Change the name of Aadhaar card to BJP card and that's it

- Agdam Bagdam-Baba Adam

- In the matter of joining the BJP, the slogan of opposition unity should be raised

A Congress leader said in a loud voice, 'Look, the law of the world is that those who have come must go one day, all the people who are here today are not going to stay among us sometime. '

Another leader Vankaya, 'Are you pushing philosophy or are you making a big announcement that you are going to join the BJP tomorrow?'

The third leader started laughing, 'Lya, what's wrong with joining the BJP? Everyone is ashamed. Leave it too.'

The fourth leader frowned, 'Bhai, shame has left the day he entered politics. Now there is no space left to put anywhere.'

The fifth leader says, 'Only the high authorities have the right to push all kinds of philosophies into immortality. The rest of the country has to accept whatever is said.'

A leader covers his face with a handkerchief and says, 'Do you want to eat or sit?'

The scruffy leader roared again, 'That's it. Too much happened. Being in the opposition, the public's taunts and jokes, the police baton and the summons of the ED have all been sold, now the time has come to join the ruling party and collect everything.'

That loud leader says, 'Let's all make a collective submission to the BJP that if you continue to destroy two-four, two-four leaders, then when everyone's turn comes, another four generations will leave.'

Smiling again, the smiling leader says, 'You are a true Congressman if you have considered four generations.'

The crooked leader says, 'Let us give an ultimatum to the BJP that such loose recruitment will not work. Settle all on a collective basis. One wound and two cuts.'

The smiley leader says, 'Not two pieces but twelve hundred pieces. Two per cent of all the contracts of all of them.'

The fifth leader says, 'Brother, Congressmen, don't be selfish in two percent participation. Other surviving opposition parties are also present in the country. Even in the matter of joining the BJP, the slogan of opposition unity should be raised.

A staunch Congressman says, 'Congress invented Aadhaar card, but BJP invented that those who oppose Aadhaar card are traitors.

Now the BJP should convert the Aadhaar card into a BJP membership card. The entire country will automatically become a member of the BJP.'

Another leader says, 'Why Aadhaar card alone? Make the name of the passport also BJPpass.'

A leader gets excited and says, 'If the name of PAN card is also changed to BJP card, then we will get rid of the hassle of income-tax accounting. The party will take care of everything.'

However, hearing this proposal with PAN card, the opposition meeting broke up with cries of Nahieeee.

Adam's crotch

In BJP, there was a scheme to become a party member by making a missed call, Kamal Nath's missed call also misfired.


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