Let the voice of truth be loud, then the world is only its echo

- Religious zeal sometimes casts the innocent into the furnace of crime

- Khwaja Hasan Nizamisaheb ran out of the house. He saw that his aged son-in-law, Khawaja Ahmad Sadiq, was pierced by a bullet and fell down! Fountains of blood were flowing. He passed away in a few minutes

- Ek pal ke liye tum safar mein mille,

Fir kabhi na muze umra bhar mein mille.

One day a Delhi newspaper received a call: 'Swami Shraddha Nandji has been murdered, the murderer has been caught. You come right away.'

The journalist left the telephone receiver back immediately. In a few minutes they reached the residence of Swami Shraddhanandaji. Here, Swami Ramanandji, who took responsibility for all the work of Swami Shraddhanandji, was present. It was he who informed this journalist by phone.

Shri Shraddha Nandaji, a talented and enormously brilliant Swami, was passed away in the continent. The brightness on the face, the strength on the face and the determination on the shoulder were still his! As if they were laughing, laughing and saying, 'The killer could not kill me, I became immortal!'

Seeing this magnificent human body, the seer used to say, 'Amar tu Marne Re! Blessed Shraddhananda Swami!'

The killer-murderer, who came to preach in a frenzy, was in police custody against Abdulrashid. His revolver was seized and the bullets of that revolver were bleeding from the wound in Swamiji's body, like a spring of water flowing from the mountain!

Police Inspector Sheikh Najirul Haq was investigating the matter. A large crowd of people was gathering, there was great excitement in the atmosphere. A wave of frenzy was spreading in all directions.

People were talking about nothing, they were making up some kind of talk. A brother, who was a very influential person, said, 'This black work belongs to Khwaja Hasan Nizami. Abdul Sheed is his servant and agent.'

By placing small sparks in the pile of liquor, preparations were being made for the explosion. This time to cast a letter against the opinion of the masses was to risk one's life.

A reporter from a telephone invitation looked at Abdulshid and told the crowd, 'I know this man.'

Do you know him? Khwaja Hasan Nizami is also your friend, so you must know him.' The crowd took the journalist's words as evidence.

'I firmly believe that this man committed the murder,' continued the journalist.

'A bracelet does not need a mirror. The murderer has been arrested with the revolver, but the truth is that the mastermind behind the murder remains behind the scenes. This man has become a camel to demolish the fort. Pushing elephants are another. Those elephants may be arrested.'

People talked about this in different kinds of songs. He wanted to kill the innocent by gathering the good in his co-panel. The fire of revenge was burning in the mind. He was very eager to burn someone fast.

Patraka 2 Mahashay said without feeling any fear, 'Abdul Sheed I have worked there as a clerk. I have experienced his religious madness. So I put the responsibility of this bad work on his head alone. Our religious zeal should not be such as to plunge the innocent into the furnace of crime, and we ourselves stand as criminals in the court of truth.'

The reporter added, 'Abdul2shid has worked as a clerk in my office for some time. I would often assign him the task of copying. Once there was news from Afghanistan. Shah Amanullah Khan there married some people of Ahmadiyya sect. Sangsar means stoning the criminal to death! In this twentieth century, in the name of Madhhab or creed, because of differences, such punishments should happen, I did not like. I wrote an article criticizing the Afghan government. I assigned the murderer Abdul2shid to copy this article.

'Abdushid came to me with that article in a few minutes. His face was like hot copper. He told me, 'I will not be able to prepare this article. You are a Sikh, a non-Muslim. You have no understanding of Muslim law (Shariat). It is a religious duty to marry such people.'

The journalist paused for a while and continued his story and said, 'I dismissed Abdulshid on that day by paying his salary. Then he went to Afghanistan in hijra. He was ready to do anything in any religious fanaticism. He calls such work a religious duty. Returning from Afghanistan, he brought a revolver with him for this work. No one else has done this work to him, only madhhab has done it. Now there is no point in gathering sugarcane and throwing it into the ground.'

