Deep State: A parallel government is either a reality or a myth

- Talk-Think-Shishir Ramavat

- The Deep State is a controversial topic. According to many there is no such thing as a deep state, the whole thing is a hoax, nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Another class says no, the Deep State really exists, which dictates the course of the nation-world.

An enigmatic phrase is frequently used when discussing international politics. That is the 'Deep State'. A deep state is simply a parallel government, which is secret, unauthorized and has nothing to do with the goals or agenda of the head of state or the elected government! They have their own special mathematics, their own equations, and especially their own interests. It is a state-within-a-state. Usually the officers of intelligence agencies, secret police, administrative agencies, top tycoons, even influential government officials jointly form this deep state and determine the activities of the country and the world. All countries have their own deep states lurking behind the scenes. Needless to say, this deep state has unimaginably tremendous power.

The Deep State is a controversial topic. According to many there is no such thing as a deep state, the whole thing is a hoax, nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Another class says that no, the Deep State really exists. For decades the term "Deep State" continued to refer to Turkey. The Turkish military did not want the rapid development of democracy here. In the last few years the term deep state has become especially popular due to Donald Trump. He used to mention the deep state from time to time when he was the President of America. He used to say that there is a permanent government secretly running in America, which is creating obstacles in my way and not allowing my elected government to assume!

An author named David Rohd has written an entire book titled 'In Deep: The FBI, The CIA and The Truth About America's Deep State'. He says, 'In America, apart from intelligence agencies like FBI, CIA, NSA has tremendous power. And these are all dangerous agencies. It should be monitored. I first read the term deep state in reference to the American government in a 2007 book by Peter Scott. America has repeatedly been involved in wars at the behest of military officers and arms dealers. This is at the root of the 9-11 incident and everything that followed. Big banks and financial institutions are also involved in this.

An American billionaire named George Soros is considered one of the ten biggest heads of the Deep State. Soros is a 92-year-old businessman who two years ago had a net worth of $8.6 billion. It runs a grant-making network called Open Society Foundations and donates huge sums of money every year to genuine and supposedly 'charitable' organizations at home and abroad.

George Soros is notorious as an enemy of India. In 2008, he invested more than 90 million dollars in India. In 2010, it had a stake of four percent in the Bombay Stock Exchange. In 2016, the Indian government started looking down on foreign funding, tightening the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) and within a year, George Soares pulled out of India.

It is an open secret that a lot of foreign money has been funneled into the country through bogus NGOs to hollow out India from within. In 2012, there were 4 million NGOs in India. Who is called 40 lakh NGOs! Of these, 33,000 NGOs received foreign grants worth a total of Rs 13,000 crore. Do you know how much was the total foreign capital of this NGO in 2011? 3 billion dollars! And what was the total foreign capital of Indian industries in 2011? Only 4 billion dollars. From this can you estimate the huge amount of foreign money being administered through NGOs? Foreign funding to NGOs fell by 40 percent from 2014 to 2016 after the government adopted a stricter stance.

Organizations such as the Center for Policy Research (CPR, founded in 1973) and the Independent and Public-Spirited Media Foundation (IPSMF) provided financial backing to some digital news outlets. Where news outlets? Alt News, The Wire and Kerven. The government suspended the Center for Policy Research a few months ago. Now let's dig a little deeper. Where did this organization get its funds from? Besides the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, from an organization called Namati Foundation. The main area of ​​activity of Namati Foundation is North India where the states of Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Arunachal etc. are located. Who provides the expenses of this Namati Foundation? George Soros's Open Society Foundations. Adi Achint, director of the Delhi-based Center for Integrated and Holistic Studies, goes so far as to say that not only China, but also George Soros's money has been used to keep Manipur burning. Soros' Open Society Foundations are now in the public eye. So it creates subsidiaries, sub-subsidiaries and keeps the money flowing. Soros has a huge network in Assam. Its Open Society Foundations first send money to the National Foundation of India, from which funds are diverted to five different organizations in the North-East. Money from these five institutions then reaches other institutions, and so on. Ram knows what this money will be really used for and the intelligence agencies know. Besides George Soros, there is an American diplomat named Madeleine Allbright on the advisory committee of Namati Foundation. Before the US had to send its troops into Iraq, Medley said, what does it mean that the US has such a large army? Do soldiers have to sit and kill flies? Go, go and fight!

An Indian NGO called the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) received substantial funding from George Soros. Soros's foundation was red-eyeed and the flow of money from there stopped. CHRI got locked in 2016. What did Soros manipulate? He opened a new NGO in London - CHRI-UK and started sending money back to India through it!

There is a foundation in France called Sherpa. Sherpa Foundation went to court in France against the Rafale deal between India and France. Sherpa also received funding from Soros' Open Society Foundation. The uproar against the Rafale in India has not yet faded from our ears. Scholars say that don't make the mistake of taking the events that happen in the country in isolation. If you look through the glass, you will see that these events are somehow inter-connected, all ends meet somewhere.

As noted earlier, financial institutions are also an important part of the deep state. Which are the top five foreign funds with the highest assets in India? BlackRock, Vanguard, Fidelity, JP Morgan and State Steel Global Advisors. These five funds account for 40 percent of the assets under management of all foreign funds in India. All five funds have a total capital of around Rs 2.5 lakh crore ($312 billion) as of today. This is 9 percent of India's 3.3 trillion economy!

Does such a thing as a 'Canadian Deep State' even exist? Besides the Khalistanis, could there be a deep state connection behind the strained India-Canada relationship? This question jumps in the mind of many, but no one has got the answer yet.


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