Even if trucks on the highway are without backlight, action is not taken

- First of all the basic problems of the highway need to be solved

- Occasional

- AC in the truck driver's cabin. Center's mandate to make it mandatory: A peek into the world of truck drivers

A general impression is that state transport buses, private vehicles or trains are mostly used for land travel, but jeeps, trucks, tampas, rickshaws and tractors are mostly used for road transport at small towns and villages. Despite the authorities' instructions not to carry tourists in trucks, many people have no choice but to travel by truck. Urban parents should make the new generation experience truck travel.

We are talking about trucks here today because the Union Ministry of Transport has announced that by 2025 the driver's cabin of all trucks should be compulsorily air-conditioned. If the government's idea is implemented, the truck operators will have to spend Rs 50,000 more per truck. Maintenance cost also increases.

An operator in Tamil Nadu's Namakkal, where around 50,000 trucks operate, says that the government's decision will result in lower truck mileage and more maintenance when the truck is idle.

The government has created a controversy by making AC mandatory in the cabins of truck drivers. Tata's new trucks come with AC cabins and include several amenities for the driver. Often the foreign copycat approach gets the government into trouble. The government is trying to do something new by building horizontal infrastructure, but does not plan to provide basic facilities. Many trucks are similar.

Many trucks on the Ahmedabad-Vadara Expressway do not have fluorescent radium strips behind them. Backlights, brake lights or side signaling lights are also not found in newer trucks. Many trucks do not have horns.

Commuters traveling on the express highway complain about the lack of lights on the back of the truck at the toll tax booth, but they do not get a definitive answer. Trucks parked in the middle of the highway as they do not have backlights are fatally hit by vehicles coming at full speed. Many people have lost their lives in such accidents.

If we look into the life of truck drivers, we realize that they lead a very insecure and difficult life. Truck drivers from states like Punjab and Haryana drive a single truck for fifteen days each. There are fixed spots on the highway to cater to their needs.

The cabin of the trucks has a cleaner's seat next to the driver and has adequate sleeping arrangements in the cabin itself, with the second driver sleeping snugly.

The additional income of short-haul truck drivers is due to tourists on the highway. Truck travel costs half as much as ST bus. Everyone knows that trucks are dangerous, but many travelers have no choice but to use them.

First of all, the government needs to strictly follow the existing laws for highways. There is death on the highway. No action is taken against highway hooliganism. After an accident, the injured do not get immediate treatment, that's okay, but there are also fights with lone travelers. Most hit-and-run cases occur on highways.

The Ahmedabad-Vadodara highway is still good, but the condition of highways towards Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi is pathetic. Various stories are in vogue about the truck business. Like, it is said that if you want to trouble someone, get him a second-hand truck and start a transport business. On the other hand, transporters are constantly buying new trucks and expanding their business.

By decreeing that the driver's cabin of the truck should have a mandatory AC by 2025, the government has created an uproar. Truck operators are naturally protesting this government directive.


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