look dull, rough, and grand. Tens of generations and dozens of families created in the meantime have all kinds of variety. In every field there is a distant family member who has made his name bright and there is also someone who has sunk his family name. Many such characteristics and peculiarities are found in the genealogy of every family. Despite the diversity, a kind of similarity has been passed down from generation to generation. Blood relation is not just a social term. There is a lot of science in it. To be more precise, there is the same DNA in the generations of the family.

Vishnu is much more powerful than human. He can split his body in two and give birth to another one. It can survive for days without any nourishment. It can produce millions of offspring within minutes. It can grow in any environment. It is not significantly affected by temperature, humidity or altitude or pressure. Apart from two or three elements, it is not affected by chemicals or poisons in laboratories around the world. The life cycle of the virus is very aggressive. It has only one requirement and that is the requirement of host. It consumes the body of a host millions of times its own weight in such a way that the host cannot recover from its effects for days/months.

If the host's immune system is weak, death is also possible. We have all realized that in the last year. Cold viruses or bacteria also work in the same way but their aggressiveness is controlled. At one time we had to lay down our arms against smallpox. Today smallpox has become the subject of a museum. Our war against tuberculosis or malaria virus is still going on. Corona is a seed released from several such distant relatives of the mango. This seed now wants to make a huge tree of its own. Alpha, Beta, Delta are small branches. Even the Omicron variant is only one branch of the huge family of corona virus, but every branch of the deadly virus is going to hit us hard.

Half of the world's population has received a dose of the vaccine. A quarter of the population has received double doses of the vaccine. Countries where a single dose of vaccine has been administered is also counted in the fourth/fifth. Booster doses have now started in some areas. As California has been spreading awareness for booster doses for the past two months.

So in areas like New York of the same region, there has been a huge increase in new fresh cases of Corona. European countries fared the worst. All of Spain was lying. So in Europe now several thousand new cases are registered every day. Corona has a habit of changing its epicenter. First it was China, then Europe and then America became its center. India also falls in the same line. Then the main center of corona virus was Africa and now again the main center is China. The Omicron variant is believed to have developed in Africa. It is possible that future research may change this belief.

The world is divided into certain parts. There is a group that received both doses of the vaccine and never contracted the disease. There is a class that had covid, but it was mild and now they have received one or two doses of vaccine. There is a class who have just returned from the ICU with Covid disease and have received one or two doses of the vaccine. A large class is those who cannot be vaccinated. In that class come children and adult patients suffering from certain diseases. One category is those who have or have not had Covid but have not received or do not intend to receive a single dose of the vaccine.

The largest of all the above categories is the one who has or has not had Covid, who has or has not received vaccine doses - but they don't wear masks uniformly and have completely abandoned the use of sanitizers. All these categories live together. Corona virus changes its form by recognizing the weakness of these diverse classes and strikes in a new mutant form. The carelessness of the people and the lack of awareness in spite of so much awareness makes Corona a miracle.

Nothing is eternal. Religion also says so and scientists who believe in the Big Bang theory or not believe in it, but it will be the fault of mankind that Corona will become indestructible. It is only the nature of living things to enlarge their bodies. So Omicron today and XYZ tomorrow.


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