The beginning of the end for Xi Jinping.

In the past corona period, both the parents of some children have passed away forever. Some father and some mother. Where else can the one who has lost his mother get the shade of that cold palav for the rest of his life? If the shade of a tree is so sweet, how is the shade of mother's life! Botadakar has said something like Mitha Madhu and Mitha Mehula Re Lol, that's why Mori Maat is sweet....! The whole of China now seems to have entered a dark tunnel again. No one knows when this darkness will end. All we have to do is to move forward in the shortness of time. Even if there is a bright light like a star in the night of Amas, it is also going to disappear in the next journey. Chinese people consider Corona as a gift from Xi Jinping. China's countryside is vast. The people living in it believe that the reason for the evil king is the opposite of God.

e. S. In 2019, the Chinese people got more and more caught up in the Corona crisis that at that time everyone started to feel helpless and helpless. Stay home was a popular wisdom. But how can you manage your home only by staying at home? No one had the answer. Those who do not accept the house arrest of self-determination, Corona gets stuck anywhere and those who stay at home, their family finances start to get unstable. Those days are back in China today. Even earlier, seeing the rising waters of Corona, everyone got worked up and then in the gruesome form that Corona showed, the mourning of death was spread all around. Those who were negligent and those who followed all the rules were also found to be on the surface. During the first wave of Corona, it was easy to recover, but in the second wave, there was a gap to breathe. China is now pushing towards that situation again.

Even when the first wave was over, there was a loud sound that ripped the eardrums all around, that the second wave was coming right behind it. But then no one was ready to believe that another wave would come and such horror would come. Even today no one is ready to believe that a new wave can still come. As if he himself is not the ruler of nature, he says that no, no, now the wave does not come here...! It would be great if the so-called New China Wave does not come by any natural grace, but if it does, it is the duty of cautious citizens and governments to think about what will happen. For the past few weeks, thousands of new cases of the new round of Corona have surfaced in China every day. That number is going to reach millions. Millions of new cases every day!

What is the death of millions of citizens? There was no sickness and life was green, happy, peaceful and joyful. The spacious bungalows, the beautiful gardens in the paliya, the olive and apple trees laden with fruit in the courtyard... leaving all this is the sannato in the family of those who have suddenly dissolved into panchatattva. And still, the second and third families of many of these families are leaving for the eternal journey. In this new wave of Corona, the Chinese government system is running hard. The mass protests that have begun now are the beginning of the end for Xi Jinping. A civil war is likely to break out in China at any time.

The Chinese people are sitting in a daze in the face of the unexpected end of life. No matter how sophisticated and corporate the efforts to fight against Corona are, in the end, only those efforts are seen. All the thousands of corona cases that are being reported daily have already taken double vaccine and booster dose, so now these Chinese are looking out of the closed window glass, waiting for some life-giving medicine. Most of the national leaders of the world could not understand the suffering of the people. They move around in their suspicions. They have no connection with the sensibilities of public life. A vulgar and fake smile appears on his face like plastic flowers. Xi Jinping does not come out of his political career high and the corona cases in China continue to increase.


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