Abhaydan will donate? .

e. S. The current NDA government formed in 2014 e. S. In 2018, 'Electoral Bond' scheme was brought. It was a constitutional plan to rob in the dark by wearing black clothes, which was prepared by the then Finance Minister Arun Jaitley with the approval of Prime Minister Modi. A petition to consider its merits and legality was pending in the Supreme Court for years. It is strange that such constitutional matters, which have a crucial bearing on the present and future of the country, reach the courts, but are not heard on priority basis. There should be no restriction on how long a court can keep such an important case pending. No political and constitutional framework should forget that ultimately everyone is a child of this Constitution and this Constitution is a child of the people of India. Sovereignty rests only with the public to whom everyone is responsible in light of the Constitution.

In such a situation, the Attorney General of India in the Supreme Court R. How is Venkataramani giving a written statement that the people of India have no right to know how much money a person has given to which party? When the legal representative of a government made by the votes of the people and run on the people's currency says that the public has no right to know who is spending its money and how, he is actually saying that the public has no conscience. This Venkataramani gentleman is paid a monthly salary by the public and this entire court system is also dependent on public money. To say so in such a situation is proof of great stupidity or great arrogance. The sovereignty of the people of the country is being ignored by this incident. Even more surprising is that the Supreme Court of the country listens to such government arrogance and remains silent.

The question remains where political parties get funds to contest elections. This is a gangotri of economic and political corruption. The question then arises, does the Electoral Bond Scheme prevent the interference of rich people in elections? No attempt to control this interference has been effective so far. Because political parties are not honest. There was a need to find a way in which individual corporate houses did not become partners of the government somewhere through such bonds. There may be other ways to break the nexus between big business and the ruling party, but the Electoral Bond scheme has come to the fore, deepening that friendship. This is an unethical scheme that legitimizes dishonesty. The identity of the donor cannot be known. You expose it, it is not your right. Those who know the ins and outs are the participants in this game. Such anonymity gives the unconstitutional right to defeat manpower with money power. These so-called anonymous donors receive donations from the authorities.

So since 2014, BJP is getting huge funds. Other parties have no more status than 'Sudama'. This is not BJP's miracle, it is power's. Tomorrow if any other party is in power then all this money will start flowing towards him. Such a system is neither ethical, democratic nor constitutional. 'Electoral bond' was a government initiative which the judiciary should have gone ahead and struck down, but let alone doing so, the court was not even willing to listen to it and now the government is unhesitatingly telling it what kind of alliance the ruling class and the rich are. The public has no right to know that the game is being played. Just as this law makes a mockery of the constitutional powers of the Court, the 'Election Bond' also makes a mockery of it.

Who and what questions should be asked in such a situation? Both print and photo media are no longer left anywhere in the country. There are commercial organizations waging a power struggle in the name of media which pollutes both the paper and the mind of the country. Today even in Gajapatti there is more meaningful media than here. When the 'people' disappear from a democracy, the 'system' makes the sky resound with its echoes, and itself hears itself. The BJP-led NDA government has been known as an industry-friendly government since the very beginning. In fact he is not an industrialist but an industrialist friend. The big industrial houses of the country now have to sell not only petroleum, cement or iron but also jewelry. From the hands of the smallest man who earns, even his livelihood is snatched. If the government is their friend, they will be known as corporate goons in the future. The Supreme Court has recently come down hard on Baba Ramdev's companies because the poison of falsehood is so prevalent in his propaganda. They are also beneficiaries of the industrialist friendly government.


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