Embers of revolution in China.

Living a luxurious life of ease, Xi Jinping is sitting like a snake on a treasure trove of world-destroying weapons. Only when this dictator, who was intoxicated with the pride of power, had to cancel the Asian Games held at his doorstep almost eight months ago, the corona virus exploded, but even after so much time has passed in covering up the truth, the corona virus has not been controlled. For some time now, there has been a lot of resentment against the Xi Jinping government among the top communists themselves. Printing press laws in China have been made very strict. The government maintains a dangerous control over printing, as revolutionaries now print anti-government pamphlets and distribute them throughout the country. A different type of underground journalism has emerged in China under the dictatorial regime of Jinping. Many Chinese printing press owners are missing. It is believed that the government kidnapped him for punishment like black water.

The futile intoxication that Xi Jinping, who was only obsessed with business and military in the name of nationalism, has worn off his people and the Chinese have now recognized his foolish and cunning leaders. Analysts believe that Xi Jinping, who, like Mao, has been empowered to rule for life, will now become a warlord. According to a Pentagon research report, if the Chinese people are convinced to revolt, then Xi Jinping will launch a war against Taiwan after the end of the current Asian winter season. Taiwan's problem is US friendship. Ukraine has the experience that friends are more important than enemies in international politics. Even for Taiwan, US President Biden keeps saying that if China attacks Taiwan, we will stand idly by. While the reality is that Taiwan itself can no longer rely on American promises. America has lost prestige in Ukraine war. Ukraine's experience is that Biden's promises are ridiculous. Only a fool would believe that.

By the third decade of the twenty-first century, no one could have imagined that the world would love the Middle Ages. It was often said in the last century that we are now moving towards a more modern twenty-first century. What a thrill the world had to enter the twenty-first century! But in the last two decades, the world has gone backwards instead of forwards. China's enemies are so many that the rest of the world was happy when the corona virus broke out in China three years ago. Only Wuhan was talked about then. The whole world, except China, was secretly suffering from the corona virus. The same world was now trapped in Corona and China started to be liberated. Now China is trapped again. The phenomenon of global humanity descending ten steps simultaneously is called Corona. The reason may be China itself, but this is the new dangerous direction of the world.

China has lost the sympathy of first its neighbors and then the rest of the world. The most dangerous thing is that every citizen of China today hates Xi Jinping and his ruling team. People's breath is getting choked. There is an invisible wall between the Chinese government and its people. Not only from Hong Kong, but also from China, wealthy intellectuals have started fleeing to Taiwan. China is now a country of misery. Like Pakistan and Syria. The whole of China is now like an ember beneath the ashes. The people will overthrow the regime anytime, but when is uncertain. The longer it takes for a revolution in China, the more destruction will overtake China in other ways.

China's intelligence account believes that some lamas of Tibet, which China has trampled under its heel, have spread the corona virus in Wuhan. Although the Chinese authorities had very limited options to save the people from the epidemic, China has taken measures by blacking out the Corona news. Immense military power and huge commercial ambitions of China are not helpful in fighting Corona. Corona is playing the death knell as if it were a Chinese fairy tale. The human-eating story of Corona has come to life as a result of the death of many living beings from the vacuum of life in China. Today, China has become the world's infamous tyrant for killing innocent animals, birds and animals. Only his news is unknown.


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