We have to constantly reinvent learning, the future and ourselves…

- Talk-Think-Shishir Ramavat

- Be it artificial intelligence, automation revolution or future education system, the naysayers are very right: to face the future, to maintain equality and balance, we cannot escape without becoming spiritual.

One of the terms that became quite popular during the Kora period is online exam. Open book exam method is gradually becoming more and more popular in reputed colleges and universities. You can carry a textbook or a notebook with you during the exam and refer to it while writing the answer paper. An open book exam is a very logical thing to do. Memorization and memorization have been given immense importance in our education system. Open book exam frees you from the hassle of memorizing formulas and equations and all that. It is not important whether you memorize the formulas and equations or not, what matters is whether you know where and how to apply these formulas and equations to arrive at the answer to the given question. A true test of a student's intelligence takes place here.

After open book exam we are going to move towards open internet exam gradually. There is an ocean of information floating on the internet and this ocean is in your pocket or palm. When in real life you are able to get any information in a matter of seconds with a click-click on the mobile, why keep the data in the brain? The assessment should be how effectively, how creatively you can use this vast database in relation to the question asked.

Education system is not a rigid thing. Can't be. Education system should keep changing with time. Especially now that we have entered the age of artificial intelligence.


The Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th century and continued throughout the 19th century. The industrial revolution brought machines, factories, which had profound effects on economic and social levels. The technological revolution, also known as the Second Industrial Revolution, began in the latter decades of the 19th century and spread throughout the 20th century. Electric power, electronic devices etc. led to different techniques for assembly line production or mass production. Due to the technological revolution, the economies got a boost and the society also underwent significant changes. The late 20th century saw the advent of the Internet and in this 21st century we are witnessing a digital revolution. In the wake of digital technology, artificial intelligence and robotics, we are moving towards an automation revolution. The automation revolution means that repetitive tasks that have been done by humans in offices and factories will increasingly be done by machines and software. Earlier, when we used to go to the bank to deposit checks or cash, a living skeleton man sitting at the counter would take the check or cash from us and pat the slip, sign it and hand over the receipt to us. Even today, of course, this work is done by human beings, but in many metropolitan banks, machines have now taken over this responsibility. This was an example. Gradually, these types of machines will increase everywhere, the human beings appearing behind the transparent glass at various counters will gradually disappear.

While the artificial intelligence and automation revolution is sure to swallow countless jobs, it is also certain that many new sectors and jobs will emerge. The world of 2035 is very different from 2025 and the world of 2045 is very different from 2035. Once you graduate from college and enter the workforce, that's it, no worries - this situation is going to be a thing of the past very quickly. That is why radical changes have to be made in the present education system. Yuval Noah Harari, the superstar Israeli writer and thinker of books like 'Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind' and 'Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow', rightly says, 'The greatest goal of education in the twenty-first century is probably this - the emotional intelligence of man. (EQ) and to make maximum efforts to maintain mental balance, because these two things (EQ and mental balance) are most needed considering the way the conditions are going to change. Only then will man be able to re-invent himself from time to time and counter the various algorithms impinging on him.'

What is reinventing yourself? Re-inventing yourself means learning new skills, developing a new mindset, adjusting to new professional and social environments and getting comfortable. It is very difficult to change oneself. Changing oneself on a psychological level is more difficult than technological or any other kind of change. At the age of 40-50-60 years, after the pot is ripe, how much does a man change himself? But this is going to become inevitable. We have to keep learning all our lives. Only then will we be able to flow with the times, only then will we not be thrown away as irrelevant or 'useless'. As Harari says, just as there are schools-college-universities for children, teenagers and young adults, in the future governments will have to develop a separate education system for elders.


Artificial intelligence is a technology more powerful than we can imagine. As of today, we do not fully know how much the world is going to change in the future due to the progressive development of artificial intelligence. Today, ChatGPT chatbox (which has the power to make Google obsolete) and the artificial intelligence research laboratory called Open AI that developed it are in the news. Sam Altman, CEO of Open AI, was recently saying in an interview that, 'Artificial Intelligence is the most amazing technology ever created by mankind. Thanks to AI, we will all have an amazing educator in our pocket, helping us learn new things, making our jobs easier. Mankind will find a wonderful companion to create new creations. Today computer coding is limited to a few fields. Coding will become a part of almost all fields thanks to artificial intelligence, which will greatly help in raising our standard of living... But I worry that changes due to artificial intelligence technology can come much faster than we think.'

...and that is why we have to prepare ourselves for the rapid changes that are coming. how? By knowing one's true nature. How can we innovate ourselves until we know who I really am, why I am and what is my true purpose in life? Self-knowledge is spirituality. Be it artificial intelligence, the automation revolution or future education systems, the naysayers are very right: to face the future, to maintain equality and balance, we cannot escape without becoming spiritual.


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