Kalari chairman performs ten sun salutations daily, Anil Aggarwal's Butterfly Seat

- Occasional

- Billionaire turnover devotes time to yoga

- Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, William Clay Ford, Chairman of Ford Motor Company, makes time for yoga every day

Yoga Day 2023 has been celebrated with great pride as Prime Minister Modi performed yoga at the United Nations with representatives of 180 countries. Bollywood celebrities get special coverage when they do yoga. It is worth mentioning here that businessmen in the corporate world are very health conscious. Korodo traders take care of the body and devote special time to exercise, yoga, meditation etc.

Some corporate companies make gyms for their staff while some companies make the staff practice meditation daily. The basic reason behind it is to harness the creativity of the staff by the company. Many companies keep a sports room, take care of providing nutritious snacks in the canteen.

Yoga and meditation etc. have become a part of the life of many businessmen. It is natural for those who have a turnover of crores to take care of their physical and mental stability. Corporate company bosses in India have been taking care of the health of the body.

Vani Kola, venture capitalist of Kalari Company, starts his day with 10 Surya Namaskars. If you want to do Surya Namaskar regularly, you should go to the branch of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sandha. A business man turning over crores of rupees cannot go to the branch but keeps all the arrangements in a room at his home. Das Surya Namaskar every morning makes the body light.

Surya Namaskar consists of 12 asanas. If Vani Kola has more time, she practices Ashtanga Yoga in the Antha Step. It takes about an hour and a half. He says that yoga has taught me to be active. He says that yoga is not only a physical exercise but it also draws attention.

Starting one's day with Dasha Surya Namaskar is highly commendable and exemplary. Vedanta chairman Anil Aggarwal is also involved with yoga. On Yoga Day, he posted a photo of butterfly yoga with his granddaughter on social networks. Zeredho CEO Nitin Kamath also described the benefits of yoga. He tweeted that yoga is an excellent remedy to improve physical and mental condition.

Nimita Thapar of TV show Shark Tank India fame believes that yoga is a unique system that keeps her energized throughout the day. Quoting yoga guru BKS Iyengar, Nimita Thapar wrote that yoga can transform personal and professional life. He also posted an image of himself doing yoga on social networks.

Anil Agarwal, chairman of Vedanta Group, which is involved in the business of mining, said that he takes an hour's morning walk and does 30 minutes of yoga every day. Due to which his whole day is full of enthusiasm. Due to regular yoga, he has been able to stay fit even at the age of 69. People have been praising Anil Aggarwal's enthusiasm.

Anil Aggarwal says I do butterfly asana to relieve back pain.

Anil Aggarwal says people want to know my fitness secret. I advise them to walk for an hour every day and do yoga. I recommend Butterfly Asana (Titli Asana) to people.

It is worth mentioning here that Anil Ambani is also a yoga enthusiast. He spends more time in running. Google co-founder Sergey Brin also makes time for yoga. The founder of Google was associated with Larry Pegg as a founder.

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner practices yoga daily. Similarly, the executive chairman of Ford Motor Company, William Clay Ford, wakes up every morning and allocates time for yoga. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff also loves yoga and is very religious.

If the chairman and CEO of a corporate company are devoting time for yoga even in their busy schedule, then the common man should also follow their example.


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