We are going to bequeath to our children a crippled and deformed earth

- Talk-Thought - Shishir Ramavat

- Mankind has not yet become serious about the issue of global warming. The horror of the global warning has not gone down in its moisture. People still think that the devastation caused by global warming is a thing of the distant future. Where are we to suffer in this life? What happens to everyone happens to me.

'O black-headed man, beware! If you don't pay attention, if you don't control the global warming, the weather can take such unexpected and terrible turns that half of your humanity will be wiped out before you even know it!'

Not quite such a prophecy, but a dire warning was uttered in a book called 'The Coming Global Superstorm'. Art Bell and Whitley Strieber, two studious authors, published this book together in 1999. The book was later made into a superduper hit disaster film in Hollywood, The Day After Tomorrow (2004), which grossed $552 million at the box office.

What is in this book and in the movie? Why are we remembering these two today? Before answering the second question let us come to the first question. Mankind used to believe that the Himsheelas (glaciers) of the polar region were eternal, that they would remain intact forever. The fact is that these glaciers have started to melt due to the global warming monster that mankind has created. The central idea of ​​the book and the film is this: If the 'natural watchdog' called the Gulf Stream, which 'traps' cold air particles, breaks down, the temperature of the Northern Hemisphere, particularly parts of North America, Europe and Asia, could drop significantly, resulting in Millions of people can lose their lives due to deadly cold and other natural disasters. The news of Mokan is:

Instead of making the mistake of thinking that the Gulf Stream 'collapse' will begin in centuries, a study says it could start as early as a year and a half, as early as 2025!

What exactly is the Gulf Stream? What does it have to do with the climate of North America and Western Europe? We have all learned about warm currents and cold currents of ocean water in geography class at school. Equator is an imaginary line that passes right through the center of the Earth and divides it into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. Since the equator is directly exposed to the sun, the heat is highest here, so the ocean waters in this region are also obviously warm. If you think of the ocean as a giant container, warm water is lighter in weight, so it stays at the top in this ocean pan. Cold water is heavy in weight so it settles at the bottom of the container. Winds pull the warm water above the ocean's surface towards the poles. Due to this, the movement that occurs in the sea water is called 'hot current' or 'hot stream'. One such warm current is the Gulf Stream, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Now imagine the reverse situation. In the polar regions covered by huge glaciers, the cold water is obviously far below the icy surface. The rotation of the earth is something that causes the cold water from the polar regions to move downwards towards the equator. For example, the Labrador Current of the Atlantic Ocean. Thus, nature has designed such that the warm currents of the sea flow towards the cold regions and the cold currents flow towards the warm regions. Warm currents warm the temperature of cold regions (such as the Gulf Stream, which relieves extreme cold in the Americas, Western Europe), while cold currents help keep the climate of warm regions cool or tolerable. In sum, extreme cold and extreme heat do not occur on Earth and the temperature remains under control.

The Gulf Stream can also be thought of as a blanket. Understand that the Earth has a blanket called the Gulf Stream, which protects the lower part of the Earth from the icy air of the Arctic Continent or North Pole. What has happened now is that as the glaciers begin to melt, their cold water is continuously added to the warm current of the Gulf Stream. So the temperature of this water is gradually decreasing. As the temperature of water decreases, its ability to 'hold' cold air becomes progressively weaker. The warm blanket will absorb a lot, but there will come a point when it will respond, the warm blanket over the earth will be pulled away. The result? Super Storm! Devastating storms of bone-chillingly cold air would sweep across the Earth's northern hemisphere and wreak havoc.

The Gulf Stream originates in the Gulf of Mexico. From there, the flow passes through Florida and the entire East Coast of America and then turns towards Europe. This warm water affects the weather patterns of the entire route. The water in the Gulf Stream is around 25 degrees Celsius, moving at a speed of 2.5 meters per second. The heat produced by this warm water mass reduces the cooling of the North Atlantic and European regions. Gulf Stream water also carries with it some nutrients and salts.

Now, if the gulf stream heat is reduced due to the addition of cold glacier water, the temperature of North America, Europe and some parts of Asia may drop by 10 degrees Celsius in the coming years. It can have very serious consequences, such as an increase in the number of storms, rising sea levels, gradual inundation of coastal towns and villages, tsunamis.

In 'The Day After Tomorrow', cities like New York and Los Angeles are devastated by sudden extreme climate change and the onset of the Ice Age. Of course, this is a fictional film and the scenes of destruction produced by computer-generated special effects are chilling, but the fantasy is ultimately an exaggeration of a scientific fact. Scientists have estimated that the Gulf Stream will lose its warmth due to melting glaciers between 2025 and 2095. In that study, the data of sea surface temperature from 1870 till date has been calculated and then based on that the future has been predicted. Not only polar ice caps, our Himalayas are also melting.

Another current of warm water similar to the Gulf Stream is known as the Kuroshio Current. Its warm water flows from the eastern coast of Japan to the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The Agulhas Current is a warm water current that originates in the Indian Ocean, flows through the eastern coast of South Africa into the Atlantic Ocean. Apart from this there is also a Brazilian current. Counting all the currents, small and large, about 19 ocean currents flow in the Earth's oceans and influence the Earth's temperature.

One thing of a hundred is this: Mankind has not yet become serious about the issue of global warming. The horror of the global warning has not gone down in its moisture. It has not made any break in creating pollution. The damage that was supposed to be done to the environment has already been done, but now efforts are to be made to prevent further damage. Even these efforts do not show any sincerity. Conventions are held at the international level, countries from all over the world participate in them, but no concrete results are obtained. People still think that the devastation caused by global warming is a thing of the distant future. Where are we to suffer in this life? What happens to everyone happens to me. Mankind has no concern for future generations. What kind of earth are we going to bequeath to our children?


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