Vaghbhai forest guard's save environment video viral

- You have eighteen bends-octagons

- The popularity of Waghbhai Van Rakshak, who squeezes a plastic bottle out of water with his teeth, soared overnight that Raja Singh proposed to make him an MP in the next election.

'What a story! Fantastic campaign!' Ullubhai Avalchanda, the famous video critic of Jungle, shared a video and wrote this in the caption, and the video went viral. Videocritic Ullubhai made a name for himself in the field. Ullubhai condemns whomever everyone praises and Ullubhai praises whomever everyone condemns. He was known as Ullubhai Avalchanda in the forest in view of his outstanding avalchanda.

The video that Ullubhai shared was of Vaghbhai Van Rakshak. When Waghbhai went to drink water, he found a plastic bottle in the water. If there was any small organism, the tiger would have eaten it without the slightest concern for the balance of the environment and the ecosystem, but this matter was of the bottle. He got very angry. He immediately bit into the bottle and threw the plastic bottle away. So this incident was quite ordinary. Many forest dwellers work day and night to maintain cleanliness in the forest by collecting bottles. If there are videos of such jungle dwellers picking up the bottles which the jungle dwellers carelessly waste and throwing them in the garbage, if hundreds of videos are circulated on social media every day, where do the jungle dwellers have time to watch?

The video was special because a member of the Wagh Samaj picked up one of the hundreds of bottles and moved it away, and what was even more special was that video critic Ullubhai Avalchanda praised the video. Ullubhai Avalchanda described Waghbhai as a 'forester'. Ullubhai advised that all forest dwellers should be active like Vaghbhai to save the environment. Ullubhai had a huge fan-following on social media. After the video went viral, there were interviews of Waghbhai Vanrakshak. Questions were asked as to where he got such a wonderful idea to remove plastic bottles from water and the statement given by the Vaghbhai forester in response was set in the WhatsApp status of hundreds of jungle dwellers.

Waghbhai Vanrakshak was often seen saying: 'Since childhood I wanted to do something to protect the forest. I finally got this opportunity. Saw a plastic bottle and I removed it from the water and did a great job of protecting the environment.'

As Waghbhai repeated words like climate change, climate crisis, save water, save trees, his campaigning was completely frozen. Collecting bottles every day, he did not know words like climate change, climate crisis, global warming, so he did not get the recognition of 'Forest Ranger' that Waghbhai got. Seeing the popular trend, the president of Akhil Junglee Vaghsamaj, Tigerbhai Torsama, immediately organized a ceremony to honor the Vaghbhai forester. Maharaja Singh was busy in election meetings and could not come, so his video bite was arranged.

Maharaja Singh got a chance to please the Waghsama before the elections. He sent a very long video. Which meant something like: 'Comrades! The tiger community has a great contribution in the overall development of the forest. The hunting ability of tigers is unique. It is because of them that balance has been maintained in the forest. Tiger society has changed over time and the latest example is the tiger ranger. This young tiger has shown the entire forest that a single tiger can destroy plastic from the forest if it is determined. I am proud that such a young tiger is in our forest and that time I am the king of this forest. Vande junglem, jungle mother ki jai!'

The popularity of Vaghbhai Forester increased. Followers in social media were constantly increasing. Raja Singh assigned the task of surveying to the rangers, who opined that if the Vaghbhai Van Rakshak were to be fought from the tiger's territory, he could win. Raja Singh liked it. Maharaja Singh proposed to Vaghbhai Van Rakshak to contest the election, thinking that if only a tiger gets a ticket from a tiger area, then the seat is ripe.

Some who closely observed the entire incident realized that the Vaghbhai ranger taking out the plastic bottle from the water must have been part of the planning, because where did the video that went viral come from? Who made it?


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