Alliance efforts between Leader of Opposition Sasalabhai and Chief Minister Kachbabhai Kakalatia

- You have eighteen bends-octagons

Once there was a running competition between a hare and a tortoise. The hot favorite to win, the Hare got a little lazy and the Tortoise pulled off a major upset to emerge victorious. The race became so famous that generations after generations kept giving examples of it in the forest. On that day, today's hour - turtles, considered lazy, sat in awe. Kachbas society remembers its conquering ancestors and gives examples of its prowess even today. Although rabbits are fast and energetic, they still listen to the taunts of the forest dwellers. With that victory, the turtles developed economically, educationally, wildly and politically to such an extent that the descendant of the turtle who won the contest, Kachbabhai Kakalatia, became the Chief Minister of a region of the forest. A frequent agitator, he was the first to raise his voice against the decisions of Raja Singh's government and was adept at sticking his neck out when faced with responsibility, earning him the respectful nickname of 'Kakalatia'.

Apart from Kakalatiya Maharaja Singh, this Kachbabhai opposed the leader of the opposition, Sasalabhai, and started influencing one region after another by calling himself the third strongest option for good governance in the jungle. The calculation of the tortoise was such that if the politics of Sasalabhai were to end completely, there would only be competition against the lion in the jungle. Also, when the lion comes of age, an opportunity arises for the turtle brother Kakalatia to become the king. One can benefit from the fact that turtles come with a long lifespan.

The hares and the tortoises fought in different ways and challenged Maharaja Singh, but Bey Singh and his political advisors would fall head over heels against Bearbhai's electoral strategy. Singh's government had arrested and imprisoned Kachbabhai's supporters and Kachbabhai's turn could come anytime. Knowing the time, Kachbabhai prepared to form an alliance with Sasalabhai. Sasalabhai was also eager to unite the opposition leaders and defeat Maharaja Singh. A meeting was arranged between the two.


'Rabbit brother! It will be beneficial if we fight the lion together.' Kachbabhai poked his entire neck out of the shield.

'Singh will lose with our coalition? Why should I believe this?' Sasalabhai asked, rolling up his sleeves.

'How many legs does a lion have?' Kachbabhai Kakalatia asked a counter question, adjusting the muffler around his neck.

A lion has four legs. Do you think I'm a fool for asking that?' Sasalabhai got angry.

'And how many legs do you have?' Kachbabhai coughed and asked a new question.

'I only have four legs. You have a meeting to ask all this?' Brother Rabbit yawned.

'How many legs will we have if we form a coalition?' As soon as Kachbabhai asked, Sasalabhai beamed and enthusiastically replied: 'Eight, eight. wow Now I understand your point. If we both run together, the lion will surely lose the race.'

'I was also trying to explain the same thing to you. We can do more with eight legs than a lion can do on four legs and reach the designated camp faster' Kachbabhai slowly extended his neck and added: 'But my bet is that if we don't succeed, you will be responsible for the failure of the coalition!'

'Hey? Meaning? One minute...' Sasalabhai whispered to the advisers.

Kachbabhai Kakalatia craned his neck a little and said, 'I don't like to take responsibility. Basically my nature is to wind my neck. So if we do not get success, no matter how much I blame, you have to listen to it. Because of our previous alliances your ears are used to hearing such accusations, so I don't think you have any problem!'

'Be that as it may, but I will become a king?' Ignoring Sasalabhai's question, Kachbabhai said, 'My second condition is that if I have a problem wrapping the neck after our defeat, you will have to help me put the neck in the shield.'

'Hey? What is this?' Sasalabhai never imagined that the coalition would have all such conditions.

'And yes, my third bet is that...' Before Brother Turtle could place the third bet, Brother Rabbit said in a loud voice: 'Enough, that's enough!' Something flashed in his mind, so he added with excitement, 'You have counted the four legs of Raja Singh, but what about Bearbhai's four legs? I don't know that both of them have eight legs? You think I'm stupid, but I'm smart.' Proudly Sasalabhai said this and then walked away, bemused at his wits.

Advisers of Sasalabhai and Kachbabhai started efforts to hold a new meeting to somehow forge an alliance between the two...


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