A total of 13,000 atomic bombs in the world, a move to destroy America

- Terrorists also have nuclear bomb technology

- Occasional

- Modi addressed Pakistan in a public meeting in Rajasthan and said that our atomic bomb is not meant to burst crackers on Diwali.

The world is currently standing on a ticking time bomb. Threats of dropping atomic bombs now become common. Recently, Russia's president Putin has provoked by talking about using atomic bomb. Due to the war between Russia and Ukraine and the Cold War between America and China, tensions are rising at the global level. Defense experts say that Russia's threat is unfounded, it wants to intimidate America. A nuclear bomb is not very easy to detonate. Says that Russia now wants to sit down at the reconciliation table with Ukraine. Looking for a mediator for that.

Even a rogue country like Pakistan can threaten nuclear bomb. North Korea has also threatened and before China we have signed an agreement not to use nuclear bombs.

Many countries have nuclear bombs. Russia has the largest number of nuclear bombs in the world. It is said that there are a total of 13,000 atomic bombs in the world. The nine countries that have nuclear bombs include America, Russia, China, France, UK, Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea. According to an estimate, Russia has 5,977, America has 5,428, China has 350, France has 290, United Kingdom has 225, Pakistan has 165, India has 160, Israel has 90 and North Korea has 20 atomic bombs. Neither country gives an exact figure, but they are estimated to have more nuclear bombs than this number declared.

Some people in Indian politics are saying that if we are wrong, hang us in public! These people know very well that the legal process for capital punishment is very long, but words like 'hang me in public' are used to win the attention of the audience sitting in front.

When the two factions come face-to-face, unrelenting threats are made. Some people threaten to swear by God. In reference to Pakistan's repeated threats to use nuclear bombs, Prime Minister Modi said in a public meeting in Rajasthan that we have nothing to do with our nuclear bombs to crack Diwali crackers.

When Indian Wing Commander Abhimanyu Vardhaman's fighter jet crashed into Pakistan's border and was taken prisoner, Modi warned that Pakistan had to be prepared for dire consequences if even a hair of Abhimanyu was bent. At that time, a senior American official said that India had kept 12 missiles ready. India was also believed to have said that Pakistan would have to be prepared for a night of slaughter.

There was no official backing for India's threat, but when Abhimanyu Hemkhem made his comeback from Wadha Bodarr with his chest out, the country's enthusiasm was in seventh heaven. At that time it was said that India had openly threatened Pakistan to leave Abhimanyu if he did not want to see the bloody sun of tomorrow. Amidst everyone's surprise, Pakistan became completely cold.

There is no official support for such talk. Even so, there is no support for the talk of defense matters. Everything is done very privately. The real threat of atomic bomb is coming from terrorist organizations. No one knows how many nuclear bombs these people have. The fleeing terrorist organizations now have a new hideout in the name of Afghanistan. Pakistan's nuclear scientist has been accused of leaking important details of making an atomic bomb. The name of this heavenly atom scientist is Dr. Abdul Qadeer was. If global reports are to be believed, terrorist organizations also have the technology to make nuclear bombs, but not the planes and missiles to launch them. Defense experts say that acquiring any defense technology is an easy task for terrorist organizations.

India has several missiles, including Prithvi, that can deter attackers from entering India's border. The fear is that terrorist organizations have come to know the technology of atomic bomb and can pose a threat to the world at any time.


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