Don't care too much about someone's feelings...!

- Elon Musk's different approach to running a company efficiently

- Synopsis d. Bhatt

- Part-5

- Martin Eberhard sued Elon Musk for defamation

- Musk said to the CEO of Tesla, now I should have both hands on the steering wheel

Musk is not a good man, says Marcus. His behavior with people is not good. Once Marcus talked about this issue and said to Musk, 'You have a bad temper, but people won't tell you the truth face to face because you scare people.

Marcus didn't know if his "brain wiring" was responsible for Musk's rude and aggressive behavior with staff or something else? Does Marcus mean that "Asperger's Disorder" is responsible for Musk's bullying of staff? Would such behavior be beneficial when the mission is more important than the sensitivity of the people or staff in running the company? Musk probably falls into this category.

I believe Musk really has "no connection" with people, Marcus says. (I think he honestly does not have any connection with people at all).

Against this kind of opinion of Marcus, Musk says that being too liberal or sociable with people becomes a weakness or weakness for a leader or top executive.

Musk further says that Michael Marcus never fired anyone from the company.

Talking to Markus in detail about this issue, Musk said that, from the approach of being friendly with everyone, you tend to care too much about the feelings / feelings of the person in front of you. This causes you to care too much about the feelings and emotions of your supplier, a staff member, or the person in question, instead of caring about the overall success of the company.

Musk's logic can be considered true and practical because your attention towards the progress of the company is reduced due to your desire to keep everyone happy.

But on the other hand the reality was that Marcus himself was also a very successful person in the industry sector. It is natural for them to have pride and self-respect of their achievements. So they could not tolerate Musk's behavior.

He says that Musk used to treat me as if I was a child / child but I am not a child, I am not a child. I am older than him. I also ran a 25 billion dollar company.

Amid such circumstances, Marcus left Tesla within a short period of time.

Although Marcus admitted after leaving Tesla that he should have control over all aspects of manufacturing, Musk has been proven right about the benefits of such an approach.

After Marcus, Musk described a 'tough' CEO as Tesla CEO. Former Israeli paratroop officer Zeev Drori had a successful name in the semiconductor industry. But despite all other qualifications and achievements of Zeev, his one negative aspect was that he had no experience or knowledge of the car industry.

Within a few months, Tesla's senior executives grew weary of the new CEO Ziv, not wanting to work with them because Ziv had no particular knowledge of the car industry. Therefore, the seniors of the company presented this question at a high level and a board member of Tesla, Ira Ehrenpreis, made Musk aware of this confusion and difficulty of the staff, and by sending Ziv from the position of CEO, he himself, i.e. Musk himself, became the CEO and successfully put it down Musk's throat.

Musk called Zeev Dori. Highly diplomatic and pragmatic, cleverly put, I think I should have both hands on the steering wheel now. I don't like both of us driving together.

Zeev Dori, who understood Musk's words, proudly resigned as Tesla's CEO, and then Musk became Tesla's official CEO in October 2008. (Till now he was doing Back Seat Driving behind the official CEO of Tesla..!) Now he took the full steering wheel in his hands.

In the one year period of 2007-2008, three CEOs of Tesla changed and after that Musk took over all the business of Tesla in his hands.

Another notable fact is that Martin Eberhard and Mark Tarpening, one of the original five founders of Tesla, left Tesla completely in January 2008. Nine months later, Musk became Tesla's CEO and laid off 25 percent of the company's total workforce...!

However, after all these changes, controversy also started. Eberhard and Tarpenning, who left the Tesla company, also alleged that we were forced to leave the Tesla company we founded.

More serious than such allegations is that on May 29, 2009, Martin Eberhard filed a defamation/defamation suit against Elon Musk in the Superior Court of San Mateo County, California. In this court case against Musk, Eberhard also alleged that, "Musk has ruined Tesla's "financial health". In addition, Musk ran a campaign against me in newspapers, and TV channels, which damaged my reputation. He also made any kind of comments against me in the papers.



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