Pakistan had 1288 temples in 1947, now only 18 remain

- This is a proof of the condition of minorities in Pakistan, their sisters and daughters are kidnapped and forcefully married to Muslims.

- 51 Shaktipeeths are centers of faith for Hindus. Among these, Hintakaj Mata Mandir, Shardapith and Shivharkarai are the three Shaktipiths in Pakistan. The destroyed Hinglaj Mata temple in Sindh is not a Shaktipeeth. Hinglaj Mata Shaktipeeth is in Makran in Balochistan but it doesn't matter. The temple of Higlaj Mata of Sindh was also the center of faith of Hindus, so its demolition is also a blow to the faith of Hindus. The Sharadapith of PoK was the Shaktipith. Sharda Peeth was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The Supreme Court of Pakistan also ordered to protect and preserve it

Demolition of Hindu temples and shrines in Pakistan is not a new thing, but the issue is again in the news due to the news that Hinglaj Mata Temple in Sindh and Shardapith in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) were demolished. Until now, Muslim fundamentalists used to demolish temples in Pakistan, but shockingly, Sindh's Hinglaj Mata Mandir and Shardapith have been demolished by the Pakistani government.

The temple of Hinglaj Mata in Mithi town of Tharparkar district of Sindh was demolished on the pretext of coercion while the Shaktipeeth in PoK was demolished in the name of development. According to media reports, a coffee house has been built very close to Shardapith. Shardapith is a historical temple and is years old. There is no one to take care of Hindu temples in Pakistan so this temple was in a state of ruins. Due to this, the beauty of the coffee house was reduced so the temple was demolished.

For Hindus, 51 Shaktipeeths are centers of faith. Among these, Hintakaj Mata Mandir, Shardapith and Shivharkarai are three Shaktipiths located in Pakistan. The temple of Hinglaj Mata in Sindh was demolished and destroyed, it is not a Shaktipeeth. Hinglaj Mata Shaktipeeth is in Makran in Baluchistan but it doesn't matter. The temple of Higlaj Mata in Mithi of Sindh was also the center of faith of Hindus, so its demolition is also a blow to the faith of Hindus.

This incident has shaken the Hindus of Pakistan as the Shardapith of PoK was the Shaktipith. Sharda Peeth was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The Supreme Court of Pakistan has also ordered to protect and preserve it, but in order to please the fundamentalists, both UNESCO and the Supreme Court have swindled and destroyed the Sharda Peeth. is likely.

There were 1288 Hindu temples in Pakistan at the time of independence. According to the statistics provided by the government of Pakistan, there were 20 Hindu temples in Pakistan in 2019. Now 18 of them are left as the government's bulldozer is rolling again. Pakistan has elections in January and a new government will come. If this government is at the feet of the fundamentalists, there is a real danger that by the end of its five years, not a single temple will be left.

Given that there is a campaign going on to wipe out Hindus from Pakistan, if Hindus feel that the possibility of wiping out temples is a reality, their fear is quite reasonable. At present, since there are temples, Hindus can gather and feel that they have a society, but if there are no temples, Hindus will be scattered.

The demolition of Hinglaj Mata Mandir and Shardapith is another proof of the condition of minorities in Pakistan. People of minority communities including Hindus, Sikhs, Christians living in Pakistan are attacked. We hear about their sisters and daughters being abducted and forcibly married to Muslims, minorities being forcibly converted to Islam. It is also common knowledge that the lands and property of the minorities are seized and they are forced to flee in rags, but there is not much discussion about the destruction of temples.

In fact, the destruction of temples is another chapter in the same story of atrocities. The demolition of two temples drew attention to it, and the destruction of temples along with persecution of minorities has already started since independence. After Pakistan came into existence on August 14, 1947, you will understand this if you look at the statistics of mines demolished in the last 75 years.

Different figures are given about how many Hindu temples there are in Pakistan at the time of independence and now because the Pakistani government hides the fact to suppress the incidents of demolition of Hindu temples. Of course according to information provided by Hindus living in Pakistan,

At the time of independence, there were 1288 Hindu temples in Pakistan. Out of them only 31 temples were left in 2020. These figures were given by Pakistan Hindu Council in 2020.

Small temples like Deri are also included in the figures given by the Council, but according to the figures given by the Government of Pakistan, in 2019, out of the four provinces of Pakistan, 11 in Sindh, 4 in Punjab, 3 in Baluchistan and 2 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a total of 20 madirs were in operation.

Pakistan has an Evacuee Trust Board for the maintenance of properties of people who left Pakistan at the time of independence. A total of 1288 Hindu temples were registered in this board in 1947 while in 2020 only 31 temples were reported to be functioning. Based on that, the council gave this information. At that time, the construction of the Hindu temple was stopped due to fierce opposition from Muslim fundamentalists in Islamabad. Due to this, these details came out when the issue of atrocities on minorities came up.

Countries including Pakistan spread lies that minorities including Muslims are being persecuted in India but the real atrocities are happening in Pakistan. The demolition of two temples has made it clear that the government of Pakistan is also involved in this atrocity.

Not only Hindus of India but people of all communities including Sikhs, Christians should raise this issue at global level. This issue is not limited to Hindus but affects all minorities. Globally, human rights organizations have raised concerns about atrocities against minorities in Pakistan. Shorbakro has become necessary to make them sleep.

Hindus are not allowed to enter the temple of Lord Ram in Islamabad

In Pakistan, when Imran Khan was the Prime Minister, it was announced in a big way to hand over 400 temples to Hindus to show that minorities are not persecuted in Pakistan. The Imran government has announced that Hindu temples will be rehabilitated and handed back to the Hindu community after removing pressure from them.

It was claimed that Jagannath Temple and Shivalaya Tejasingh in Sialkot, two historic temples and Gorakhnath Temple in Peshawar would be handed over to Hindus, but nothing happened. Among these, Shivalaya Tejasingh is said to be 1000 years old. Four years after the announcement of the Imran Khan government, the situation remains the same. The situation in Pakistan is so bad that Hindus can't even go to temples that are in good condition, let alone return the old temples. There is a temple of Lord Rama built in 16th century in Islamabad. The temple has been closed since independence and Hindus are not allowed to enter it or worship.

Restaurants, shops, government offices were built in temples

The details of what happened to the 1288 Hindu temples during the independence period in Pakistan are shocking. In most cases fundamentalists have demolished temples and started madrasas. In some cases, recalcitrant Muslims have occupied the temples by intimidating the Hindus and started various businesses on the premises of the temples.

All Pakistan Hindu Rights Movement recently conducted a survey about the status of Hindu temples. According to this survey, 428 Hindu temples remained in Pakistan in 1990. Out of these 408 temples have been built with restaurants, schools, toy shops, etc. after 1990. Many temples have been demolished and government offices have also been built there. It means that the government is also an equal partner in demolishing temples.


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