These words of a Sikh journalist and the silence of Swami Ramanandji stopped the crowd from going the wrong way. On that day truth won over communalism. The sanctity of the shed blood was preserved.

This is after a few days. One day, the evening sun had set, it was getting dark, and there was a shooting in front of Khwaja Hasan Nizamisaheb's house. The motor was standing ready near the garage. A householder was standing there. The bullet was fired from close range. The person standing there fell on the ground with a pitiful cry! The unknown killer ran towards Mirja Ghalib's grave. The darkness helped to hide it perfectly.

Soon Khwaja Hasan Nizamisaheb came running out of the house. He saw that his aged son-in-law, Khawaja Ahmad Sadiq, was pierced by a bullet and fell down! Fountains of blood were flowing. He passed away in a few minutes.

The killer was missing. The darkness of the night was dark. Many people gathered in Jotjota. Relatives and relatives also came. A Sikh journalist friend who was present at the death of Swami Shraddhanan was also informed. He was a friend of both.

Controversy ensued as to who the killer could be. Some strict people said, 'There must be a prominent Hindu.'

The consideration of giving the names of which Hindus to the police is going on. At that time the journalist reached there. They saw all this color, saw the spirit of convicting the innocent, immediately took the Nizamisaheb to a private room and questioned, 'Do you know the murderer? Have you seen?'


'Do you think it will be a Hindu?'

'No, Sadiqsaheb has a generational vendetta with a Muslim family. There must be a man of that family too!'

'So giving the name of a Hindu will be suitable for faith, right?'

'No. I know your theory. Police Inspector Sheikh Saheb has told me the case of Swamiji's murder. Those who were ready to harass me were stopped only by giving the right advice. We often recall that case. At that time Dahe really showed great bravery,' said Khwaja Hasan Nizami.

'I want the answer of that soldier from you in the manner of a soldier,' said the Sikh journalist, 'the time of examination for a man does not come every day, it comes only once in a while. A man must pass it. If you believe that the culprit is a Hindu, you say so, otherwise let the police find the culprit.'

A police investigation began, the search for the killer began. Finally a Muslim relative was caught for this crime. There was a generational feud between the two families. This work was done due to internal revenge. The case went on in court. Without sufficient evidence, the accused was given the benefit of the doubt. It was released, but the growing chain of lies stopped. The lamp of faith was preserved.

Once man raises the voice of truth and reality, the world is only its echo.


Salary less, but income one hundred times

In class, the teacher asked the students to write an essay in their homework. The subject of this essay was 'The person I like most in this world.' The next day the students came after writing their essay. The teacher asked the students one by one to read their essay.

The essay of a little girl named Roma was very good. He described his father as his favorite person in the world. He then described the qualities of the father and wrote beautifully about his feelings.

The teacher congratulated Roma and said, 'Roma, I give you the highest marks because your essay is the best. In it you have described your father's nature and qualities very accurately. When a little girl like you gives such a beautiful description, one really feels like giving compliments.'

After saying this, the teacher naturally asked, 'Come on Roma, you have read and narrated this nice essay to your father, haven't you?'

Roma said, 'Sir, do you need to read? My father himself has written this essay.'

This reminded us because this country has a history of corruption like Roma's father. Let the father write an essay praising himself. In this way, today there is heavy bribery in the agencies that investigate bribery. Scam investigators create new scams. Government employees who do public work run the business of bribery instead of working.

According to a news report, corrupt employees get their salary for their work, but they get 100 times less than that through bribery. Cases of bribery of leading politicians, some state chief ministers, ministers and investigating officers are being disclosed every day. The situation has become such that the fence swallows dirt. Some minister scams ration in the name of cheap ration, some scams billions of rupees in the name of Mohalla clinic without patients in the clinic. Where leaders, officials and contractors are the only ones doing corruption, what can anyone else say? How can this corruption stop when the employees who investigate corruption are immersed in it?

On one hand the country marches towards progress, on the other hand corruption plunges it into the pit of degradation.


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