What are you afraid of, Waru? Water, fire, accident or darkness...

- To the point-Ajit Parrot

Have you read the autobiography of the father of the nation, Gandhi, 'Satyana Experimento'? There is a clear mention of one thing in it. As a child, Mohan was very afraid of the dark. His servant once told him to call Ram's name when he feels scared. Fear will run away. He maintained this Sikh fascination till his last breath. He remembered Ram even at the time of surrender. Netflix conducted a survey of more than two thousand youth to promote one of its programs. Investigated what the youth are afraid of. A surprising finding was that fifty-five percent of young people are still afraid of the dark.

Top psychiatrists believe that it is difficult to find a one hundred percent fearless man. Even the most successful man has fear of failure. Some are afraid of dogs from childhood and some are afraid of snakes. Many snake charmers rush to help wherever snakes or snakes emerge. A snake or snake is caught and released in the forest as easily as a rose flower in hand. Some are afraid of fire and some are afraid of water. A top film composer was afraid of heights. He never traveled by air.

Osho Rajneesh used to say that devotion is actually a process of fear. A fear has been instilled in the psyche that if you don't do Bhakti, you will go to hell. In fact there is no such thing as heaven or hell in the sky above. Everything that exists is here on earth. is in your mind.

Pandit priests or mullahs instill such fear in your mind so that their business can continue. Bhuvas and Mantrik Tantriks also take advantage of weak minded people in this way. Osho expressed this opinion in clear terms.

Now the time of 10th 12th examination is going on. Ask any teenager. Some are afraid of maths and some are afraid of English. As mentioned earlier, it is difficult to find a person who is absolutely fearless. Top filmmaker Rohit Shetty says in his reality adventure show, Dar Gaya So Mar Gaya. In this show, one person is placed in a glass box and thousands of cockroaches are released on it, while another contestant is forced to walk on a tight rope at a great height.

The ten-year-old daughter of a poor acrobat playing on the street walks on a tightrope smiling with a cane in her hand. For that, the game becomes synonymous with two-tiered dalroti. On the other hand, walking a tightrope can make a fashion model or actress feel like chewing iron.

Go to the swimming pool sometime. To remove the fear of drowning from the mind of a new swimmer, the swimming teacher suddenly pushes him from behind and pushes him into the water. After drinking five to fifteen glasses of water, the novice automatically floats. His fear of water goes away. Similarly, when a father is teaching a child to ride a bicycle and feels that the child's balancing on the bicycle is correct, he moves his hand behind the seat. Sometimes the child falls. After this happens once or twice, the fear of the child becomes insane.

Even today, more than 50 percent of the youth are afraid of the dark. Interestingly, there is no fear in the darkness of the cinema theater. Elsewhere the dark scares him. Spiritualists equate darkness with ignorance. Darkness means ignorance. Let us remember Osho again here. As Osho says, there is no such thing as darkness. Lack of light means darkness. Apart from that there is no darkness anywhere. After the eyes get used to the darkness, there is no fear. The ghost-ghost-jinn-ghost is in our mind. Nowhere else. If there is no fear of darkness then there is no fear of anything else.


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