Revival of Vasundhara Raje

Rajasthan assembly elections are approaching. Ashok Gehlot has matured his coin for five years. Now his term is nearing the end. Sachin Pilot is a field marshal leader. Without it, the Congress would have lost itself last time. Gehlot ruled over Sachin's hard-earned reign for five consecutive years and even today Sachin's meetings are held with some speculation of reconciliation. Youngsters like Sachin Keshubhai Patel have proved gullible and Gehlot has won the race of political youth as a strong horse. As much as there is internal strife in the Congress, there are backlashes and differences in the opposition BJP here.

Apart from summer and even without elections, the temperature here in Rajasthan is always high. The whispering cold of winter and the fiery rain of summer take a heavy toll on the organization's emissaries who travel from Delhi to Jaipur as ordered by the High Command, but this climate of the motherland and Delhi's constant resentment towards her have worn Vasundhara Raje down. Just as the fumes of the Patidar movement in Gujarat helped the BJP president to find the moment of the departure of the then chief minister, in the same way, the BJP high command tried to take advantage of the BJP's setback in the by-elections of Rajasthan by creating a storm in the desert in the last term for Vasundhara's departure. He kept his throne fixed by making noises. During the term of the previous BJP rule, the central leadership did not miss a single chance to insult the then Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje.

Now-a-days BJP leaders from different ranks and categories coming from Delhi are circling like hunters on Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje. But Vasundhara is fearless in a fighting mood. The BJP high command has just sent the Rajasthan in-charge to Jaipur to start a contact campaign. He also met Ashok Jain directly to prepare a secret report of the state. This Ashok Jain was the Chief Secretary of the state and has now retired. He wanted an extension which Raje did not give. The in-charge heard the long story of this former Chief Secretary and took that treasure with him to Delhi. One after the other, many such 'folders' keep coming to Jaipur's Bhagwantdas Road, which Manmoji Raje has no interest in. Now that the assembly elections are near, the BJP high command has started giving Vasundhara a seat close to him on the stage in all events. Without Vasundhara Raje, BJP will not have the confidence to win.

Earlier, the BJP high command had shown strong hostility towards Vasundhara. At one stage, two alternative names of Gajendrasinh Shekhawat and Arjun Meghwal as the new Chief Minister of Rajasthan were also announced in a planned manner. On the other hand, Vasundhara Raje gave a long lecture to the Prime Minister about the torture of some top BJP leaders, which indirectly meant a breakdown in the BJP before the assembly elections. As the Rajputs, Jats, OBCs of Rajasthan were still with the Raj, the high command had to bow down. Now Vasundhara says that the selection of candidates for the upcoming assembly elections - allotment of tickets will be done from my office in the state and not from Delhi. That work is mine and I will take Delhi's guidance only if required. But Raje says this time it will not happen as he is powerless and not in the high command's good book.

Raje has completed the tour of more than fifty assembly constituencies. Almost every week he addresses some group of workers. They know that the list of booth level workers has now become artificial. This is the situation in many states of the country. Even if the page is the president, the name of the page has been freed from devotion to the BJP. Vasundhara is of the mindset that he is preparing to single-handedly win the assembly elections in Rajasthan. His political relations with Prime Minister Modi himself have not been good in the last few years. Now the era of improvement has started in Vasundhara Raje's relationship with Prime Minister Modi.


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