As soon as you get it ... the essence of Bhagavad Gita is karma.

- The word matches the tone: Rajesh Vyas 'Miskin'

- Only found ...


Where is a definition of karma,

Karma of every living life.

Karmayogi-karmaveer ne karmanishtha,

Shraddha karmani at its base.

Karya-kriya-kama-kismat ne karam,

A world of karma at every step.


The mind always desires karma.

The green motion of karma sages say,

But no one cares about karma.


Karma siddhi sau vyavastha karmani.


Harpal only exam karmani.

Very few knew,

Breath-exhalation of great deeds.

Sarva karmadhin pan na janta,

No calculation no creation karma.

The principle of karma that can be understood,

Ukli ane j bhasha karmani.

The lineage vine falcon miskin this,

Is the karma of all ancestors.

Karma is a very well known word and it is just as mysterious. How many lines come to mind with karma ... The essence of Bhagavad Gita is karma.

Karmanye vadhikaraste maa faleshu kadachan .... without expecting fruit you go ahead on the path of karma. Immediately remember Kartum, Akartum, Anyathakartum.

Let us take care of our religion

The essence of karma.

- Narasimha Mehta

Karam ki gati nyari

Santo karam ki gati nyari ....

Moorakh ko tum raj dilawat

Pandit fire beggar ....

How fast is the speed of karma? Gnani-Pandit walks like a beggar and many people who have no intelligence live in palaces. No one can live without doing karma and that is why the body is called Kajal Kotdi. Not every deed is destroyed without bearing fruit. As we understand the word 'karma', the whole world seems to be connected with karma and it seems to be the fruit of karma. Karma is a word that has many definitions. Every person lives life on the basis of karma. And so we get acquainted with words like karmaphal, karmabandhan.

Someone is cheating. Someone showers love on us unselfishly. Someone is helpful and puts obstacles in our lives for no reason. An occasion comes to mind when all this happens. As a child, I had to meet a saint who, seeing the face of a person, began to speak to him from within. And surprisingly everything is true. I was very impressed with them. Many years later they had to meet in their final days. Sadhu to chalta bhala ... e nyaye e jibanbari kyani zazu rokata nahota. When I last met him he asked me if I wanted to know anything. What do you want to ask Do you want anything For two-three days I was asked this every day and I was instinctively asked if you are going to leave the body now? I will remember his two sentences for the rest of my life. "Fame is like a bubble," he said. And the second sentence became my life force. I didn't want anything, but he did a lot of research on karma and destiny for years. So I asked, if there is a sentence in your life, where is it? Tell me something that gives me courage and strength in happiness, in sorrow, in joy, in sorrow. And he took my hand in mine and looked me in the eye and told me to remember for the rest of my life that 'only what is found is found.'

Someone cheats, someone betrays, someone is helpful, suddenly someone gives happiness and immediately I remember this sentence, I get what I get. Debt bond, transaction These words are beginning to be understood. We are paying for the birth of someone who is yet to give birth. The word transaction is a combination of both a loan and a loan. Someone wants us. Someone we want. These debts are connected with karma. And we do karma every moment.

Many of us are known as Karmayogi, Karmaveer, Karmanisht Aadmi. Many are saying that we believe in Karma Yoga. At its core is faith in karma. If we do good deeds, we will get good fruit. The action which is called karma, is called action, is called work and this is what karma creates destiny. Sometimes we hear someone talking like that whose deeds.

What words are associated with Karam? Karam Katha, Karam Kahani, Karam Ughadvu, Karmakand, Karmakaushal. One word we know a lot and that is the principle of karma. There are also many parts of karma. Accumulated karma, destiny karma. Some karmas are called Akram by the scriptures. In fact, every breath and every exhalation is connected. With our karma we speak true. Even good deeds, when it comes to selfishness, our mind immediately makes mixed arguments.

As I think about karma, I really understand the value of life and the value of breath. In Gujarati literature, many beautiful poems about karma have been written with a clear reference. Basically, every story is a karma story. The mind cannot live without doing karma. It often occurs to me not to do anything. But what will be obtained from the liberation of that karma? Salvation is emptiness. What to fill it with? Such thinking is in a share of Adil Mansoori.

What to do after being free from karma,

What to fill in the emptiness of liberation,

What to drown and what to cross,

What an empty swim in closed water.


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