The miracle of artificial hands... safe to pull out the child

- Mera Bharat Mahan - Akshay Antani

The so-called borewell diggers have mistakenly said that one digs a well and falls another. Borewells are dug and then left open without a cover. Many children have lost their lives by falling into it, on the other hand, in exceptional cases, children like 'Prince' have been miraculously rescued after hours of struggle. There are about three and a half crore borewells in the country as of today. Care is taken so that the child does not fall into the borewell. That is why research scholar of Madras IIT S.V. Ramaswamy has built a strange rescue machine. Artificial hands are attached to this rescue machine fitted with cameras. Suppose that when a child falls into a borewell, the eyes of the camera inserted into this machine can easily pull the child up with the help of an artificial arm after knowing how deep and in what position the child is. This device can save the lives of many children. That is why it has to be said that-

To remove the well

The system is booming,

How better than that

Does the machine save Hemkhem?

Jada got bail

In the eccentric Raj of Andheri Nagri and Gandu Raja, Shuli has read in the children's story that it was decreed that the fat man should be found, but in the present democratic state, if the fat man gets a chance to be released from prison because of his fat body. A burly accused caught in a money laundering case in Punjab was thrown in jail. The weight of this Mr. Medswi was 153 kg. This hard-working brother started having a lot of trouble in prison with a body that occupied the place of four prisoners. Incompletely completed, his health also started deteriorating. Hence, he sought bail in the Punjab-Haryana High Court. The court also considered his real problems and ordered that the accused be released on bail as obesity is at the root of all diseases and this condition can be fatal for the accused. Tell me, are you surprised to learn that you get out of prison because of obesity? So it has to be said that-

Exercising in prison

By informing the tricksters?

Got bail

Fat male.

A unique experiment for tree protection: Panchayat gives free hot water

In the bitter cold of winter, the villagers burn wood to heat water for bathing, because where else do you get the convenience of an electric geyser in the bathroom like in the city? So how much wood would be burnt just to make hot water in winter? Panchayatwala of Rengepar village in Bhandara district of Maharashtra came up with the idea that instead of burning wood to heat water, free water should be provided by the panchayat to save the trees. Immediately, the village with a population of 1879 people has a water tank of one and a half thousand liters along with a solar water heater at a cost of about three lakhs. So now the villagers are given clean and free hot water every morning to take a bath for the benefit of the panchayat. People stand in line with buckets for hot water since morning. Seeing these 'dolkars' standing with harband buckets, one feels like singing: Man 'Dole' Mera Tan Dole...

Khoba Jewda Rengepar (Kohli) village has bagged the first prize under Sant Gadge Baba Swachhta Abhiyan. A large-scale tree plantation has been done on 100 acres of land owned by the Gram Panchayat. With the start of free hot water to the villagers this winter, how many trees will stop dying? Sarpanch Mohan Borkar says, 'After bathing in the hot water, the villagers are fresh and clean and go about their business. This unique method has been tried to save time for heating water and also save trees.'

Seeing village life? There is a spirit of bathing in free hot water in Tadh, while in cities there are many who wander for money to bathe.

Let the sea drown me

Dono kisi ko nazar nahi aayen, chal darya mein dub jaye... This Hindi song echoes the love of a lovebird whose heart flutters, but not in the cafe of love... but drunkenly lifting the anchor of a fishing boat off the coast of Vasai near Mumbai. A laborer started the engine and went for a joy-ride in the sea. No idea which direction the boat is heading. That's it, a song like 'The port is far away, we need to go, beli taro beli taro beli taro tuj hai...' came out shouting. Someone can pick up a bicycle or a motorcycle, but who can pick up a whole boat? The owner of the boat rushed to the shore without seeing the boat. After complaining to the local police, the coast guard was informed that the boat was missing. After 36 hours after the search operation was started, the wreck was found in the sea off Srivardhan in Raigad district, 220 nautical miles from the Vasai coast. It's a good thing the boat ran out of diesel, otherwise a drunken drunk who knows where would have taken the boat! So much to take from this case that if one has to swim in the sea and the ocean of the world and not risk drowning, one should refrain from drinking.

Dogs executed in Delhi

A person who commits a very serious crime is sentenced to death, but how does it feel when a dog, considered to be man's most loyal friend, is sentenced to death? A dog was hanged for the 'crime' of illness in Ghaziabad near Delhi, the country's capital. The dog had been sick for a long time in the Tronica-City area and had bitten several people in the past few times. So two youths tied a rope around the dog's neck and hanged it. Also, a video was also taken on the mobile phone to show that he had done a very brave act. After this video clip went viral, the police woke up and took both the 'hangman' youths into custody. Looking at the actions of these youths, it has to be said that-

May domesticated dogs live in dignity

And the stray dogs go wild,

Hanging from the gallows

Brutalists take down the video with dignity.


Mother that mother another



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