Ye 'mera' love letter padkar tum naraz hona hona...

- Unencumbered joy-inexhaustible antani

Saki gets drunk, aunt gets drunk. Saki jam jam kaki anjam. Saki's influence in suralaya and aunt's influence in sa-suralaya. Saki Sharab Pye and Aunt Rab Pye. Surahi in saki's hand and (cutting vegetables-nose) knife in aunt's hand...

Kakane reached there with such word-play of Saki and Kaki. It is said that no matter how old or disrespectful, even if the monkey gets old, Gulant does not forget, the living example of this is our mighty Pathukaka.

Who knows what the uncle thought that while preparing to clean on the days of the festival, he said to the auntie, 'Sweep and clean everywhere, but don't touch the small bag kept on Godrej's cupboard, ho? Very important papers have been saved in it, don't forget it.'

The human mind is such that once the worm of doubt creeps in, then the one who has been rejected will cling to it. Aunty immediately climbed on the table and dropped the small bag covered in dust. Then he got down from the table and opened the bag and several inland letters and postcards came out. Kaki kept reading and her temper rose. Aunty snapped, 'Who are all these friends of yours? Dear Pathendra... Lee. Leela... Lee. Sheila... Lee. Ramila... Who wrote you love letters just tell me!'

Hearing Sheila and Leela's names, Pathukaka became furious and defended, 'All these love letters are from college days... Sheila and Leela I was not even married to you when I wrote all those love letters, understand? Now all that has been documented, so stop having false suspicions. If you sing a fun song - Ye Mera Prempatra Padkar Tum Naraz Na Hona Ki Tum Meri Zindagi Ho Ki Tum Meri Bandagi Ho...'

Hearing this, Balakaki burst into tears and said, 'You have betrayed me (like leaders), I thought you loved me only, but as soon as you opened the bag, fifteen letters from your lover came out of it, you are my life. Making out with? What do I do now?' Kaka Tadukya, 'Light the old love letters and burn all the love letters... May your life be at peace...'

Kaki immediately went to the ashari, piled up the love letters, lit the lamp and also burnt the bag of putha, then put a sheet over the gown she was wearing and slowly filled the soupdi with burnt paper and ashes. On seeing the aunt while spreading the chadar, Pathukaka chanted a hymn: Chadar odh shak vot... Chadar odh shak vot... Hearing this, the angry aunt complained that if a rich man like you has wandered in fate, what is the reason for doubting the chadar? Even in small matters, you have to have doubts...'

Burned and burned, aunt left for satsang, so I said to uncle, 'What is this ku-mati Suzhi to you? What if the love letters of your ex and now 'ex' lovers had been left in the bag? Why did you dig up the useless?'

Pathukaka took out a print from under Hinchka's cushion and read the news to me saying, 'Read this, an old love affair of a grandfather has come to light. Grandmother was cleaning when she came across old love letters of grandfather and the old woman was shocked. Dizzy, neighbors gathered. My ex said that he betrayed me like this? What is the point of me living now? How much did Dosa Bichara convince that these are three decades old love letters, now that lover must have become a senior citizen by now, her boy must be growing up there, then why is he hungry to open an old chapter? But the former does not believe. Finally, when the sisters from the social service department of the police came and convinced Maji, the matter was calmed down. After reading this news, I was shocked that if there is such a commotion due to one love affair of grandpa, what kind of commotion will be created if the love letters of my fifteen love affairs fall into the hands of my aunt? That's all, he made the mistake of warning your aunt with that thought.'

I said, 'Uncle, old love-letters go to revolution letters when they are caught, do you understand? Now raise your voice and look at the aunt and start singing: Ye Mera Prempatra Padhkar Ki Tum Pattar Na Khandana... Ke Tum Meri Zindagi Ho Ke Tum Meri Gandagi Ho...'

Pathukaka said, 'Now I understand why the great poet Kalidasa used to send love-messages to his beloved through the clouds? Love letters are sometimes afraid of falling into the hands of the wife, but what if they are caught while sending love-messages on the clouds?'

Aunty went to the kitchen and I gently asked, 'Tell me a secret that you wrote so many love letters to your sweetheart in your youth, why should those love letters be with the sweetheart? So why did it come back to you?'

Uncle said, 'I used to like Gomti, who was studying in college in the village where I lived in Saurashtra, then I fell in love with Gomu. Several love letters were dropped. It is said that love is blind, but after love and marriage the eyes are opened. I was madly in love with Gomu. After two or three months, I realized that even though I loved only Gomu, Gomu believed in unity in diversity. So I started hanging out with several other youths, seeing this made my head spin.

I asked in between, 'Uncle, what did you do after you got dizzy?'

The uncle sneered and replied, 'I went to Gomti's house to break the relationship like the present opposition alliance and shouted a lot, but Nakti Gomu didn't seem to have any effect. So I said that nothing else, but give back the love letters written to you, then I will take the conditions. Hearing my request, Gomti went to the barn of the house and filled a big hole and brought love letters. Then you know what I said? Gomu says that among these love letters written by you, take them to Goti so that the matter is settled, understand? Did I break something on one of yours? If I sat down to return the love letters of many people, I would get angry... So I quietly brought the love letters that I had written one by one. Just from that, today's babal happened. Do you understand now?'


Heavy rain occurs in monsoon

Husbandry in the case of Draupadi.

** ** **

A funny share, sharing:

Dil Ek Ko Do

Give me a crocodile neck,

Ye koi katha ka prasad nahi

Jo Har Ek Ko Do.


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