China's Insidious Privacy

As many important countries as there are in the world, they are ruled by almost one-man show politicians. The kind of team leadership that was traditionally used to manage and manage huge countries now appears to be dying out. Due to this, the burden of taking all decisions is placed on a single person. Hence, the possibility of making hasty or wrong decisions increases. This is the situation of the leaders of all important countries including India, Russia, China, America. China has its own top leadership of the People's Party, but its role is very limited. India has a two-tier cabinet. Besides, Rashtrapati Bhavan and Supreme Court are also ready for error correction and guidance. That readiness is sometimes expressed in the form of reprimand. However, the role of the President and the court in the practical management of the entire nation and in the formulation of policies is limited.

In China, Xi Jinping enjoys absolute power. There is a Politburo and a Senate to stop them. China's Communist Party can step in in a crisis to prevent the Chinese president from becoming unruly. Xi Jinping has the shrewdness to outsmart a well-heeled politician. Xi Jinping wants to run the country like a company. His foreign policy over the years has also seen the attitude of a businessman more than a president. His method of running the country has proved to be largely a failure. His personal approach and style of humiliatingly silencing his detractors once made him very popular, but these methods are now costing him dearly. Due to this approach, China remained unaware and a new wave of Corona arrived.

Just as the supercomputer was too small to keep track of the lies of Donald Trump, who has become the ideal of the irresponsible, the tendency of Xi Jinping to remain oblivious and to cover up his mistakes even at the expense of government instruments is weighing heavily on the whole of China today. Today, the fifth wave of Corona has started in China. If a single person is to be held responsible for that, it is the Chinese President himself. The height of his mountain of lies, which he spewed before the world media, has reached Everest. The work of many companies such as multinational companies is continuing under the ongoing Corona restrictions. Due to this, the positive cases of Corona increased at a rapid rate. Now the number of cases has started increasing again with some relaxation last week.

Xi Jinping also recently claimed that millions of doses of corona vaccine are ready, but no one believes this. Business in China has come to a standstill. Hundreds of universities are on the verge of closure. Corona is carving up education like a termite. Xi Jinping has indulged in self-aggrandizement by sidestepping many other such tough challenges. If the Chinese government does not come to the aid of the people before the current wave ends, the number of cases there will increase beyond the limits. One man's pride will sink the whole country. Various provinces in China have publicly admitted that the number of positive cases will start to skyrocket if even the slightest legal relaxation is given to the lockdown, which is in name only. When Donald Trump was in power, it is difficult to find an area of ​​ten square kilometers in America where there is not one positive case of Corona.

Due to careless and arrogant Trump, corona virus has accelerated. Currently, Xi Jinping is proudly walking around wearing the belt of his immortal power and the cases of Corona are going forward. Yet the height of privacy is less about serving patients and more about not disclosing the number of cases. There is no doubt that millions of Chinese people will drown in this stupidity of China. Xi Jinping's name will be written in bronze as the president who misused government employees or government assets the most in Chinese history. In China, Jinping has now become Mao himself, so the history of China is also the same and the future is also the same. Such evil rulers make sure that what a great favor nature has done to mankind by growing the fruit called death on the tree of life. The people of China are now starting to hate this dictator.


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