On the one hand there is a lot of wealth and on the other hand there is no place for two tanks

- Comma

- Lies in propaganda, backbiting in speech and playing with figures by feigning facts - are the main activities of the major governments of the world today.

After the corona period, the economic inequality of the country's communities has increased manifold. The era of monetization that followed the dawn of the modern age greatly widened the gap between the poor and the wealthy. There was a time when we had a class above the middle class called the upper middle class. Realistically, that class has now become extinct and in important cases, those who were in this class have now moved into the middle class. It only means that those who were on the middle rung also went down a rung. People who are called super rich pay 30% less tax than they pay. After the corona period, good people have become victims of financial hardship. In the family which used to get three or four salaries, only one salary has been reduced. And young men and women who are looking for employment still do not see any prospect of getting a job.

Very bright young people get on the track, but their percentage is very negligible. In our country, 50% students are studying by wandering. Such superior knowledge is never converted into money. Generations of generations of our teachers have very average knowledge. If you raid his house, you will not find a single book except a textbook. What knowledge do such people give to the new generation? Even though everyone holds Mr. Modi responsible for the hardships the country is facing, the real reasons for these hardships lie in the field of education. Also, in the coming twenty five years, there are no signs of the emergence of highly venerable scholarship among teachers. That is, one who wants to acquire Shre Vidya has to assume the avatar of Eklavya himself.

The economy of the country is now undone without worrying about the possible emergence of any new wave of Corona. People have forgotten the nightmare of Corona. The Delta Plus menace in Maharashtra has fortunately disappeared after the initial outbreak. Even so, the renewed notification of indefinite lockdown in various Chinese cities floating in the media is also the result of a new unexpected wave. Scientists are working hard to understand Corona and its new versions, but there is no end or end to it yet. Rumors circulating on social media about the new wave coming from water are not supported by medical science. Thus, for the last two years, the world has been drinking warm water.

The task of bringing education and economy back to normal is not as easy as it looks. A large community of consumers are indifferent to market returns. That is, the world is now free from shopping mania and is trapped in washing mania. Keep your hands and mouth clean... The demand in the market is on the verge of collapse. It will take time for it to turn pink again. Artisans have been reduced. Stocks of goods have increased and demand in the market is cold. However, public confidence has grown. A relatively large number of successful vaccination programs, including vaccine unavailability scales, appear to have had a positive impact on the current economy.

When we discuss the economic affairs of the country, we have to talk about Gujarat in a different way, because there is no other state that has economic consciousness among our people, but if we talk about the whole country, the situation in other states has come to such a state that only a few people are rich and everyone else. Only struggles. Not having to struggle daily or monthly or yearly for money is real wealth. Those who have to fight logic to make provision of money fall into the struggling class. The incalculable increase in the number of such struggling people in the last two-three years, i.e. during the corona period, is a sad result of the Indian economy and the coincidental virus. However, the economists who are in the field to save the government are constantly playing the bugle that the gap between the happy and the sad is no longer there.

Corona gave more torture to those who were sad, but also brought down the chariots of those who were in the idea of ​​being happy. Looking at the manipulative tone of the finance minister of the country, it seems that the person from whom he learned the (dis)science of economics must be an enemy of India in some sense. There are lakhs of industries and crores of artisans in the country who are the victims of the NDA government's misadventure to repeatedly brake the booming Indian economy. It is the theory that the claims made in political lectures are in reality nothing like the picture presented. What happened to the previous announcement of twenty lakh crore rupees is going to happen to the new ads as well. Oxfam's report on the world's economic disparities has expressed renewed concern over the widening economic disparity in every country in the world, as it can now lead to the disintegration of society.

The report says that the gap between the rich and the poor in the world has started to grow faster. On one side there is extreme wealth and on the other extreme poverty. There are only twenty-six rich people in the whole world whose wealth is so much that the total wealth of other 3.8 billion people in the world cannot exceed those twenty-six. This condition is not only in the rest of the world, this is also the condition of India. In this, many governments of the world instead of giving a model of 'industry friendly government' gave a model of what an 'industry friendly' government is like. When politicians are in India, a select group of businessmen occupy much of their time and the country is no stranger to this. In India, one percent of the country's total population owns more than fifty percent of the country's wealth. For the last two decades we have been experimenting economically in a bid to join the economies of the developed world.

The world we now experience in the new twenty-first century presents many opportunities for disillusionment. The report presented by Oxfam before the World Economic Summit revealed that the poor are getting poorer, which is the experience of the people of many countries. Every country's government these days has a tendency to present a rosy picture to its people. It will never improve. Lies in propaganda, backbiting in speech and playing with figures by gesturing with facts - these are the activities of governments.

When elections are near, they float balloons out of bounds. After the digital revolution, no leader can easily fill the public mind. The greatest tragedy is that those who were previously in poverty are not still there, they have fallen further down from where they were. Citizens hate politics by seeing how strange politicians portray this tragedy of the people as a strange comedy with their propaganda flourishes. The country needs an economy that reduces the disparity between the rich and the poor.


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