Want to save mankind by banning the development of AI

- Technology company giants have questioned that 30 crore jobs will be at risk if all jobs are automated.

- Tech stalwarts have questioned that, with artificial intelligence now equaling people in even the most common tasks, we should ask ourselves, should we allow machines to fill our information channels with disinformation and misinformation? Tech giants have also asked the question, should we put all the work on automation? Should we develop non-human brains that can take our place?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently the 'in thing' i.e. current topic. The young generation is running behind AI and dreams of a better future by pursuing a career in AI, but the giants of the technology sector are calling AI a threat to the world. A few days ago, the report of Goldman Sachs, the world's top investment banker firm. In this report, it was predicted that artificial intelligence will take 300 million jobs in the world.

This report was considered true by many leaders of the technology sector. Now more than 1000 technocrats, including Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and Twitter owner Elon Musk, who brought a huge revolution in the technology sector in the world, have put up a front against Artificial Intelligence (AI). In an open letter written to the governments of countries including America, these technology tyrants have demanded that artificial intelligence (AI) development should be banned. If the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not banned, it will prove to be fatal for mankind as Artificial Intelligence (AI) will go out of control in the future.

These tech giants have asked that, with artificial intelligence now equaling people in even the most mundane tasks, we should ask ourselves, should we allow machines to fill our information channels with disinformation and misinformation? Tech giants have also asked the question, should we put all the work on automation? Should we develop non-human brains that can take our place?

Many other things are written in this letter. The reasons for how artificial intelligence can be dangerous for mankind are given in detail. It is not possible to discuss all these reasons, but the essence of this letter is that if artificial intelligence is not stopped now, the whole world will become a slave of machines. Owners will force humans to work under them by creating robots that suit them. All research in artificial intelligence should be banned immediately so that this situation does not arise.

It has been predicted for years that robots will rule the world in the future, but no one took it seriously until now. After US start-up Open-AI launched Chat-GPT, the whole world realized that robots built using artificial intelligence can enslave the world.

Chat-GPT also had a limited date in the previous GPT-3 version so it did not seem to threaten anyone's job. Now the new version GPT-4 has been launched and it contains data related to professional skills.

Robots with this data are going to eat up the good jobs and have fun, so everyone is awake. These robots are supposed to do most of the office work, so a lot of work will be done by robots, but the administration and legal sector will be neglected.

In both these sectors, about 40 percent to 50 percent of the jobs will be consumed by artificial intelligence based robots. The letter, written by luminaries including Musk and Woznick, provides a detailed understanding of which types of jobs artificial intelligence will directly affect and which jobs it will affect indirectly.

This has also been said in Goldman Sachs' report titled 'The Potential Large Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Economic Growth'. According to this report, if the official intelligence succeeds in exceeding the expectations of it, the workers will be dismayed.

According to the report, which was prepared using data on jobs available in the US and Europe, about two-thirds of the jobs available today will be based on artificial intelligence to a greater or lesser extent, while about 25 percent of jobs will not require humans at all. Cleaning, maintenance, installation, repair and construction jobs will be drastically reduced.

The threat of job losses due to artificial intelligence is great, but the other big threat pointed out in the letter by luminaries including Musk and Woznick cannot be ignored. The threat is the use of artificial intelligence to spread misinformation among people and misuse it to achieve their own objectives.

To understand this let us understand the example of Chat-GPT. Data is fed into Artificial Intelligence based Chat-GPT. Any user using Chat-GPT gets information from this pre-fed data when they ask for information.

It is not known whether this data is true or false but chat-gpt user will consider this data as true and act as if it is true. It does not make a difference in legal matters or administrative matters but it makes a huge difference in history, religion, politics etc.

The mentality of people is to believe that what the machine says is true. Now people consider Google as omniscient. People get information by googling small things and believe that information is completely correct.

The same will be the case with artificial intelligence based platforms. By taking advantage of it, artificial intelligence-based platforms can be created in the future, which are full of falsehoods. Artificial intelligence is dangerous considering that these lies can be used to poison people's minds or fight face to face.

However, the business of artificial intelligence has become so big that a complete ban on it is not possible. If restrictions are also placed on its research and development, thousands of employees of the companies working on it will become redundant. Of course, it is better to spend thousands now than to spend millions in the future.

AI based Robert CEO at Chinese company

A trailer of what will happen in the future due to artificial intelligence has been seen in China. NetDragon Websoft, a well-known Chinese web gaming company, has appointed an artificial intelligence-based robot as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of one of its subsidiaries. All the details related to the company have been fed into this robot.

Being a subsidiary company there are no policy decisions to be made but to follow the decisions taken by the parent company so the robot is also acting as the CEO. Some smaller companies are also said to have appointed Chet-GPT as their CEO. Tech giants believe that this will become a trend in the future and companies will place robots in major positions to save costs.

At present artificial intelligence based robots for legal advisor, financial planner, accountant etc. work are being developed in labs working on artificial intelligence research. These robots will eat people's jobs in the future.

Artificial intelligence will wipe out the existence of mankind

Top scientists like Stephen Hawking and Stuart Russell have long ago warned that one day mankind will be wiped out due to artificial intelligence. According to him, continuous updates in artificial intelligence will lead to a time when advanced artificial intelligence will have the power to redesign itself. After that, the prevalence of artificial intelligence will start increasing at an alarming rate.

There will be an unstoppable explosion of intelligence that will wipe out the very existence of mankind. Elon Musk was initially involved in the Chat-GPT project but gradually withdrew as he realized this was true.


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