The parallels between ancient wisdom and occult science are surprisingly abundant!

- To the point-Ajit Parrot

- Eyes should be kept open while bathing the sun. Between the rays of the sun and the flow of water, seven colors will appear. Those seven colors will create other movements in the different chakras and organs of the body through your eyes

Even today, in most cities and rural areas of the country, a scene is witnessed every morning. Devotees are seen offering adhyaya to the sun by filling the loti. Conventia children might be laughing sarcastically and thinking that the sun, which gives heat and light to the whole world, needs water right? An expert should really explain the secret behind giving water to the sun to these children. There is a scientific fact behind giving half to the sun. It is possible, even the millions of people who bask in the sun on a regular morning basis may not be aware of this scientific fact.

The tradition of offering water to the Sun every morning has been around for thousands of years, at least in India. It is necessary for everyone to understand the secret behind it. There is an inescapable relationship between the sun and the ecosystem. An example will make it clear. Have you ever noticed that when you travel, our body system gets synchronized with the sunrise and sunset of the place you visit in a day or so. Suppose you go to Dubai. There is a time difference of one and a half hours between India and Dubai. Suppose that it is 10:00 PM in India today and 42:42 PM in Dubai. Let's take a longer distance example. India is four and a half hours ahead of Great Britain. Suppose it is 14 minutes past four o'clock in India today, Tuesday, then it will be 44 minutes past 11 am in London. Now understand this. Within a day or two, your body's system adjusts to the sunrise and sunset of the place you arrive. Fatigue after a long journey is called jet lag. As the fatigue subsides, the body gets in tune with the local sunrise-sunset.

It simply means that our body is directly related to the rising and setting of the sun. Thus, due to the heat of the sun, the water of the river-lake-sea evaporates and rises up, and in the monsoon, that water comes back to us as rain. Even children studying in school know this. The sages of ancient times advised that you should bathe the sun every morning when the sun rises. You can add water for an hour or so after sunrise. It is better to add water with a copper plate. Copper is more receptive to the conduction of energy. According to Shastrajna, eyes should be kept open while offering water to the sun by raising hands from where you are standing. Between the rays of the sun and the flow of water, seven colors will appear. In the meantime say any Surya Mantra and if that is not possible at least say Omkar.

Scholars say that the seven colors you see through your eyes will create other movements in different chakras and organs of the body. If there is something missing in our body, if there is any mess, this process corrects it. Just as trees and plants obtain chlorophyll from sunlight through the process of photosynthesis, the seven colors visible to the eye through the process of photosynthesis, which gives access to the sun, undergo a special chemical process with the body. On this principle, the idea of ​​color therapy came to man in ancient times.

Bottles of different colors were filled with water and placed in the sunlight. Then that water was given to the patient suffering from that disease to drink. The patient was relaxed. This scientific mystery remains unknown to most of the sun worshippers. Once this is understood, the desire to bathe the sun with more enthusiasm arises. The energy emanating from the sun is useful for humans as well as plants and animals. And yes, we get this energy absolutely free.


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