A sign of the second revolution in China after Mao's revolution

- Inhumane atrocities on the people caused outrage as the communist leader himself lived in Ayyashi.

- In almost all the big cities of China, people are holding violent protests and gradually these protests are turning into demands for democracy instead of lockdown protests. Political analysts believe that the cause of this protest may be the lockdown imposed due to Corona, but the real reason is the growing dissatisfaction and outrage against the communist regime of China.

Due to the increasing cases of Corona in China, there has been a flare-up after the Chinese government imposed a zero covid policy. Under the zero covid policy, lockdown has been imposed in areas where corona cases are high. In big cities in China, people are not allowed to go out and are being forced to stay indoors. On November 25, due to the lockdown, a fire broke out in an apartment in Xinjiang, even though people were not allowed to go out in the name of lockdown, 10 people perished. Due to this incident, people's pent-up anger flared up and took to the streets.

In almost all major cities of China, people are holding violent protests and gradually these protests are turning into demands for democracy instead of lockdown protests. Political analysts believe that the cause of this protest may be the lockdown imposed due to Corona, but the real reason is the growing dissatisfaction and outrage against the communist regime of China. This is why the movement quickly became a movement for the demand of democracy.

Thousands of protesters took to the streets in Shanghai, China's capital, earlier demanding the lifting of the lockdown across China. Now their attitude has changed. Now their demand is that we want democracy in China, not dictatorship.

A large number of students have also joined this movement. University students have joined the protest in Beijing, the capital of China. Students have written 'No to Lockdown, Yes to Freedom' and 'No to Kovid Test, Yes to Food' slogans on the walls. In a video, military personnel and university staff threaten students, saying that they will suffer the consequences of this protest. In response, the students fearlessly tell that you too will have to suffer the consequences and if people don't wake up now, the whole country will suffer the consequences.

In China, factory workers usually do not join protests, but now workers have also joined the fray. Hundreds of workers have been trapped inside the iPhone-making Foxconn Technology plant in Zhengzhou for months. Videos of these workers raging and fighting with security personnel to get out have also gone viral.

Thousands of videos of Chinese demonstrations have gone viral on social media. In this video, it can be seen that people are standing on the road with banners demanding democracy. It is clear from these posters with the demand of 'Need Human Ride, Need Freedom' i.e. human rights and freedom, that people are now demanding democracy in China. People are also demanding the resignation of Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party leaving power.

Many analysts believe that the struggle for a revolution similar to Mao Tse Tung's revolution in China in the 1940s is over. It is believed that by imposing lockdown in the name of stopping Corona, people are confined in their homes so that this movement does not become huge, the demand for democracy does not become high, but this time people are equally angry because the communist rulers have overdone the atrocities.

Communist rule in China is ruthless. The Communist Party leader himself lives in Ayyashi, inhumane atrocities on the common people. People earn by hard work and jalsa leaders-officers do. Less than this, Communist Party leaders impose restrictions whenever they like. On the pretext of Corona, they have imposed restrictions to such an extent that even breathing becomes difficult for people.

In China, the media is controlled by the government, but social media is also subordinated to the government. While the whole world expresses their feelings on social media including Twitter, Facebook, social media in China is also run by the government. Write anything anti-government on it and that's it. Do not search after being carried away by the army. In this way, people in China did not have the freedom to speak. Now the freedom to go out or move around at will has been taken away, so people are just as angry. People on the streets want the freedom to breathe freely, so the demand for democracy has become high.

However, bringing democracy to China is not easy because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has an iron grip on the system. The Chinese army is called the People's Liberation Army. The soldiers of this army are not loyal to their country but to the Communist Party because it has been instilled in their minds that the Communist Party is the country. The soldiers are Communist Party workers and even the highest positions in the army are Communist Party leaders. This is why the Army is completely loyal to the Communist Party. Chinese military officers obey orders from the Communist Party. In short, the party has complete control over the army, so if the movement becomes too big, the army will come to the ground to crush it.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has 100 million active members who are trained like military soldiers. These workers get salary every month and get facilities like government employees. The party bears the responsibility of running their house, making a living. These ten crore workers are unarmed soldiers of the party but do not think that the party will hold arms in their hands to suppress the movement and maintain power. People demanding democracy in China have to fight on three fronts: police, army and active members of CCP. Millions of people are demanding democracy, but they are hopeless. Considering that the government has weapons and brutal mentality, those who demand democracy have to fight very hard.

China brutally crushed the 1989 movement

Even before there was a massive movement with the demand for democracy in China, but the communist regime of China suppressed this movement with extreme brutality. Student leaders took the lead in this movement with the demand for democracy in 1989. Following the call of student leaders, millions of students from all over China marched to Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The Chinese army tried hard to stop the students but the students did not fight back. After breaking the army blockade, the students started protesting from April 15. In ten days more than ten lakh students had come.

Chinese Premier Li Peng warned students to vacate Beijing. The students refused and the flow continued into Tiananmen Square. Despite the Communist leaders' willingness to use military force to repel the students, the Chairman of the Military Commission, Deng Xiaoping, was opposed to taking military action against his own students, but no action was taken at first.

Due to this lakhs of students came and the agitation intensified. Realizing that the situation will go out of control if the students are not stopped, the Communist Party ignored Deng and imposed martial law from May 20 and gave the students a 10-day ultimatum. On June 4, the army started chasing away the students as the students did not move.

As the students resisted, it was impossible to evacuate Tiananmen Square, so finally the Liberation Army soldiers were sent in tanks. They started firing bullets from machine guns and blowing up the students. Tanks were mounted on the students in peace and they crushed them and shed rivers of blood. When Tiananmen Square was emptied on the morning of June 5, the entire square was red with the blood of the students.


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