New outbreak of Corona... Unseasonal rain and monsoon

- Comma

- The age is the true test of man's wisdom. One whose heart is cultivated and whose understanding is developed knows that life is a wonderful mixture of happiness and joy.

When a person suffers, it is as if all other happiness is forgotten. When there is pain, there is some kind of pain. like a kantak. A thorn in the foot shakes the whole existence. Even an ordinary particle of dust falls into the eye and it shatters like a glass bead, because human beings have been here for thousands of years continuously suffering many kinds of suffering. If you look at our life like this, there is no such pain that our forefathers suffered all their lives. Yet grief like a spark feels like a mountain to a man. The reason is that the meaning of human life has been forgotten due to the development of technology.

Everything is developed but understanding remains to be developed. Education of the heart is necessary. Those who cannot assimilate life in its original meaning are only going to suffer in this world. And he who has a cultivated heart and a developed understanding knows that life is a wonderful mixture of happiness. Roses are never alone. There must be a flaw in it. Yet when confused, even a rope seems like a snake to a human being. Right now the whole world is in multiple confusions. Every human being sees the lives of thousands of Chinese people crumble before their eyes every day. He himself knows that we too are toys of ashes. That is, on the one hand, the human natural desire to live long and on the other hand, the constantly advancing new army of the Corona virus!

Between these two, the mind of a human being is very vulnerable. But all around the sea of ​​hopes is shaking. Somewhere the daughter has grown up and is yet to get married, somewhere the son has to go to see the bride. With many dreams unfulfilled, a human being was taking pink steps on the steps of life, suddenly there has been an uproar against his existence. This is the greatest test of the wisdom in the heart of man. Monsoon has started peeping early this time on the horizons from all directions. Rain clouds from the Bay of Bengal came riding on a cyclone and scattered the eastern coastal states of India. Now the coincidences of new cyclones are beginning to appear far away in the Arabian Sea on the west coast of the country. Mawtha seems to have become a home rather than just a seasonal one. It will be the same story for another four or five days.

It is still time to predict the monsoon, but since now the Indian people are starting to worry that if the monsoon is not good? What if the virus will go further in monsoon? The Indian monsoon is officially supposed to set on June 12 every year, but over the last two decades this date has changed and the monsoon has moved back by 10 days. Now it is believed that if monsoon sets on 22nd June then it is called regular and timely monsoon. The arrival time of people who always come late is decided later. Such is the case with this Monsoon, but this time the Monsoon is uncertain, as the pre-Monsoon rainstorm has arrived in the eastern part of India. It is happening all over the country. In meteorology, it is called cloud discharge in advance of the next monsoon, which weakens the incoming monsoon now. Similarly, if such an advance cyclone occurs in the west coast of India, there is a possibility of weakening of the monsoon in the west coast as well.

Whether India's Finance Ministry moves or not, the weather account has become quite fresh. The Meteorological Department recently took keen interest in the climate of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Pakistan's gesture of worrying about the weather is considered a preparation for the Prime Minister's future masterstroke. When the whole world is busy fighting against the recession, there is a discussion that there is a plan to withdraw the Pakistani army from the part of Kashmir occupied by Pakistan. The way the US Navy is sending its warships to patrol the sea border area of ​​China also sounds the bells of war. Pakistan-held Kashmir may also be used as a battlefield between the two superpowers. There are many theories but people don't know the reality. The magic of Corona case statistics is full of mystery. The news that Shata gives in such times is that this year's monsoon is expected to be good.

The Meteorological Department claims that this year there will be more rain than 2022. At present, there is a changeable atmosphere that helps to bring the rains of the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. There is heat and cold in the air right now. The mercury in the thermometer is going up and down. Therefore, the average weather of the Indian subcontinent will be warm. Due to this, the high pressure cyclone hit the east coast of India and caused some agricultural devastation. Now there will be no strong storm but the wind speed will be high till the first week of June. This time is critical for hilly areas. Because of the ever-changing temperatures, low-pressure air can develop over the high altitudes at any time and cause sudden showers. The government needs to warn the people living in the hilly areas of North India and South India.

It would not be surprising if some parts of South India get rains in the first week of June, as the rising air pressure in many parts of the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal seems to be receding towards the land. Cyclonic winds are forming in southern parts. Due to cyclonic winds, the arrival of rain cannot be accurately predicted. It may rain even at the end of May. If there is no good rain in the month of July, heavy rain will continue in the month of August. Incessant rains are likely to continue from second week of June to second week of August and South India is likely to benefit from it. Weather changes its patterns constantly. Although the changing air pressure and changing heat show uncertainty about the onset of the monsoon, one thing is certain that the rains are going to be high this year.

There is also a high chance of lightning in the sky this year. Every year someone dies due to lightning strikes. The Meteorological Department has predicted thunderstorms since the beginning of this year. India's monsoon is dependent on the monsoon current and associated winds. According to a forecast, El Niño will be very influential in June. Rainfall is inversely proportional to El Niño. Less heavy rain like El Niño. If El Nino is strong in June, it is possible that rains will not fall as expected during that month. So monsoon will start late. Even if the monsoon starts late, there will be no break in the stormy winds.

Northeast Monsoon, characterized by wet winds from the northeast, will begin late. There it is possible that the rain falls in August and regular rain falls in September or October. There is a possibility of landslides due to gusty winds and heavy rains in the northeastern belt.


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