Economic autumn in spring.

Economic fall into spring

Climate variability is at its peak in this mixed season of hot days and cold nights. The golden leaves are still falling from the trees in the forests and sub-forests, and spring is ringing in the Ardha forest. Kokil Pancham has started singing melodious songs. The spring season is trying to establish its dominance over the entire forest. At this time, the economy of the country has reached the level of autumn. Various international agencies have continued to lower India's growth rate estimates. However, the reality is that the initial boom after the winter crops hit the market has led to fresh inquiries among producers and some factories or even large units of large producers have started up. All of them are still not as busy as before, but the cycle of production and sales is becoming dynamic again.

This is an auspicious sign. The demand for goods in the market is still low, consumers have been buying very cautiously, due to which there is still money congestion in wholesale and retail trade. The United Nations has again lowered India's growth rate forecast. However, the Union has been playing the global recession watch for quite some time now. Economists of the United Nations have said that the average condition of all the countries of the world is on the verge of experiencing the most distress in the last decade. That means the universal growth rate of the world will also go down a lot. Also due to enmity between different countries many obstacles will arise in achieving new economic progress. All these things are not necessarily true. Indians are said to be the second hardest working people in Asia. Even small families have certain types of savings. Workers in the unorganized sector can reach happiness even in a short period of time.

That is why the development rate keeps getting push by drop by drop. Even though the growth rate is not as high as it was after a shock like demonetisation. One of the reasons for that high growth rate was that after demonetisation, citizens' money circulated in the market for some time. Also, instead of keeping savings in currency itself, the rich turned to new investments, which had an occasional positive impact on the growth rate. Economists believe that even then the rate of growth achieved by the country's industrial products, services and agriculture sector lagged behind. As soon as that phase of new investments was over, the growth rate finally came down. Which is still looking at further downward steps, which is now worrying for the country's economy.

Some cases have started happening in the market which has panicked the business community. People do not pay on time even after three months after picking up the goods. Also orders new goods. In such circumstances, manufacturers are left in a quandary. This situation is present in various sectors of industries. Our Statistics Department of the Government of India has estimated the growth rate for the current year at only five percent, which is very close to the reality. Various top financial and economic survey organizations of the world have expressed fear that the global economic picture may not jump much higher than 2.5 percent growth for the next one year. There has been a frenzy among urbanites to find new employment options and India is no exception. The graph of the number of adults and older people who do not have work continues to climb.

The World Bank and the Reserve Bank of India have also previously lowered the growth rate estimates. Amid echoes of falling estimates from all around, the stock market shines in its own unique way. Mumbai players say that the atmosphere is now to reverse the normal bullishness in hopes of new foreign direct investors and the market will go higher, then the ring actors will get away with profits by selling through the back door and if the market falls again and again on the Adani issue, the common investor will be washed away. The air is being circulated from the stock market itself that this new financial year will be very good and after April the market will rise to the maximum. The ability to distinguish the differences between air waves is now the job in the stock market.


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