Livestock had to be exported like a commodity

- This is a big win for animal lovers and Jain community

- Occasional

- Bill included dogs, cats and birds: protest effected

The central government has withdrawn the bill to export live livestock as a commodity to other countries after strong opposition. The central government has taken a very welcome step by withdrawing the bill on import and export of live livestock. Withdrawal of the bill has left religious organizations displeased.

Many Indians felt that the bill should be withdrawn and the dumb animals should be freed from torture. This is a big victory for animal rights activists and the Jain community.

If this bill is passed, India's live livestock would be exported. Export of meat to India is a venture but there was a plan to export animals living here as well. It is understood that the export of cattle is not to give them good food but to get your fresh meat.

The main purpose behind importing livestock is to fatten them up and slaughter them. If the weather of that country does not suit the animals which are exported, they are bred and die. Experts say that exporting live animals can also affect their genes. Live animals are sent to some countries where they are used in transportation and subjected to various tortures. In short, the main purpose behind exporting them is related to slaughter.

The bill was released on June 7 and responses were invited. It was vehemently opposed by animal lovers to whom the Jain community came out in large numbers.

The government has said that the bill will be discussed more as the public opposition is justified, but the fact is that most of the people who opposed it were associated with the BJP and Hindu organizations. Bharatiya Kisan Sandh, a wing of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sandh, said that people's sentiments are attached to animals. Therefore, it was submitted that the government should withdraw the bill.

India exported live goats worth $5.11 million in 2022-23. Live goats were exported during festivals in West Asia.

Many animal cruelty cases have been reported in the country and abroad, while animal lovers are protesting against it. The government's problem is with stray cattle and stray dogs. It seems that the government wanted to dispose of them, but our exporters are the ones who collect the dry and burn the green.

The bill was opposed on the grounds that people could also export milch cattle using a corrupt system. The bill that was withdrawn included dogs, cats and birds.

The government seemed to want to promote the animal husbandry sector. Animal lovers say that who gave the idea to the government to export live livestock should also be investigated. At a time when many problems are plaguing the country, the government also wants a lot of controversy about animal cruelty.

Says the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh also opposed the export of live livestock and asked the central government to withdraw the bill. His supporters belonging to the Modi government also opposed the bill. On the one hand, there is a controversy regarding the fact that there has been a big surge in the export of mutton from India, on the other hand, it can be said that the Indian government has tampered with the sentiments of the people by exporting live livestock.

Now that the bill has been withdrawn, the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sandh is busy investigating who was behind the draft of this animal cruelty bill and which lobbies are supporting such bills.


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