Tao means a path, which is not limited or confined

- The way of Tao is the way of a balanced, ideal life

- Synopsis d. Bhatt

- Part-2

- Too much poverty is bad, on the other hand too much wealth is also bad...

- If you lose balance in life, you will create hell with your own hands...

Lao Tzu is one of the few great men who have come to know not by words or scriptures but by living themselves. Tao is a unique word. Tao has many meanings. The deeper a thing is, the more ambiguous it becomes.

One meaning of Tao is path, way. All paths are bounded or fixed in general, but the Tao, in the literal sense, is not a path.

As the path is made as the bird flies in the sky. Such is this path, which is not limited or confined.

A bird's flight path has no footprints or traces in its path, just as the Tao is a path like the flight path of birds flying in the sky. There is no sign on it and it is not easy for those coming back to walk, because there are no footprints on the road ahead.

So if we keep in mind that the path that is not made, that has no footprints on it, that is not bound, that no one else can prepare for you - that path is Tao.

Another meaning of path is that which leads us to a destination but Tao is not a path either. When we walk on a path and that path takes us to the destination, both the path and the destination become one. Both join. Indeed, the destination is the end of the road. The path and the destination are not separate, both are united, connected. There can be no destination without a path and no path without a destination.

But tao means a path, which is not connected with a destination. When a route is connected to a destination, you have to travel the same route to reach the destination.

Tao is such a unique way, that you can reach the destination from the same place where you are standing. So you cannot even be called a path that can be walked on. It is the way to reach the destination standing on the same place where we are standing.

It is also possible that even though we keep going through births and births, we do not reach the destination. Hence the Tao is another kind of way. The Tao Way is a profound way.

Another meaning of Tao is religion. But this is not religion in the traditional sense of what we understand or know. Here religion does not mean madhhab or religion. Tao is a religion not in the sense of a sect or religion, in the sense of a religion like Islam, Jainism, Hinduism, or Buddhism, but in the form of the supreme principle of life. Taoism is the form of eternal laws of human life.

Second, all rules are limited. But the Tao is a law that knows no bounds. That is to say, Tao is not a religion in any limited sense.

Tao is a law whose scope is infinite. Who is able to touch the infinite, the limitless.

Everything in this life may not be according to the rules, otherwise life becomes two puzzles. There is something in this life that happens by breaking the rules. The truth is that anything important in this life is possible only by breaking the rules. All the profound feelings of this life are not possible according to the rules, they just come and knock at the door for no reason.

Acharya Rajneesh in his book on Tao 'Absolute Tao' has beautifully written about the Taoist philosophy of life.

Every man should stay within limits, everyone should stay balanced. Too much poverty is bad, too much wealth is bad. In short, excess of anything is bad. In fact, according to Lao Tzu, 'excess' in everything is sin. Don't overdo anything, don't overdo anything, let life flow smoothly, consistently like a spring, then life will be virtuous.

If you are always balanced, you will always be calm, happy and healthy, if there is peace in your life, naturally you will enjoy the feeling of being in heaven.

If you lose balance in life, believe that you yourself have created hell for yourself.

It is up to you to create heaven or hell in your life, no one else creates it for you.

There is no god or god on the path of Lao Tzu. There is only Tao in it. Tao is only law, rule, which is universal. If you walk on this path, you will be happy, and if you walk against the Tao path, you will be sad.

In fact, suffering or happiness is only a symptom, whether you are on the path of Tao or on the opposite path, it is only a symptom. On the path of Tao there is happiness, joy. Every moment is fun here. Life becomes like a poem.

The way of Tao is the way of balanced life. But if you deviate from the path of Tao, happiness will disappear. You will be sad and depressed. Hell will be created in life. Hell is also a mere symptom. Don't struggle against it, instead just think about where in life you have gone against the path of Tao? Just thinking about it is enough, then get back on track and regain balance in life.

Whenever you are depressed, you do not struggle to change that state, depression is also a symptom, which shows that somewhere you have gone against the "universal law". If you think about it, you will automatically regain the balance of life. Then maybe a "curve" is needed. You may need to lean slightly to the left or right. So that you can regain balance. This process has to be continuous in life.


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