According to the shutdown in America, people will lose in the fight of two bulls

- Due to Donald Trump, the Republican Party came to power, so if there is no resolution on the 30-day spending approval issue, government services will be suspended from October 1.

- Not all government services are closed under shutdown but certain non-essential services of the federal government i.e. central government are closed. Employees working in essential services are injured at work but do not even get paid. In short, the shutdown will force 8 lakh employees working in utility services to work without pay or go on leave. Trump ruined Christmas for 800,000 employees because most employees chose the second option.

After five years in America, the threat of shutdown is once again looming. In India, the financial year starts from April 1, while in America, the financial year starts from October 1 and ends on September 30 of the next year. Every financial year in America, a bill has to be passed in the American Congress (Parliament) to provide salaries and allowances to employees working in government services.

If the Congress does not pass the estimated spending bill, government services are stopped in the event that the government employees do not get their salaries, it is called a shutdown. With the same situation now, there is a threat that all government services will be suspended from October 1 in the United States, so the Americans are alarmed.

The US Congress has two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Joe Biden's Democratic Party does not have a majority in either house. Since the approval of Congress is required for any expenditure in America, even if Biden is the president, his crucible is in the hands of Donald Trump's Republican Party. Trump takes advantage of it to challenge Biden. Earlier, he challenged Biden on the issue of increasing the debt limit of America and now he has started the same game on the issue of spending and approval.

Usually, when there is a difference between the government and the opposition, the expenditure for one month is allowed so that there is no shutdown and the people are not suffering. Because of Trump, the Republican Party has come to power, so there is no resolution even on the issue of 30-day expenditure approval, so now it seems that there will be a shutdown.

Joe Biden has become desperate to avoid a shutdown. He has reminded the Republican Party of the shutdown in 2018 and has also given an indirect warning that this time too, if you go for a shutdown, you will lose, but Trump's party is not giving a damn. In 2018, Trump stubbornly used his authority to shut down the border wall with Mexico after not getting approval. Trump has shut down government services for 40 days and sent government employees on unpaid leave.

Not all government services are shut down under the shutdown but certain non-essential services of the federal government i.e. the central government are shut down. Employees working in essential services are injured at work but do not even get paid. In short, the shutdown will force 8 lakh employees working in utility services to work without pay or go on leave. Trump ruined the Christmas of 8 lakh employees because most of the employees chose the second option.

Another 20 lakh employees came to work but they did not get their salary, so their Christmas was ruined. Apart from this, it is different that millions of Americans had problems. The shutdown was also one of the reasons why Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election. Biden has tried to remind Trump's party of this, but no one is willing to listen to him.

It is also worth understanding what happens if there is a shutdown in America. In the event of a shutdown, the employees of Homeland Security i.e. Internal Security, Transportation, Agriculture, Justice, Healthcare, Education, Statistics etc. departments will be put on leave. Government tourist sites including national parks and other museums are also temporarily locked. Since 438 agencies of the American government depend on the funds approved by Congress, all these agencies have to be closed and cannot be started until Congress approves the funds.

Among the services that will continue are pension and health. Apart from this, the military, border patrol, coast guard, federal judiciary, air traffic control and airport security will also continue because if they do not continue, there will be looting in America. In America, the US Postal Service is independent so may it continue. A large portion of America still sends Christmas cards and gifts through the post, so before Christmas they can be easily delivered but everything else is at a standstill.

Most of the services that continue are related to security so people do not have to live high but their daily lives are disrupted. As government services including transportation are stopped, people cannot even go out. In America, private entertainment is expensive while government parks, museums etc. are relatively cheap but they are closed so you can't even go out. In short, nothing can be done except to be full in the house.

The threat of a shutdown is actually a battle of politics. When the ruler and the opposition insist on satisfying their egos, there is a shutdown and people die in it. There is a saying that two bulls fight like a tree rots. If there is a shutdown, the same thing will happen, Americans will lose in the battle between the Republican and Democratic parties.

34 days shutdown due to Trump's insistence

The longest shutdown in US history happened in 2018. At that time, Donald Trump was the President of America. The US Congress did not approve the funds to build a wall along the border with Mexico, but Trump has shut down to suppress his nose. The entire system was shut down for a total of 34 days in December and January.

Trump promised in the 2016 presidential election to build a wall to stop people from crossing the Mexican border into the United States illegally. To fulfill this promise, Trump presented a federal spending bill to give 500 million dollars from the American treasury.

Donald Trump belongs to the Republican Party while Trump was afraid that this amount would not be approved as the Democratic Party has a majority in the House. Due to this, Trump threatened that if he does not get this amount, he will shut down. The Democratic Party swallowed this threat and instead of approving the amount, Trump shut down.

The gajgraha lasted for 34 days on this issue and finally Trump had to bow down. The Democratic Party passed the bill with all other spending but none for the US-Mexico border wall. If the shutdown drags on for too long, people's hatred against Trump will increase, so finally Trump has to compromise.

Two crore government employees in America

America is the country with the largest number of government employees in the world. In India, there are government employees in central, state and local self-governing institutions, while in America, there are government employees at three levels namely federal, state and local governments. The total number of these employees is around 2 crores.

There are around 29 lakh employees in the federal government i.e. central government in America. Large cities have their own police systems and independent police departments, so many cities have government employees in the millions. The US government has approved 800 billion dollars for non-defense spending this year. State and local governments have their own sources of revenue, so their salary costs are higher than those of the federal government.


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