Catherine the Great ruled Russia for 34 years

- The exciting life story of Catherine who overthrew her husband and ascended the throne.

- Synopsis d. Bhatt

- Part-1

- Russian Empress Elizabeth adopted her Ben's son Peter

- Little Peter had none of the qualities to be the king of Russia

Catherine the Great, who ruled for 34 consecutive years in eighteenth-century Russia, was a truly great woman. This was the first time in the history of Russia that a woman ruled for almost three and a half decades in a row. This is Catherine's vivid example that makes one wonder how destiny takes a person to what turns of life.

Born in a small German principality, Princess Sophia Frederick Augustine was drawn to Russia. There it changed its name. Her new name is Catherine.

The surprising thing about the ceremony is that this Catherine, who went not to her native country, but to another neighboring country, later became 'Catherine the Great' and an interesting biography of Catherine the Great has been written by the famous American writer named Robert K Macy in his popular book 'Catherine the Great'. have to do The author has written about all the characteristics and weaknesses of this woman so well that from the beginning to the end one does not feel like putting the book down.

Some of the characters of history are very interesting and interesting, sometimes clever and sometimes unintelligent, some character is very smart and other character is completely unintelligent.

This is the story of the history of Russia, which was formed after the marriage of two characters of the royal family, who were completely opposite to each other and never matched in Russia, under the tremendous influence of the lines of doom.

Catherine the Great was born on May 2, 1729 at 2.30 in the morning in the town of Stettin in the province of Pomerania, Prussia. Her name was Sophia. At the age of 13, mother Johanna took her to Russia, where her name was changed to Catherine.

Now see how Suyog is arranged.

The then empress of Russia Elizabeth was childless, so who should hand over the throne of Russia after her? That was the big question before him.

Princess Anne, Elizabeth's younger sister, was married to Charles Frederick, Duke of Holstein at the age of 17. Holstein was a principality of Germany.

During their two-year marriage, on February 21, 1728, she gave birth to a son named Charles Peter Ulrich. But within three months of Peter's birth, TB took his life.

Father Charles Frederick arranged for son Peter to undergo military training at the age of seven. Since Peter was still young, initially he was trained to walk or stand erect during the parade and the little prince was also taught to parade with a small sword in his hand or a small gun on his shoulder. Peter looked happiest when parading on the parade ground wearing a soldier's dress.

But Peter was physically weak and often fell ill. So as he could not go to the parade ground every day, he used to sit and play with toy soldiers and toy guns in the mansion.

In 1739, when Peter turned 11, his father, Charles Frederick, died.

Within two years of his father's death, Peter's life took a major turn.

As Peter's mother Anne's older sister and Empress Elizabeth of Russia was childless, she adopted her sister's son Peter and made him heir to the throne. So Peter was immediately brought from Germany to St. Petersburg, the then capital of Russia.

A surprise here is that Elizabeth had never seen Ben's son Peter before.

Peter's physique was small for his age. Peter's body was pale as he had less blood in his body. He also seemed a bit of a fraud.

Elizabeth was disappointed to see Peter like this. More than his appearance, his ignorance or even his stupidity hurt the Empress of Russia.

Empress Elizabeth to Professor Stalin of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg; Assigned full responsibility for Peter's education. The professor asked Peter a few questions, from which he realized that the boy had no knowledge of a single subject. Peter was around 13 years old at that time, but he was still a child.

A year or so passed, but Peter showed no signs of improvement. Knowledge acquisition was not accessible to him.

He was rooting for his native country, Germany. He was not liked in Russia. He had no affinity for the Russian language either.

Empress Elizabeth was distressed by Peter's slow progress in education and training. She was not a patient woman, she expected quick results, but Peter had neither the dignity nor the spark of intelligence expected from a prince.

Elizabeth often wondered to herself why my Ben's boy was so loose, so unintelligent.

Most notably, Peter was not at all interested in ruling the vast empire of Russia. He used to spend the whole day in memory of his native country, Germany.

Elizabeth made many efforts to increase Russian influence over Peter in every possible way, but still Peter's attachment to Germany could not be lessened.

As the physically frail Peter falls ill frequently, Elizabeth wonders if Peter might die? So who will rule the throne of Russia? Elizabeth found a solution to this. Get Peter married early. So that two purposes will be achieved - one is that Peter may become more mature with a good wife, and secondly that after marriage a child may be born who is smarter than Peter, then the throne of Russia can be handed over to his suitable son instead of father Peter.

Elizabeth implements this idea by starting to find a good wife for Peter so that Peter can get married sooner and father a child sooner.



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