The art of being happy in difficult times

- Vat-Vichar-Shishir Ramavat

The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. Both spiritual gurus who have won the Nobel Peace Prize. When they get together, there is a lot of fun, and at the same time, there are thoughts that teach the art of living a beautiful life. His philosophy of life has become more relevant in the current difficult situation.

The camera and lights are aligned. On one side of the camera is the director, the cinematographer, the assistant of both, and on the other the crew member. Two elderly men are sitting in front of the camera. Both are over 60 years of age. Before the anchor can start the conversation, one of the two men shouts at the other: 'Listen, be serious in front of the camera. Don't get mad. Remember that you are a religious leader! '

The other man is watching and at the second moment both of them laugh out loud. His raucous, straightforward laughter blows light into the atmosphere.

In fact, these two men are religious leaders. They are also world famous religious men. Both have received the Nobel Peace Prize. One is the Dalai Lama and the other is Desmond Tutu. One is a Buddhist monk and the other is a Christian archbishop. After being expelled from Tibet, the Dalai Lama has made the beautiful Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh his home for decades, while South Africa's Desmond Tutu has worked hard against apartheid. The two were reunited shortly before Demsand Tutu died last December at the age of 90. The two talked a lot. The visit resulted in an aflatoon documentary - 'Mission: Joy - Finding Happiness in Troubled Times' and a bestseller book - 'The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World'.

The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu have been friends for decades. Thus, both Baba and Baba, who have entered the nineties, make a fuss together as if they have seen the stormy Tabari of eight years. Uninterrupted laughter, non-stop fun. There is no such thing as 'we are world famous spiritual leaders'. Nothing dash. Only lightness. This is the sign of a true spiritual guru. The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu are both heretics, but the harmony between them is amazing. Today, when the environment has been terribly poisoned in the name of religion and international politics is being played on the issue of religion, the life philosophy of Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu becomes more relevant.

What do you think about death? During the visit, Anchor questioned both of them. Desmond Tutu laughs out loud and points a finger at the Dalai Lama, saying, "It doesn't matter if he dies because he believes in reincarnation!" Desmond Tutu was saying that Buddhism has the concept of reincarnation, but our Christians have no system of reincarnation! The Dalai Lama says, "According to Christian belief, after death one goes to heaven, so after death we will go to heaven in the presence of God. You are a good follower of Christianity so judge first. Go upstairs and do something so that (although I am not a Christian) I can follow you to heaven! '

Free laughter that flooded the whole room again. These remarks by the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tut are innocent humor, but not at all disrespectful to Ekmak's religion. Being able to be dignified in spite of being heavy in matters of religion - is this all that difficult? There is a close relationship between sportsmanship and tolerance. Playfulness and forgiveness are also close to one another. It's not just about religious beliefs. We should strive to cultivate these virtues in our day-to-day life.

"Forgiving someone does not mean forgetting everything," says the Dalai Lama. Yes, this should not cause hatred and anger towards the other person. Don't forget, but keep negative emotions under control, don't let it happen - this is called forgiveness. Being tolerant or forgiving the other person is not a sign of weakness. No, not at all. Not one hundred percent. Not a thousand percent. This is a sign of strength. ' Desmond Tutu agrees, saying, 'Absolutely. People who say that forgiveness is a sign of weakness have never really experienced forgiveness. '

Remember any photo or video clip of the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. Her face will always look happy. Desmond Tutu says, 'The Dalai Lama seems so calm and stable, but nothing like that has happened before. There was a time when he too used to get angry and irritated. Keeping a cool head is like building a body. You have to exercise, you have to develop a calm disposition. ' He adds, "We all have to reach perfection. We're not perfect yet ... you're a masterpiece in making. '

What a beautiful thing. God has made us all masterpieces. Or to put it another way, all of us have the potential to become masterpieces. It is just a matter of staying awake and working hard to reach the pre-determined level. The Dalai Lama says, 'I will be ninety in a few years, but I still consider myself a student. I keep learning something new every day. Need time for development. Every minute, every day, every month-year-decade you grow. '

Often the consciousness of increasing age makes a person inactive or slows down. What happens now at this age? - This is an utterly escapist, lazy and lazy excuse. This is what Desmond Tutu says: 'At any stage of your life, you can make a fresh start. Do as much as you can ... and you will be amazed at the joy you will feel in this whole process. '

Enjoy! This has been the constant price of both these spiritual men. The Dalai Lama says, 'Most of our pain is caused by ourselves. So this means that we can also create happiness for ourselves. It all depends on our attitude, our attitude and the way we react to the situation and the relationship. ' He adds, "I see three ways to increase the level of happiness. Look at the situation more positively, be grateful for what you have received - feel grateful as deeply as possible, and third, be good - be big-hearted. There will be frustration in life, but in such a situation don't think how can I get rid of this? Rather, ask yourself, 'How can I make positive use of the circumstances that have arisen?'

Desmond Tutu once said, "People who are fighting for justice have to be especially cheerful, warm and open-minded, only then will others want to join your journey ... If your mind is full of negative judgment and anger you You will be separated from others, you will be alone, but if your heart is open and full of trust and friendship, you will not feel lonely even if you are physically alone or living in a cave some distance away. '

These words of Sattvasila human beings are both Sattvasila and also practical. The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu's comedy-filled documentary film is currently only available on iTunes in the US and Canada. Sooner or later it will be required on Netflix type OTT medium. Yes, short video clips showing a glimpse of the documentary are available on YouTube. Jojo.


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