Gas Chamber: First Delhi and then Kolkata will become graves of thousands of people

- Comma

- Talking about Delhi's pollution has become as fashionable as the environment in the country. As talk grows, more and more smoke surrounds the place, which ends up being desperate.

It is a fact that neither the government nor the people are taking the problem of breathing which is the basis of our life seriously. Delhi itself is about to become a tunnel and suddenly news comes that four hundred civilians died in their sleep last night in oxygen-zero weather. Now this is a fantasy, but the reality is now very close to this fantasy. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has a terrible intellectual deficit for this problem of his state and yet he does not want to take HI ie Hired Intellect - borrowed intelligence, and wants to let Delhi go up in smoke in front of his eyes.

Every time the weather changes, the air pollution in and around the country's capital Delhi starts affecting people's breathing. Delhi's pollution has been in the news ever since the Supreme Court of the country started to worry about this polluted air. But recently the Swiss group IQA released a list of the world's most polluted cities, three of which are from India. The cities included in the list have extremely poor air quality. The level of air pollution continues to rise to critical levels. Among them, the worst situation is Delhi. The level of polluted air here has reached 431. An AQI level of zero to 50 is considered good.

After this Kolkata is among the most polluted cities in India. The level of polluted air here has been recorded as 175. With the onset of winter, a shadow of smoke and smog begins to surround Kolkata, just like Delhi. Mumbai is not far behind in terms of air pollution. AQI in Mumbai is at 173. Even the air here is not breathable. Pollution levels have also increased in other cities of the country. Lung, heart and eye patients are increasing in many areas due to non-clearance of smog. Ahmedabad is also now preparing to enter this negative race.

Air pollution is at its peak in the country's capital Delhi due to dense population and high number of vehicles. According to data collected by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) earlier this month, the Air Quality Index (AQI) has reached 431. Which is almost five times more than normal. As a result, the air quality in the National Capital Region, including Delhi, is in a very poor condition. This condition is considered extremely dangerous for the health of human and other living beings. This pollution in Delhi is blamed on the burning of waste in Haryana and Punjab, while apart from ozone present on Earth, this pollution is also caused by carbon, sulfur and nitrogen oxide gases. These particles of pollution created by smoke, smog and gases are deadly and difficult to see with the naked eye. Talking about Delhi's pollution has become as fashionable as the environment in the country. As the talk grows, more and more smoke surrounds the place, which ends up being desperate.

Particles 10 to 2.5 micrometers and even finer are called PM-10 and PM-2.5. PM-2.5 particles are mainly produced from diesel, petrol and other fossil fuel fumes. PM-10 particles are made from stubble and other wood and dust. Crop residues are burnt extensively in Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and western Uttar Pradesh. As a result, fog has covered the air of Delhi. After harvesting in the month of October-November every year, the remaining branches are burnt in the field. The smoke emitted from these pollutes the air.

Government data shows that 700 crore tonnes of stubble (excess waste after harvesting agricultural crops) is generated in the country every year. 9 crore tonnes of it is available in the fields. However, 31 percent of stubble is used as fodder, 19 percent as bioenergy and 15 percent as fertilizer. However, the remaining 31 percent of stubble has to be burnt in the field, as farmers have no other easy and cheap way to dispose of it. Therefore, despite the intervention of the Supreme Court, the problem of stubble burning has been recurring for the last three decades.

Stubble burning has many disadvantages. Eight kg of nitrogen, potash, sulfur and about three kg of phosphorus from one acre of paddy straw are destroyed by burning. Earth's temperature rises due to fire. Due to this, microorganisms beneficial to agriculture also die.

In Kolkata, however, straw burning does not pollute the air. The amount of pollution in the air here has reached the figure of 175. This pollution damages the lungs as much as smoking cigarettes. A cigarette emits as much as 22 microns of PM-2.5, then how much more poison will be released from cigarettes! According to a CNCI report, 19 out of every one lakh people in Kolkata are suffering from lung cancer. It is considered to be the cause of this pollution. Most of these cancer sufferers are those who go for morning outdoor walks for health benefits.

Due to this mentality, the number of two and four wheeler vehicles has increased rapidly and pollution has also increased to the same extent. According to the Global Disease Report conducted by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, if particulate matter (PM) reaches a level of 2.5, the number of people who die from heart disease in the world increases. It is currently the fifth leading cause of death. The disease is also spreading rapidly in Kolkata.

According to a study by IIT Kanpur, 30 percent of the pollution across the country is caused by vehicles running on diesel-petrol. After this 26 percent is due to coal. Bursting firecrackers on Diwali causes only five percent pollution. Greenpeace, an environmental protection organization, estimates that 1.2 million Indians die every year due to air pollution. This report has been prepared by evaluating the air quality of 168 cities of the country. The most harmful thing is the smoke from the vehicles. The gases and particles released from it increase the amount of pollution in the atmosphere by 40 to 60 percent.

Even today in Kolkata, food is cooked with charcoal and wood in the slums and slums. A large number of laborers cook food using these means on the footpaths here. Due to this noxious smoke is mixed in the air. The air here continues to be contaminated with metals, which is damaging crops. Unusable ships are broken up and destroyed at the port here. These ships are also full of toxic waste. They mostly contain soda ash, battery acid and various types of deadly chemicals. The government has no attention towards it.


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