Public conversion of Hindu woman, fugitive Zakir shows true colours

- Zakir has created a big ruckus by converting a girl named Aarti to Islam on stage in Muscat.

- Zakir is accused of harboring terrorism and there is evidence of it. Zakir's man Arshi Qureshi was caught sending 22 Muslim boys from Kerala to a terrorist camp. After that, 29 people were killed in an attack by five terrorists in the style of the 2008 Mumbai attacks on July 2 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

After a long hiatus, fundamentalist Muslim preacher Zakir Naik is back in the limelight. Zakir Naik has been booked in India on charges ranging from money laundering to spreading hatred. India strongly protested the invitation of Zakir Naik, who had fled India before the cases could be prosecuted, as a 'political guest' by the Omani government.

Even though the Indian government has demanded to hand over Zakir Naik to India, Zakir has created a big ruckus by converting an Indian girl named Aarti on the stage in Muscat and making her a Muslim. Zakir has also put his video on social media.

In this video, Zakir says something and asks Aarti to repeat the same thing. Aarti follows Zakir's order and Zakir declares that now you have embraced Islam and become sinless. Be a medium to make other people of your family and your friends also accept Islam.

Zakir also claimed in this program that even Hindus in India come to listen to me but because of this the problem of vote bank is created and therefore false cases have been filed against me. Five to ten crore people come to hear me in India and 20 percent of them are non-Muslims. Especially in Bihar and in Kishanganj many people come to hear me.

Zakir has also talked about many other things. It is not possible to mention all these things but the gist of these things is that a large number of Hindus in India are ready to convert to Islam but because of vote bank politics they are all scared because false cases have been filed against me.

Everyone knows how much truth there is in Zakir's words, so they don't discuss it, but the fact that Zakir openly converted a Hindu woman is serious in two ways.

Firstly, Zakir has again made a dirty attempt to create animosity between Hindus and Muslims by proselytizing in public. Public conversions tend to increase animosity between people of two religions. When Zakir was in India, he tried to create hatred between Hindus and Muslims in this way. A case has also been registered against him for that. By this act, Zakir has proved the allegation against him to be true.

Secondly, the Omani government did not take any action against Zakir after this act. Zakir is a political guest of the Government of Oman. Despite knowing that Zakir is a criminal of India, Oman insulted India by inviting him. India's demand for Zakir's handover has also been ignored by the Omani government.

Now, by turning a blind eye to Zakir's public conversion, the Omani government is proving that the conversion was state-sponsored. A converted woman has the right to decide which religion to follow, so there can be no objection against her leaving Hinduism and embracing Islam, but if a country openly encourages conversion, it is considered serious.

India must strongly protest against Oman but also raise this issue at the international level.

Zakir has proved the allegations leveled against him to be true through these actions. The Modi government banned Zakir Naik's Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) for five years under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in 2016. Because of this, Zakir's organization cannot conduct programs in India, collect funds from people, nor can anyone become a member or office bearer of his organization.

The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act is levied against persons or organizations who pose a threat to the sovereignty and integrity of India.

This Act was imposed against Zakir's organization, which means that Zakir Naik was doing activities that threatened the unity of India. The Modi government has ordered the National Investigation Agency (NIA), which is set up to fight terrorism, to investigate the anti-national activities of Zakir and his organization. The investigation also found evidence that Zakir was supporting terrorism.

Zakir was in Thailand when Zakir's organization was banned, so he refused to come to India. This is proof that Zakir has remained stuck in Malaysia after the fundamentalist government of Malaysia granted him asylum, but his complexion has not changed.

Zakir is accused of harboring terrorism and there is evidence of it. Zakir's man Arshi Qureshi was caught sending 22 Muslim boys from Kerala to a terrorist camp. After that, 29 people were killed in an attack by five terrorists in the style of the 2008 Mumbai attacks on July 2 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Clips of Zakir's lectures and other literature were recovered from terrorists involved in the Dhaka attack. He carried out this terrorist attack only by taking inspiration from Zakir's fundamentalist ideas. The Modi government took Zakir into custody only on the basis of this evidence.

However, since Muslim countries do not consider this kind of evidence, there is little hope that Oman will hand over Zakir to India.

Zakir MBBS Doctor also went on the path of fundamentalism

Zakir Abdul Karim Naik is a doctor with MBBS degree but instead of serving people by using medical knowledge, he is spreading hatred among people by talking about fundamentalism. Naik himself does not claim to follow a particular ideology but his lectures and talks belong to the Salafi ideology of Islam.

Born in Mumbai, Zakir is now 58 years old. In 1991, at the age of 26, Zakir started proselytizing. In Islam, inviting people to accept Islam is called Da'wah.

Zakir started this activity by starting the Islamic International School. His wife Farhat also supports him in this activity. Zakir also created an organization called United Islamic Aid in the name of helping the poor.

Zakir considers South African Ahmed Didat as his role model. Didat is also notorious for proselytizing. Impressed by Zakir's aggressiveness, Didat calls him Didat Plus. Zakir founded Peace TV to spread his ideas. The question is where did Zakir get the money to run this TV channel.

Zakir was also active on social media. His YouTube channel has around 35 lakh subscribers. Zakir launched a platform called Al-Hidayah to spread awareness about Islam. This platform has thousands of videos of many preachers preaching about Islam.

The Muslims of India mocked Zakir

After the Modi government banned Zakir's organization, Naik wrote an open letter to all Indians. Zakir claimed that he was being targeted because he was extremely popular among Muslims.

The campaign to defame me is actually a conspiracy to defame the Muslim community. Narendra Modi government is targeting me as part of breach of peace and harmony.

Naik also asked five questions to Indians. The main question was, why am I being labeled a terror preacher? Zakir claimed that a fresh investigation is being conducted even though no evidence was found against him.

Zakir tried hard to inflame the Muslims of India but sensible Muslims did not listen to his words. The charges against Zakir and the ban were supported by Muslims. Zakir remained in Malaysia as Muslims in India protested against Zakir's terrorist and anti-national activities.


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