A minor was killed in public in Delhi, people watched the spectacle

- For the so-called civil society, this is like drowning with water in the lid

- When Sahil stopped the witness in public and stabbed him in the stomach, there were many people around. Most of the people watching the spectacle saw Sahil stabbing the witness. In the CCTV footage, it is seen that some people pass by on the public road and turn back to see Sahil's murderous game but do not try to stop him. Seeing that Sahil was alone and there were at least twenty-twenty five people outside, if an attempt had been made to stop him, the witness could have been saved, but except for one or two people, no one tried to stop Sahil or save the witness, nor did they inform the police.

The murder of Shraddha Volkar by her live-in partner Aftab Amin Poonawala, which happened exactly one year ago in Delhi, created a stir. After killing Shraddha, Aftab was caught cutting her body into pieces, keeping it in a freezer and disposing of it slowly.

While the details of the Shraddha murder case have shaken people and its nightmarish memories have not yet been erased from the minds of people, a girl was killed in Delhi in a more brutal manner than Shraddha. A 16-year-old girl Sakshi living in the Shahabad dairy area was also killed by a Muslim youth, Sahil, which brought back the memory of Shraddha's murder.

However, the killing of the witness is more shocking because Sahil killed the witness in public. CCTV footage of the killing of the witness has emerged. In this footage, Sahil can be seen killing the witness with such brutality that he is ashamed to call himself a man. The brutal scenes seen in a movie are visible in the CCTV footage. Sahil is 20 years old and Sakshi is said to be 16 years old. Witness J.J. She lived in the colony and Sahil also lived near her. Some TV channels had earlier run that Sahil was in one-sided love with Sakshi but she was not reciprocating so he killed Sakshi. However, the police have officially said that Sakshi and Sahil had a relationship. There was a quarrel between the two.

Due to this fight, Sahil was killed. A fight broke out in the morning and in the evening Sakshi, who was going to her friend's son's birthday party, was stopped on the road, stabbed forty times and then smashed her head with a stone. Sahil left after stabbing the witness with a knife about 40 times in the stomach and then came back. After that he picked up a stone lying near him and hit the witness six times on the head, crushing his entire head. Even then, Khunnas was still kicking as he did not go away.

This incident is shocking and even more shocking is another thing. There were many people around when Sahil stopped the witness in public and stabbed him in the stomach. A couple of people tried to stop Sahil but most of the people were watching the spectacle as Sahil stabbed the witness.

In the CCTV footage, it is seen that some people pass by on the public road and turn back to see Sahil's murderous game but do not try to stop him. Seeing that Sahil was alone and there were at least twenty-twenty five people outside, if an attempt had been made to stop him, the witness could have been saved, but except for one or two people, no one tried to stop Sahil or save the witness, nor did they inform the police.

For the so-called civil society, this is like drowning with water in the lid. After stabbing the witness, Sahil was leaving and came back, but no one stopped him. When Sahil was running away after the murder, some people tried to stop Sahil but it was too late.

In this shocking incident, the minor girl is a Hindu while the killer is a Muslim so it would be surprising if the politicians did not jump in. Politicians have also entered the fray on the issue of witness murder. While the BJP has raised the issue of Hindu versus Muslim, the Aam Aadmi Party has seized the opportunity to bash Lt Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena.

Delhi BJP leader Kapil Mishra has tweeted that this painful murder has taken place in Delhi. Another minor Hindu girl is being trampled to death. The killer is Sarfaraz's son Sahil. How many Kerala stories in Gali Gali? I don't know how many Shraddhas are becoming victims of this cruelty every day where Shraddha has not got justice.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has hit back that the brutal killing of a minor girl in Delhi is sad and unfortunate. Lt Governor sir, law and order in Delhi is your responsibility, do something. Criminals have become fearless in Delhi, there is no fear of the police.

Kejriwal's point is not wrong because the BJP leader says this is not a Hindu-Muslim issue but a law and order issue. Such incidents happen every six months in Delhi. Some time ago, the people who hit a girl named Anjali Singh dragged her for kilometers trapped in the tire of a car. Finally, they threw him on the road with no clothes left on his body and went away.

Other such incidents are bound to happen because there is no fear of the police. The Union Home Ministry is responsible for law and order in Delhi. The Lieutenant Governor appointed by the Central Government has to perform the crime prevention duty on behalf of the Ministry of Home Affairs. However, Lt Governor Kejriwal of Delhi is busy with his plans of how to run the government, so there is no time to look at the law and order situation. Due to Lt Governor not paying attention, Delhi Police system is also underfunded. The high officials survive by flattering the people sitting in the government so they don't care what happens to the people. People are paying a heavy price for it.

VVIPs safe in the capital, public unprotected

Delhi Police currently has around 95 thousand employees and out of them about 80 thousand police are directly involved in maintaining law and order situation. Others are involved in office work. Unfortunately, out of the 80,000 policemen who are responsible for maintaining law and order, one-third i.e. about 27,000 policemen are deployed for the protection of VVIPs and VIPs.

The Prime Minister's security is the responsibility of the Special Protection Group (SPG). If we add his two thousand commandos, the figure reaches thirty thousand. Apart from these two thousand jawans, around a hundred Delhi Police jawans are on duty around the Prime Minister's house while around a thousand Delhi Police jawans are stationed around the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Apart from this, thousands of policemen are also stationed there for Union ministers, judges, foreign diplomats and other VVIPs who get special security. Due to this, VVIPOs in Delhi are highly secured but public is insecure due to lack of adequate police staff.

In Delhi, families do not send women to work

Delhi is the capital of the country but has long been considered the most unsafe place for women in the country. The law and order situation in Delhi is so bad that women cannot go out after six in the evening. Due to this, most of the families do not like to employ the women of their house. As a result, Delhi is the city with the lowest proportion of women in the working class, i.e. the workforce, in the country. The proportion of women in Delhi's work force is only 11 percent. This means that out of a hundred people doing some kind of work in Delhi, the number of women is only 11.

Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Bihar are considered conservative. In these states, women of the family feel ashamed to go outside to work. Despite this mindset, the proportion of women in the work force in the cities of these states is higher than in Delhi. What can be said to be more shameful than women having to stay indoors in the capital of the country just for security reasons?


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